October Greenstar
Challenging Discrimination This Hispanic Heritage Month
Each year when Hispanic Heritage Month rolls around (September 15 to October 15), we have the opportunity to spotlight and celebrate the many cultures that make up the Hispanic, or Latino, or Latinx community (all terms for us that we are not universally in agreement with using. ¿Que sera, sera?). Certainly, we have a lot to celebrate, our varied and diverse communities all contain a richness of heritage, community, and vibrant culture that is reflected in the arts that we create, our traditional crafts, the music that we make, our passionate and joyful dance, and the delicious and varied traditional foods that we produce.
But, as with all the months that are set aside to honor a specific group, this came about at least in part to allay the injustices that each group has endured and continues to endure in our society. Along with the celebrations must come an examination of how the U.S. has, to a significant extent, systematically relegated us to being second-class citizens...
It is necessary to understand the injustices of the past to develop and grow equitable, inclusive, vibrant communities for the future. The visionaries of the Green Party have persistently challenged this country to understand its past, from the discrimination that has driven major aspects of public policy, to the environmental crisis perpetuated by corporate greed, to corrupt and biased election laws, we have stood on the frontlines and demanded justice...
In solidarity,
The Latinx Caucus of the Green Party, [email protected]
P.S. The Latinx Caucus is committed to uplifting and supporting Latinx voices and creating a more diverse, intersectional, and equitable Green Party. Please consider getting involved and let's help our Party grow.
PA Green News
Edited by Chris Robinson
The Gas Adventure That Could Trap Kamala
[From an article in VG by Nilas Johnsen on 9/22/24]
The first of the contradictory statements came when Harris ran for president in the Democratic primary in 2020, and the second from when she was recently pressured to have changed her position in an interview with CNN. Harris claims that "her values have not changed," but that she has realized that other climate measures are more effective . . . .
Chris Robinson, spokesman for the Green Party in Pennsylvania, also believes that Kamala Harris is too unclear, but for the opposite reason. “If Kamala Harris says that her values have not changed, then her values are pure opportunism. She has allowed herself to be seduced by money power, and looks away from obvious damage to the climate, the environment, nature and public health,” he says to VG. Robinson points to an official report which suggests that fracking may be the cause of an increase in blood cancer among children who live near gas wells.
It is believed that the health hazard originates from the chemicals used to break down the shale rock and release the gas. These chemicals can reach the groundwater, say the critics. “In addition, we have a number of cases where methane gas is starting to leak out of natural areas, such as lakes. In some states, there has been an increased risk of earthquakes,” says Robinson . . . .
“The encroachment on nature, by the construction of gas wells, pipelines and roads, disturbs vulnerable birds and wildlife. Often it happens in areas that should really have been protected, such as state game reserves,” Robinson points out.
GPPA State Committee Meeting
On September 22, the GPPA State Committee met virtually-and-in-person in Bradford (a city in McKean County). Green Party delegates from 11 counties voted by consensus to form an election committee to handle internal elections for their 2025 GPPA leadership.
They also broke into small groups to discuss issues for coordinated organizing during the coming year. High on the list were: rights of indigenous citizens, habitat loss and charitable campaigns which embody Green Party values. They also thanked Barbara Laxon for hosting an excellent meeting, and Save our Streams for leading a tour of leaking oil and gas wells.
GPPA Co-Chair on PCN TV
On September 16, GPPA Co-Chair Jeremy Griffin appeared on Capitol Preview, a Pennsylvania Cable Network (www.pcntv.com) program about state issues. Griffin was interviewed along with Gregory Deal, chair of the Libertarian Party of PA and Alan (Bob) Goodrich, chair of the Constitution Party of PA. The three party leaders discussed recent problems with ballot access. The best part comes after the station break.
National Green News
Edited by David Ochmanowicz Jr.
Green Party urges Supreme Court to intervene in Nevada ballot dispute
The Nevada Green Party . . . asked the U.S. Supreme Court to weigh into an election dispute with potentially significant implications in the presidential battleground, asking the high court to pause a state court ruling that would keep candidate Jill Stein off the ballot. Green Party candidates were “ripped from the ballot,” according to the emergency appeal and “Nevadans who would vote for them in this election are robbed of the opportunity to do so.”
Campaign Updates
Edited by Chris Robinson
Green Party candidates who plan to run in 2025 are welcome to contact GREEN STAR at [email protected]
PA STATE-WIDE: The Green Party has endorsed for state-wide office:
Dr. Jill Stein for President of the U.S. and Dr. Rudolph “Butch” T. Ware for Vice President
Jill Stein tells GREEN STAR, “To all of you who truly want to fight the duopoly with an anti-war, pro-people, pro-planet campaign, we welcome you with open arms. @ButchWare and I will never drop out, sell out or stop fighting for you. Let’s dismantle this corrupt duopoly together!”
