Reminder to VOTE GREEN in tomorrow's Elections
The Green Party of Santa Clara County reminds you to VOTE GREEN in tomorrow's primary.
Not registered to vote? You can still go to your County Elections Office to register and vote conditionally until June 5th! You ballots will be processed once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process. Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters, 1555 Berger Drive, Building 2, San José. Learn more HERE.
- Find out your voter registration status HERE
- Polls are open on Tuesday June 5, 7am - 8 pm
- Find your polling place HERE
- Return by mail must be postmarked on or before June 5th
- Personally delivered ballots must be delivered by close of polls on June 5th
- Mailed ballots must be postmarked on or before June 5, and received by your county elections office no later than June 8.
Green Party of Santa Clara County Voting Guide
June 5th Primary Election
GPSCC Endorsed Candidates
Josh Jones (Green) for Governor
Gayle McLaughlin (NPP) for Lt. Governor
Erik Rydberg (Green) for Secretary of State
Michael Ziesing (Green) US Senate (Write-in) e
Barry Hermanson (Green) for Congress San Francisco CD12
Other Corporate-Free GPCA Endorsed Statewide Candidates
U.S. Senate - John Parker, Peace & Freedom Party
Controller - Mary Lou Finley, Peace & Freedom Party
Insurance Commissioner - Nathalie Hrizi, Peace & Freedom Party
Treasurer - Kevin Akin, Peace & Freedom Party
Statewide Propositions
YES on Prop 68: 'Authorizes Bonds Funding Parks, Natural Resources Protection, Climate Adaptation, Water Quality and Supply, and Flood Protection.'
YES on Prop 69: 'Requires That Certain New Transportation Revenues Be Used for Transportation Purposes. Legislative Constitutional Amendment.'
NO on Prop 70: 'Requires Legislative Supermajority Vote Approving Use of Cap-and-trade Reserve Fund. Legislative Constitutional Amendment.'
YES on Prop 71: 'Sets Effective Date for Ballot Measures. Legislative Constitutional Amendment.'
YES on Prop 72: 'Permits Legislature to Exclude Newly Constructed Rain-Capture Systems From Property-Tax Reassessment Requirement. Legislative Constitutional Amendment.'
For details on state propositions, see pages 1 and 10 of the Green Party of Alameda County Voter Guide.
Local and Regional Measures
YES on Santa Clara CA, Measure A: 'By-District Council Elections and Ranked-Choice Voting Charter Amendment.' Learn more here.
NO on San Jose, Measure B: 'Evergreen Senior home initiative' Learn more here.
NO on Regional Measure 3: Bridge Toll' Learn more here.
Vote NO on Measure B - San José Senior Housing
On June 5, 2018, San Jose voters will have the opportunity to vote NO on Measure B. Measure B, also known as the “Evergreen Senior Homes Initiative,” would facilitate residential sprawl citywide—including in North Coyote Valley. Please join us in saying NO to sprawl and NO on Measure B.
Vote YES on Measure A - Santa Clara RCV Election
Measure A is a charter amendment that would allow us to use Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) in all city elections, including for our directly-elected mayor, city clerk, chief of police and city council seats. The city council would be elected from two districts, each with three seats, to help ensure more balanced neighborhood representation. LEARN MORE HERE.
GPSCC May Monthly Meeting - Thursday, June 21st, 7 – 9 PM
Santa Clara City Central Park Library (Sycamore Room)
2635 Homestead Road, Santa Clara, See details here.
Join us and learn about our mission, plans and events for the summer.