2002 Candidate Pledge

We Pledge ...

Today the Green Party candidates for the United States Congress announce the Green Commitment to America to meet the needs of our families, our communities, our nation and our planet. We promise to work for a clean economy, a safe environment, and a strong democracy. We will not accept contributions from corporate PACs. We will run our campaigns with integrity, and will unwaveringly promote issues supported by the American people but trivialized by the other parties:

Crimes against humanity must be dealt with swiftly and justly, in accord with international law and without violating or curtailing civil rights. Peace will be attained through diplomacy, commitment to human rights, and by reducing the gulf between the rich and the poor. The Patriot Act must go, and a Department of Peace must be created. We will end weapons sales to repressive governments, and will demand compliance with UN resolutions as a starting point for peace negotiations.

That so many Americans remain uninsured is intolerable in the most medically and economically advanced nation in the world. An uninsured person is far more likely to die than someone with health care coverage, at any age. The Greens'' single payer universal health care plan will not only provide care for all: it will save money and save lives. Provide full funding for, and guarantee access to, all reproductive health and family planning services.

Allow a voice for all people, understanding that corporations are not people! Provide public campaign financing and access of third parties to government, by revising election laws and implementing Instant Runoff Voting and Proportional Representation. Enforce the Voting Rights Act; end election fraud.

Turn the tide of global warming and assure a safe, uninterrupted supply of energy by drastically reducing fossil fuel use and supporting production of decentralized, renewable energy sources. Fund the rapid shutdown of nuclear power plants; include funds for retraining displaced workers. Jump-start the renewables market through investment policies. Restore conservation measures, including meaningful automobile fuel efficiency standards.

Mandate corporate accountability. End corporate personhood. Get a fair share of taxes from corporations and stop corporate flight to off-shore tax havens. End corporate welfare as we know it. Eliminate trade treaties like GATT, NAFTA, and FTAA: they are abominations that undermine national sovereignty. Implement new treaties that protect communities, business, labor, the environment, and national sovereignty. Require rigorous clinical safety and environmental impact testing of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.

Abolish slave labor and the corporate practice of paying sub-poverty level wages. Refuse trade where sweatshop or prison labor is involved. Protect workers'' right to organize; repeal Taft-Hartley. Reform the tax code to promote sustainable productivity. Tax unearned wealth before income. Develop jobs programs and an inviolable social safety net to protect people during low points in the economic cycle.

End the failed War on Drugs and fund prevention and treatment. Fund public education for all, including vocational and post-secondary schooling. Provide equal opportunity for minorities and women. Abolish the death penalty. Make restitution to historically oppressed groups by providing funding for infrastructure in minority neighborhoods and by committing to eradicating institutionalized racism. Bring back the Equal Rights Amendment. Protect a woman''s right to control her own body.

No trillion dollar first-strike space weapons; no more nonfunctioning helicopters. Drastically reduce the military budget, eliminating all expenditures for offensive weapons. Allocate a portion of the savings to relieve debt in developing countries. Commit our funds to humanitarian, not military aid.

Rewrite corporate charters. Promote local development in order to ensure long-term economic health. Replace petrochemical-based fertilizers with organics, to protect our water supply from toxic runoffs. Ban use of genetically modified agricultural products.

Sign the Kyoto protocol, and adhere to it. Strengthen and enforce environmental regulations. Restore the Clean Air Act standards on coal-generating emissions. Fund studies to identify, and eliminate, the environmental causes of cancer. Fully fund the Toxic Waste Superfund through renewed corporate taxation. Ensure the health of the planet for survival''s sake, and to ensure the health of human beings today. Outlaw patenting of genetically engineered life forms. Include pollution remediation costs in production costs ("eco-taxing"), and phase out non-sustainable production. Repeal the Price-Anderson Act.

The Green Commitment was first made on July 19, 2002, and has been signed by the following Green Party Congressional candidates. Updated September 26, 2002.

Jim Sykes U.S. Senate from Alaska
Russell deForest U.S. House from Alaska
Ken Adams 5th U.S. House District of California
Jay Pond 8th U.S. House District of California
Ray Glock-Grueneich 17th U.S. House District of California
Dave Chandler 7th U.S. House District of Colorado
Ken Seaman 1st U.S. House District of Colorado
Charlie Pillsbury 3rd U.S. House District of Connecticut
Adam Eidinger Delegate to the U.S. House from D.C.
Al Herman 7th U.S. House District of Georgia
Jeff Melton 9th U.S. House District of Indiana
Tim Harthan U.S. Senate from Iowa
Bob Auerbach 5th U.S. House District of Maryland
Eric Borregard U.S. Senate from Michigan
Harley Mikkelson 5th U.S. House District of Michigan
John Litle 14th U.S. House District of Michigan
Ray Tricomo U.S. Senate from Minnesota
Scott Raskiewicz 4th U.S. House District of Minnesota
Tim Davis 5th U.S. House District of Minnesota
Doug Paterson 2nd U.S. House District of Nebraska
W. Lane Startin 1st U.S. House District of Nevada
Aaron Rizzio U.S. Senate from New Hampshire
Ted Glick U.S. Senate from New Jersey
Roger Merle 2nd U.S. House District of New Jersey
Richard D. Strong 6th U.S. House District of New Jersey
Joseph A. Fortunato 8th U.S. House District of New Jersey
Henry Faulkner 13th U.S. House District of New Jersey
John Keenan 2nd U.S. House District of New York
Hank Bardel 13th U.S. House District of New York
Elizabeth Shanklin 17th U.S. House District of New York
Margaret Lewis 20th U.S. House District of New York
Steve Greenfield 22nd U.S. House District of New York
Donald L. Hassig 23rd U.S. House District of New York
Mark Dunau 24th U.S. House District of New York
Rachel Treichler 29th U.S. House District of New York
Frank Doden 7th U.S. House District of Ohio
Mike Ewall 1st U.S. House District of Pennsylvania
AnnDrea M. Benson 3rd U.S. House District of Pennsylvania
Kurt J. Shotko 10th U.S. House District of Pennsylvania
Ben Price 19th U.S. House District of Pennsylvania
Dr. Jonathan Farley 5th U.S. House District of Tennessee
Roy H. Williams U.S. Senate from Texas
Thomas J. Kemper 5th U.S. House District of Texas
B.J. Armstrong 6th U.S. House District of Texas
Joel West 22nd U.S. House District of Texas
Ed Scharf 23rd U.S. House District of Texas
John Petersen 31st U.S. House District of Texas
Carla Hubbell 32nd U.S. House District of Texas
Craig Axford 1st U.S. House District of Utah
Patrick Diehl 2nd U.S. House District of Utah
Bern Haggerty 2nd U.S. House District of Washington
Brian Verdin 4th U.S. House District of Wisconsin