This conference call is designed for declared candidates and their key support staff and volunteers.
Join us for a Virtual Campaign School on Saturday, May 9th, 12:00-5:00 PM Eastern.
We will cover a variety of topics in 40 minute modules with Q&A throughout. Come for all of it or join us for the pieces that work for you.
- Organizing Your Campaign / Goal Setting
- Campaign Resources: Money & Volunteers
- Relational Organizing in the time of COVID
- Campaign websites and technology
- Video production at home
- Phonebanking / Textbanking
- Cultivating Media
More details to follow. RSVP below to get the call-in details. The call-in details will be emailed as part of an auto-response to your RSVP and will go to the address we have on file for you. If you uncheck the "send me email updates" box, you will not receive the call-in instructions and you will be unsubscribed from all GPUS communications.
If you do not receive the details, please check your spam/promotions folder and if you still do not have them, email [email protected].
- May 09, 2020 at 12:00pm – 5pm
- Zoom
- 124 people are going
Holly Hart

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