Green Party: US must force a ceasefire with an immediate arms embargo
WASHINGTON, DC — The Green Party of the United States said today that the Biden-Harris administration and Congress must use the recent killing of the leader of Hamas as an opportunity to secure a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and Lebanon, starting with an immediate arms embargo on Israel.
“It's long past time for Biden and Harris to stand up to Prime Minister Netanyahu and stop sending bombs and funding to fuel the slaughter of so many civilians in Palestine and Lebanon," said Madelyn Hoffman, co-chair of the GPAX, the Green Party's Peace Action Committee.
For immediate release
Monday, October 21, 2024
Gloria Mattera, Green Party Media Committee Coordinator, 202-804-2758, [email protected]
Scott McLarty, Green Party Media Director, 202-878-2112, [email protected]
"Netanyahu's Machiavellian war crimes, which he's using to desperately prop up his government, will not secure peace for Israeli citizens. Instead, the extermination of Palestinian noncombatants is recruiting more people willing to take up arms," said Hoffman.
The Green Party called for the prosecution of all actors who have perpetrated war crimes as charged by the International Criminal Court's prosecutor, citing the need to halt the continuing escalation of the conflict.
"Our elected officials need to show political courage and place the well-being of Israeli, Palestinian, and Lebanese civilians and American taxpayers ahead of the demands of war profiteers and the corrupt Netanyahu government. The only way to peace is peace, not an escalation of slaughter as the Israel Defense Forces is arguing," said Cassandra Lems, co-chair of the Green Party of the United States.
"Our tax dollars have funded a year of genocide. It's time for the US to stand up for the rule of international law," said Lems.
Greens challenged Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris to stand up to President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Biden and Blinken both have long careers as notorious war hawks.
From the Green Party platform: "We reject the grossly unbalanced financial and military support of Israel by the US while Israel occupies Palestinian lands…. We also reject US political support for Israel and demand that the US government end its veto of Security Council resolutions pertaining to Israel. We urge our government to join with the UN to secure Israel's complete withdrawal to, at least, the 1967 boundaries and comply fully with international law."
The Green Party dismissed as grossly inadequate the recent threat by President Biden to impose an arms embargo in 30 days if Israel fails to improve humanitarian aid to Palestinians.
See also:
• GreenStream: Interviews with Green Women Candidates running in 2024
• Acceptance speeches by nominees Jill Stein and Butch Ware, videos of state and local Green candidates, and more at the 2024 Green Convention
Green Party of the United States
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