Note from Virginia Co-Chair
Now that the returns are in, I would like to extend on everyone's behalf our congratulations and our gratitude to our many fine candidates in this election.
Particular admiration is owing to Jeff Staples, who garnered nearly 16% of the vote in a safe Democratic district, and to Will King, whose outstanding campaign garnered over 5% of the vote in a tough, highly partisan district.
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St Louis returns
Unofficial results from the race for St Louis Alderman, Ward 2, show Elston McCowan finishing third with 8.6% of the vote.
St Paul Mayoral race
St Paul also has a ranked choice voting system. With 20 of 96 precincts reporting, Elizabeth Dickinson is 4th out of 10 candidates, with 5.92% of the first choice votes.
Unofficial returns from Minneapolis
Initial returns from Minneapolis show that Cam Gordon has been overwhelmingly reelected. Samantha Pree-Stinson and Terry White ran strong, but unsuccessfull campaigns.
Running against 3 other candidates in a Ranked Choice system, White finished second as first choice, second as second choice and first as third choice.
Running against 3 other candidates in a Ranked Choice system, Pree-Stinson, finished fourth as first-choice, third as second choice and first as third choice.
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Unofficial results from NYC Mayoral race
Unofficial results from the NYC Board of Elections report that Akeem Browder finishing 4th.
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Mirna Martinez re-elected
Mirna Martinez becomes the first New London Green ever elected in New London on the Green line only. Not an easy task!
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Cirino to the rescue!
If you’re going to fall down a couple of stairs and sprain an ankle, make sure a mayoral candidate is walking by to drive your car home for you. Rich Cirino For Glens Falls Mayor, Baby!!!!
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Voting Location Discrepancies
Some polling locations aren't mentioning Akeem Browder. If you see any discrepancies contact one of the numbers below. #GoGreenVoteAkeem #Election2017
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NJ is ready for a change
Earlier I had the privilege to vote for @KaperDaleForGov @Lisardurden Anyone on a ballot has a chance at winning, no party is entitled to your vote they earn it, polls are rigged to favor the duopoly & true progressives in NJ are ready for a change #GreenParty #GreenPartyNJ #GPNJ
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The Last Shall Be First!
While the two major party candidates have gotten much of the money and media attention, #GreenParty gubernatorial ticket #LisaDurden4LieutenantGovernor and #SethKaperDale4Governor focuses on New Jersey's most vulnerable residents; People of Color, The Poor and Women & Children. Independent candidates Seth Kaper-Dale and his running mate Lisa Durden joined Chief Political Correspondent Michael Aron on NJTV News to discuss their strategy to engage unlikely voters.
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