Happy Earth Day - Welcome Home from the Green Party of California
Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day by Registering GREEN!
SAN FRANCISCO – In these time of physical separation, the spirit of the human community and gratitude for our beautiful planet is with us all. Today, on Earth Day, please take a moment to reflect on the enormity of our responsibility in protecting and defending our home against greed and destruction.
Indeed this responsibility weighs heavy on the shoulders of all Greens worldwide but we all know a better world is possible and we will continue to work towards making it a reality for all future generations to come.
Join us by using the power of your voter registration to put planet over profit!
If you are not a Green we invite you to Register Green TODAY, on the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. For those who are already Green, please use this link to check your registration then forward it to friends and family and invite them to take this powerful step.
Help support the Green Party of California; Donate (no amount is too small), Volunteer, and Advocate.
Celebrate Earth Day as it goes digital!
#RegisterGreen #RegisterYourValues
Welcome New Greens!
Thank you for joining us to build power in the only party that values people, planet, & peace over profit!
We are organizers that have had enough of the corrupt duopoly and demand change! Throughout the state, we mobilize and speak up on various issues hurting our communities. We run candidates at every level because we need to advocate for solutions, and to be at the table writing and passing progressive policy. We organize together in an independent political party because we know an organization is needed to grow and sustain a progressive movement. Together, we can change electoral politics!
Green registration helps us keep our ballot access in California, please check your registration.
Ask us or your county party questions.
- Some helpful points to know and share with your friends about the Green Party:
- We have 160 Greens In Elected Office across the country!
- Greens do not accept donations from corporations, political action committees (PACs), 527(c) organizations or soft money. We are against corporate influence and control over government, media, and society at large. #MoneyOutOfPolitics
- Materials and flyer about the Green Party of California
Update - Green Party Presidential Nominating Convention on July 9-12 will be VIRTUAL!
The Presidential Nominating Convention (PNC), taking place from July 9th through 12th will be a VIRTUAL convention. The Steering Committee of the Green Party of United States has decided by consensus to approve this recommendation put forward by the Annual National Meeting Committee (ANMC).
This decision was not made lightly. We all look forward to the time each year that we can gather face-to-face, however, the health and safety of all our members must come first. Look for updates, technical details and registration information.
Reminder - Call for Applications for the California Delegation to the National Green Party
Deadline is April 27th!
The application period for a regular election to fill seats on the California Delegation to the Green Party of the United States (GPUS), has begun for eight (8) Delegate seats and nine (9) Alternate Delegate seats, for two-year terms running from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2022. The deadline for applications is Monday, April 27, 2020 at 11:59 pm. To learn more about the Delegation and how to apply, refer to our Delegation page.
Thank you to all the currently serving delegation members for volunteering your time, talents and skills.
Help us turn our Government Green!
Thank you,
Green Party of California