Vote Today!
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Voting is taking place today for 124 Green Party candidates. There are 14 candidates for state or federal offices, with the rest running for local offices, including 10 Mayoral candidates. In races earlier this year, Greens won 22 of 66 campaigns.
A full list of our 2017 candidates can be viewed here.
News and results from today's elections is located here.
A list of election night parties is located here.
For those who can't wait for the 2018 campaigns to start
- Tonight's festivities include a campaign kick-off party for Mike Feinstein's 2018 campaign for California Secretary of State.
- The Green-Rainbow Party will hold a campaign school on November 18 in Boston.
- The DC Statehood Green Party will hold it's 2017 Annual Convention on December 9th.
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