Proposal from Maine Green Independent Party
Whereas, the Green Party in the United States is taking a next step in its evolution;
Whereas the need is widely recognized to clarify and adapt the terms of office of the Steering Committee to meet the new realities of Green Party organizing in the United States;
Whereas the burdens of office are substantial and increasing as a result of the above mentioned development of the Green Party; and
Whereas there is a widely recognized need for expanding the membership of the Steering Committee to meet the expanded tasks required of the Steering Committee;
THEREFORE, we propose that the Steering Committee of the United States Green Party be composed of seven members: two co-chairs, three members at large (that is, members without a specific portfolio), a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Each member of the Steering Committee shall be elected by the Coordinating Committee of the United States Green Party for a term of two years. Each member may serve an additional term, after which he or she shall rotate off with the understanding that after a period of two or more years, he or she may offer to serve again.
The Co-chairs shall consist of one man and one woman.
In the initial election for co-chairs, one shall be elected for a one-year term and one shall be elected for a two-year term. All subsequent elections shall be for two year terms. Thus there shall in the future be an election every year for one of the co-chairs.
Co-chairs shall be drawn from the members of the Coordinating Committee. Once each is elected, the state from which she or he comes shall elect a representative to the Coordinating Committee to replace him or her as their state's representative.
The three members-at-large may consist of one man and two women or of two men and one woman.
The three members at large shall be drawn from the members of the Coordinating Committee.
In the initial election for the three members at large, one member shall be elected for a one year term, one member shall be elected for a two-year term, and one member shall be elected for a three year term. All subsequent elections shall be for two year terms. Thus there shall in the future be an election each year for at least one member at large.
The Secretary and the Treasurer shall be drawn from the several State Green Party members of the United States Green Party. In the initial election the Treasurer will be elected for a one year term and the Secretary for a two year term. Subsequent elections shall be for two year terms.
Thus in the future there will always be a continuing Treasurer or a continuing Secretary in office.
Maine Green Independent Party
Reps Pat La Marche and Tom Fusco