May Day Statement from the Illinois Green Party
May Day is a hugely important holiday where working people celebrate how far we have come and reflect on what labor rights we still have yet to get recognized.
In addition to going to a march or rally today, please consider donating $40 to the Illinois Green Party in honor of the 40 hour work week that was won by working class troublemakers like us a century ago!
Your donation helps us continue to fight for greener jobs, livable wages, and politicians who are accountable to people, not profit.
Because we take absolutely NO corporate donations, it is up to people like you to help keep us going. Any amount you are able to donate is much appreciated!
With gratitude,
Illinois Green Party Outreach
PS: If mailing a check is more your speed, please make it out to Illinois Green Party and send to:
213 S Wheaton Ave
Wheaton, IL 60187