You may volunteer for the Jill Stein 2024 Campaign right here, https://www.jillstein2024.com/volunteer You may donate to her campaign right here, https://www.jillstein2024.com/donate
Leila Hazou for U.S. Senate
Leila Hazou tells GREEN STAR, “I’m excited to travel around the state to speak with voters about the issues that matter to them. I think we are all struggling right now, in different ways, and I look forward to finding solutions that can improve the lives of Pennsylvanians.”
We may follow Leila’s campaign on her website, https://www.leilaforsenate.com/
Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61558366941475;
Tiktoc, https://www.tiktok.com/@leilaforsenate; and
Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/leilaforsenate/
Richard L. Weiss Esq. for PA Attorney General
Richard Weiss tells GREEN STAR, “I believe Pennsylvania voters want:
- clean water, clean air, and to avoid cancer. If elected, I will pursue those responsible for over half a million uncapped fracking wells in PA and require owners of currently active wells to set aside funds for capping.
- to reduce crime, lower costs to taxpayers, protect consumers, renters, workers, the uninsured, the unhoused, those discriminated against and the disabled. The U.S. has the highest incarceration rate in the world. Prison slave laborers in PA work for corporations for pennies per hour, while their incarceration, food, healthcare, guards, etc. are paid for by taxpayers. Migrants aren't taking anyone's job, prison slave laborers are. I will require payment of market rates for work by inmates. Incarceration will go down when it is no longer profitable.
- their politicians not to be corrupt by taking gifts. I will not be partisan.
- no more genocide in Gaza. I will sue any federal government administration that continues to provide military aid in violation of the Foreign Assistance Act which requires that assistance may not be provided to any state which restricts humanitarian aid, as is currently occurring."
We may follow Richard’s campaign on Twitter/X, https://twitter.com/RichardLWeiss
Richard asks supporters to contribute to the GPPA, which may be done here, https://www.gpofpa.org/donate
The Green Party will have no 2024 candidates for the PA General Assembly.
Team Reports
Edited by Patrick O. McNally
Communication Team Report by Chris Robinson
On September 22, the ComTeam asked the assembled GPPA State Meeting delegates, “Why are you volunteering for the Jill Stein 2024 Campaign? How are you organizing a Green Party in your county? Have you had interesting interactions with voters in your precinct? Please let us publicize your thoughts by sending a draft of your ideas to [email protected] . Thank you.”
Please join the Communication Team right here.
Green Wave Team
Green Wave Team is recruiting volunteers to make the GPPA a minor party. We are also recruiting candidates for 2025 local elections. Join us on slack to support Leila Hazou and Richard Weiss and donate to help us pay for campaign signs for target precincts. https://join.slack.com/t/greenwavepa/shared_invite/zt-2o9mustva-vZdPQNZHX0FchT8SQ5_Z6A
Please join the Green Wave Team right here.
Global Green News
Edited by Hal Brown
Quebec Conference about mental health/climate link
This presentation will focus on the results of a project aimed at developing knowledge on working conditions and mental health problems linked to work stress experienced by personnel mobilized during the floods in Quebec. It includes public security, fire services, public administration (e.g.: Hydro-Québec employees, truck drivers) as well as health and social services. Promising avenues of action that can support stakeholders in terms of mental health risks will also be presented.
GPPA Meeting Date for 2024
All State Web Conferences will begin promptly at noon.
Sunday, November 10, via Zoom
GPPA Communications Team
Issue Credits
Editors: Hal Brown, Patrick O. McNally, David Ochmanowicz, Jr. and Chris Robinson
Contributors: Alex Casper, Jeremy R. Griffin, Leila Hazou, Chris Robinson and Richard L. Weiss
Layout: Hal Brown, Sherri Miller, and David Ochmanowicz Jr.
Graphic Arts: Kevin Richardson
Everything we do is based on our Four Pillars and Ten Key Values. If you find that you share these ideals, come and join the movement.
You can support the Green Party in many ways; however, a monthly sustaining donation helps to fund a solid infrastructure to help local chapters coordinate candidates and provide resources to make their campaigns successful. As little as $3 per month can have a significant impact!
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Join us and help bring about a future where people and planet are valued over profits. We have a new, tiered membership structure that allows you to determine your level of commitment and support. And if you want to get more directly involved, consider joining an action team Work with other committed progressives and activists in activities such as planning events, developing media content, or helping with campaigns.
The GREEN STAR is an official publication of the Green Party of Pennsylvania Communications Team * 2024.
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