Justice Day to Earth Day
Join us on the Journey and Welcome Home on Earth Day
The Green Party of California invites you to join us in a journey from Justice Day to Earth Day.
What's the connection?
Our country was shaken by the brutal murder of George Floyd in May of 2020. This week on April 19th the jury in the trial of Derek Chauvin, the police officer who knelt on the neck of George Floyd for 9 minutes and 29 seconds, found Chauvin guilty of all three charges of murder and manslaughter.
This is the first time ever in the history of the state of Minnesota that a white police officer has been convicted of murdering a Black man while on duty.
Was this really justice served? We believe that justice is truly served when George Floyd would not have to be murdered. We believe Justice can only flourish in a world without class power and privilege, white supremacy, imperialism, colonialism, ableism, and all other tools of oppression.
The need for justice is an integral part of building societies that put serving human and planetary needs over bowing to capitalist greed and corporate rule.
Justice must be at the heart of the Climate Fight, Healthcare Rights, Workers Struggle, Immigrant Rights, and Racial Equity.
Justice is the only lens through which we can envision a future FOR ALL.
Where do we go from here?
We in the Green Party of California will continue our fight for equity in defense of our BIPOC families and communities and we work towards the next steps in a truth and reconciliation process.
#Ecology ~ #Justice ~ #Peace ~ #Democracy
For Greens, Every Day is Earth Day
Celebrate This Day With Us!
This April 22nd, on the 51st anniversary of Earth Day we honor our generous Mother Earth and commit to sustaining her interconnected ecological systems that nourish all living creatures and can guide us in building community and resiliency.
We in the Green Party understand all too well that the ongoing environmental degradation is perpetrated by the very same capitalists who exploit labor to maximize profits over the safety and lives of their workers.
We invite you and your community to come HOME to the only national political party in the U.S. that acknowledges the rights of nature. Please help us grow our party and increase our Green voter registration in California by sharing this link with your friends and family and inviting them to join the Green Party.
#RegisterGreen #GreenEnter
The Post Capitalism Conference: Building a Solidarity Economy
A Four-day Online Conference April 22-25
What a great way to kick off Earth Day!
You are invited to participate in The Post Capitalism Conference: Building a Solidarity Economy to be held online April 22-25.
This will be a virtual convening of folks engaged in transformational social change using tools and strategies to create an explicitly post-capitalist society using the “Solidarity Economy” framework. The approach is grounded in the following core principles:
- Solidarity, cooperation, mutualism
- Equity in all dimensions–race/ethnicity/nationality, class/gender/sexual orientation
- Participatory democracy
- Sustainability
The conference will offer 21 sessions facilitated by movement leaders, practitioners, and scholars. Panelists include Greens, David Cobb (Cooperation Humboldt), Gloria Mattera (Green Party of NY), Margaret Kimberly (Black Agenda Report), and Melezia Figueroa.
They will be joined by many prominent progressive luminaries: Rick Wolff (Democracy at Work), Emily Kawano, (US Solidarity Economy Network), Chase Iron Eyes (Last Real Indians), Nati Linares (New Economy Coalition), Kali Akuno (Cooperation Jackson), Kaitlin Reed (Humboldt State), David Korten (Yes! Magazine), Mike Strode (Koala Nut Collaborative), Trinity Tran (Public Banking Alliance), Ramon Torres (Cooperativa Tierra y Libertad), ) and many more!
Learn more and register at https://events.eventee.co/detail/post-capitalism-conference-8356
"We Need a REAL Green New Deal"
THURSDAY, April 22, 5 - 6 pm PDT (7-8 PM CT)
Chris Blankenhorn, Illinois Green Party (ILGP) Secretary and Hawkins/Walker 2020 Tech and Social Media Director, will be going live to discuss Howie's Ecosocialist Green New Deal, how it differs from the Democrats (now unmentioned) Green New Deal, and what we need to do to organize to win a REAL Green New Deal.
You can read about the Ecosocialist Green New Deal at hawkins20.us/egnd
FB link for the stream: https://www.facebook.com/351568311529758/posts/4338880226131860/
YouTube link for the stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amB_1mJ87aY
Twitter will appear on the ILGP Twitter account at the time of the stream: @ILGreenParty
GPCA Endorses SB 467
Call to Action!
Senate Bill 467 (Wiener, Limón) Oil and gas: hydraulic fracturing, setbacks..., was introduced to CA legislation in February 2021 to ban fracking and other destructive oil extraction methods and to require setbacks between oil extraction and homes and schools in California. The bill also prohibits all new or renewed permits for oil and gas extraction within 2,500 feet of any homes, schools, healthcare facilities, or long-term care institutions such as dormitories or prisons, by January 1, 2022.
Not surprisingly, the top four oil industry lobbyist employers - Western States Petroleum Association, Chevron, Aera Energy, and California Resources Corporation - spent over $10 million last year to advance their interests and they are using their influence to defeat this bill because it is the most progressive and definitive environmental justice bill taken up by the CA legislature to date.
467was amended but is now in jeopardy unless just ONE more of the senators on the Senate Natural Resources Committee can be convinced to vote for the amended version so that it will be reconsidered by the committee on April 27!
Please help get AB 467 to be reconsidered by the Senate Natural Resources Committee by making these three phone calls BEFORE 4/27 and urge #YESonSB467
Senator Eggman - (202) 618-4297
Senator Hertberg - (218) 209-4082
Senator Hueso - (844) 672-5067
GPCA Endorses SB 357
Where Does Your Rep Stand on SB 357?
Senate Bill 357 (Wiener) -Loitering for the purpose of engaging in a prostitution offense, would repeal what most in the LGBTQIA and allied communities have termed California’s own “Walking While Trans” Law. This bill could repeal California’s harmful anti-loitering code, in place since 1995, the law makes it a crime to be “loitering with the intent to solicit as well as directing, supervising, recruiting, or aiding a person who is loitering with the intent to commit prostitution.” Senator Weiner notes that these laws are being used by police for targeted persecution of Black and Brown people, especially in the trans community.
Anti-loitering laws in California have targeted Mexican-American men as far back as 1855. In California, there still remain laws that assign criminality to Black, Brown, and Latinx people before they have even committed a crime, so women from these and other marginalized communities are most at risk for abusive contact with law enforcement. SB 357 provides the opportunity to remove one reason for a cop to target women of color, while also allowing those who have been arrested for “loitering with intent to commit prostitution” to have that arrest removed from their records.
Do you know where your representatives stand on AB 357?
Find out and urge them to VOTE YES on SB 357.
Look up your CA legislature's contact information.
Green Party of California General Assembly
Saturday, June 19 - Sunday, June 20
Mark your calendars! The Green Party California will hold a statewide General Assembly. This is the primary decision-making body of the GPCA and consists of delegates from each active county organization. All Greens are welcome to attend this online meeting.
We will share more information when available, so keep an eye on our GA webpage for details coming soon.
Contact us to share YOUR county Green Party online events so we can share them widely!
Help us turn our Government Green!
Thank you,
Green Party of California
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