Election Night Watch Party in Philadelphia
Green Party Election Watch Party !!!November 8, 8:00 pm After you finish volunteering at the polls for Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka on election day, join other Green Party members for a
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Election night party with Warren County Greens in Glens Falls, NY
The Warren County Green Party - NY and The 190 Grille + Cinema. are throwing you a party!
Join the Warren County Green Party - NY and their candidates on the eve of Election 2016 at The 190 Grille + Cinema on Glen Street in downtown Glens Falls!
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Local Green Party has full slate of candidates
GLENS FALLS, NY — Glens Falls has long been a stop on the campaign trail for statewide Green Party candidates.
This year, the party is fielding local candidates as well as supporting the state and national ticket. The Green Party has candidates in the local congressional race, two local state Senate races and a local state Assembly race. In two of the races, the Green Party is the only opposition to incumbents.
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How Jill Stein Could Force the Enforcement of Election Laws and Save Us All
Paste MonthlyBy Walker BragmanNovember 4, 2016
On Monday Paste, published an article I wrote in which I asserted that the Clinton campaign was engaged in illegal coordination with super PACS.
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Kshama Sawant on Why She's Voting Green in 2016
Kshama Sawant, spokesperson for Socialist Alternative, supports Jill Stein for president because of her stand for the 99 percent.
Marc Lamont Hill: I'm raising my hand in support of Jill and the Green Party
My name is Marc Lamont Hill and you've probably seen me on CNN, BET, and VH1, as well as other media outlets. I'm a Morehouse College professor and a lifelong activist.
I've been a Green Party supporter for over a decade.
And today, right now, I am giving my wholehearted endorsement to Jill Stein.
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Patch Adams endorses Stein / Baraka
This is Patch Adams. Maybe you remember the film about my life in the 90s starring Robin Williams.
I'm coming to you today in my capacity as a physician.
The media acts like there are only two people running for president.
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Susan Sarandon endorses Stein / Baraka
I've been waiting for any indication that Hillary Clinton's position on the issues that are most urgent to me, has changed. But ...
She does not support the $15 minimum wage.
She shows no support for legalizing marijuana.
She supports TPP.
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Olivia Cáceres addresses Stein/Baraka meetings
Green Vice Presidential candidate Ajamu Baraka shared the stage at two New Orleans campaign rallies with Olivia Cáceres, the daughter of Honduran environmental activist Berta Cáceres. Earlier this year Berta Cáceres was assassinated after being placed on a “hitlist distributed to US-trained special forces units of the Honduran military”.
Speaking of how proud he was to share the stage with Ms. Caceres, Ajamu Baraka said “Olivia was SO appreciative of the campaign and the opportunity to collaborate with us in this way. Here we see again yet another face of the devastation that policies under a Clinton administration have and will continue to cause. In this final stretch remember as Jill says "ITS IN OUR HANDS" and we WILL and have already made history!”
Jill Stein Responds to Daily Beast Smear Attack By Calling for Disclosure of Chelsea Clinton's Role as Director of Beast’s Parent Corporation
In response to an article from Daily Beast reporter Yashar Ali published on October 26, Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein challenged "the willful misinformation and manipulative framing" of the Daily Beast article as "a blatant smear attack and hypocritical attempt to suggest conflicts of interest in my environmental and economic justice-focused campaign."
Dr. Stein noted: “If Mr. Ali is truly interested in conflicts of interest of political candidates and their families, where is his disclosure on the conflict of interest posed by Chelsea Clinton's position as a director of the corporate owner of the Daily Beast, IAC? He has created an imagined conflict of interest, perhaps to distract from the very real, harmful conflicts of interest in the Clintons’ pay-to-play schemes, back-room fundraising, and quarter-million dollar speeches for the predatory banks, health insurance industry, and fossil fuel tycoons, who have directly benefited from Hillary Clinton’s policy record as Senator and Secretary of State, as well as from Bill Clinton’s actions as President.”
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