Green Party Co-sponsors Earth Day Strike 2022, Calls for Gas Boycott April 22
The National Committee of the Green Party of the United States voted on March 27 to endorse and co-sponsor the Earth Day Strike 2022 and Gas Boycott.
The Green Party joins the coalition of citizen activist groups calling for a Gas Boycott as part of a ten-day program of nonviolent action to advance the causes of peace, environmental protection, and social justice from Earth Day, April 22, through May Day.
Green Party of the United States
For Immediate Release:
April 19, 2022
Michael O’Neil, Communications Manager, [email protected], 202-804-2758
Diana C. Brown, Co-chair, Media Committee, [email protected], 202-804-2758
Philena Farley, Co-chair, Media Committee, [email protected], 202-804-2758
Logan Martinez, Earth Day Strike organizing committee, [email protected]
Participants in the boycott are asked to pledge not to fill their gas tanks between Earth Day and May Day. “Our goal is to draw attention to the global problems caused by fossil fuel consumption,” said Logan Martinez, a member of the Ohio Green Party and part of the Earth Day Strike organizing committee. “This is designed to connect the dots between energy consumption and climate change, and the need for fair labor policy, Green jobs, and an end to the wars for oil.”
- Destructive climate change effects, including droughts, severe storms, and sea level rise, will inflict massive damage on the global population unless the burning of fossil fuel is curtailed.
- Environmental damage resulting from fossil fuel extraction will continue if there is no change in energy sources. Fracking, mining, and drilling all harm the local environment.
- Resource wars will become more likely if dwindling supplies of fossil fuels remain the world’s primary energy source. Many nations are already engaged in diplomatic disputes over disputed regions containing fossil fuel reserves, and these disputes could turn into armed conflicts.
- Public health will continue to suffer from the emissions created by the burning of fossil fuels. Ozone, nitrous oxide, organic compounds, and particulates are among the harmful atmospheric pollutants emitted by fossil fuel powered vehicles.
- Economic inequality is aggravated by increasing fossil fuel costs. While the wealthy can afford higher fuel costs, the poor will have less available income as necessary expenditures for transportation and utilities increase.
The political objectives of the Gasoline Boycott include the following:
- End fossil fuel dependency
- End resource wars
- Avert climate catastrophe
- Redirect windfall fossil fuel profits to consumers and green transportation
Participation in the boycott is not intended to disrupt essential travel, such as commuting to work. Those whose car travel is mostly discretionary are encouraged to participate by using alternate means of transportation to suspend gas consumption during the boycott period. To learn more about the Gas Boycott and sign the boycott pledge, go to this website:
A promotional flyer for the Gas Boycott may be downloaded here:
Information on the groups endorsing the Gas Boycott, as part of the Earth Day to May Day Strike, is available here:
The Gas Boycott action is an important step toward increasing public awareness of the problems of continued reliance on fossil fuels. An informed public will bring pressure on politicians to accelerate the transition to green energy and redirect fossil fuel corporate profits to environmentally responsible investments and subsidies for the poor. Join the Gas Boycott and take action to protect people worldwide!
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