Jules Mermelstein needs your help on Election Day
With just one day left until Pennsylvania elects four judges to the Superior Court, the Jules Mermelstein campaign needs your help! As recently reported by Philadelphia Magazine, the number of registered independent and third-party voters in Philadelphia now surpasses Republicans as the second highest portion of the electorate. The Jules for Judge campaign has identified a viable path to victory by targeting independent voters and Jules is the ONLY third party candidate on the ballot.
Jules has lots of momentum heading into November, having recently obtained the endorsement of PSEA, the largest union in Pennsylvania!
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Get Out and Vote!
Tuesday, November 7th is Election Day. While this is considered an off-year for electoral politics, there are 124 Greens running for office across the county. They’re contesting races from school to Governor. So far in 2017, Greens have won 33% of the races they’ve competed In (22 victories out of 66 races).
A full list of Green Party candidates can be found at http://www.gp.org/2017_candidates. A wrap-up of campaigns earlier this year is located here.
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St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Ward 2 race with Green Party's Elston McCowan
The front page of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch today, November 6, has an article about tomorrow's special election for alderperson in Ward 2 which includes Green Party candidate Rev. Elston McCowan.
Rev. Elston McCowan, the Green Party candidate, said he’s the best candidate for the job because of his long history of advocating for people living in the ward.
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Kaper-Dale/Durden have already won!
Newark, NJ -- The "Last Are First" campaign for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey revealed its activities for Tuesday's Election Day, emphasizing continued meet and greets in northern New Jersey, particularly, Newark.
Green Party candidate for governor Seth Kaper-Dale will cast his vote at 10:30 a.m. at the church he pastors, Reformed Church of Highland Park, 19 S. 2nd Ave. He joins Lisa Durden, his Lieutenant Governor running mate, when she votes at 5:30 p.m. at Good Neighbor Baptist Church, 100 Chancellor Ave., Newark.
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Jimenez Opposes Cuomo's Plans to build new gas plants in Sheridan Hollow
Bryan Jimenez, the Green Party candidate for Mayor in the City of Albany, said today that he opposed Governor Cuomo's plan to build new two gas plants in Sheridan Hollow to power the State Plaza.
"We need to stop building any more fossil fuel infrastructure, including plants to burn fracked natural gas, and instead invest in 100% clean, renewable energy. I urge the Governor to halt this project and go back to the drawing board, focusing on how to use geothermal / heat pumps, solar, wind and energy efficiency to power the Capitol of New York.
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Words Do Matter
Editor's Note: This essay is a response by Samantha Lee Pree-Stinson to a flyer produced by one of her competitors (see attached photo).
Yes. They do matter. This is not what being a progressive ally looks like. Black people in this country do not need a handout. We are not all standing around in the streets waiting in a bread line. I will not tolerate this. Ward 3 already has a very low percentage of people of color and acting as if we all need social services is ridiculous.
We do not need another mouthpiece telling us what we need to "get better". As a Black Mexican woman who grew up in the streets of LA, a product of public housing, government cheese, and food stamps. We can do better. Much better. What I did for myself can be replicated en mass for all those who are marginalized.
Taxing the rich is not what is going to address disparities nor make things better for Black Lives. Stop and Frisk is wrong but the root cause of the disproportionate excessive force and deaths is much deeper than that. Community policing model, there are many. Standardized de-escalation training of at least 100 hours will also be critical. Cadet HS programs so that more people from the community can grow up to protect their community. End the 4 year degree requirement. Elect leadership that holds those who serve us accountable.
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Hawkins: Bring the Erie Canal back to downtown Syracuse
The Green Party's Howie Hawkins may have one of the most dramatic development plans of any of the candidates in the race for mayor of Syracuse.
Hawkins' plan starts out with what some of the other candidates want: Interstate 81 replaced by a street-level boulevard, also known as the community grid option. After that Hawkins' plan expands with that community grid joining two other civic and environmental corridors that would crisscross the city. The first one returns Onondaga Creek to its more natural course, complete with hydropower and biological sewage treatment facilities along the way, as well as other waterfront development.
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Volunteers needed to Get Out The Green Vote and Rally on Saturday
We are in the home stretch to Election Day and with your support the Green candidates can win.
The Green Party candidates have been campaigning round the clock, engaging voters about practical solutions to the crises facing Syracuse: City Bankruptcy and Hostile Takeover, Police Repression, School Closures and Service Cuts!
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Party on Tuesday after voting Green!
What is your plan for this coming Tuesday, November 7th?
Today you should call your local Board of Elections to confirm your polling location and then mark it on your calendar with what time you will vote Green Party on Tuesday. The polls are open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
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Four charged with election fraud in PA
It's been over six months since the special election in Philadelphia that saw widespread voter intimidation and election fraud. The people of the 197th have been waiting for any sign that justice will be served and their votes will be counted.
Today, the Pennsylvania Attorney General finally began filing charges. Four election workers at the Esperanza Health Center polling place were charged with election fraud.
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