2017 Candidates to watch

PA Green News

Edited by Chris Robinson

Allegheny Greens Picnic with Human Rights Alliance

2024's Green Party of Texas Precinct Conventions are on March 15th! The time to organize is now, so let's get organized & informed today!

If your area doesn't have an active Green Party group & you'd like to connect, please reach out & let us know what county you're in! If you're the only Green around, ask about the Rural Caucus. If you already have, you'll hear from us soon.

Green Party Leader Supports Rent Control in PA

By Alex Casper (they them)

Early in August, Seattle Socialist City Councilmember Kshama Sawant brought forward legislation to set universal rent control to cap rent increases with inflation. Cornel West, running for the Green Party nomination for president, endorsed the plan. Hundreds of tenants, workers, and union members packed the Seattle City Hall to where attendance was standing room only, but the Democratic Party led city council struck down the bill. West called this bill a “moral imperative,” and I agree...

  • Election results, August 27 petition training, fundraiser

We have results from our special election and exciting news from our new Ballot Access Coordinator!

The Northwest Indiana Green Party (NWI)  joined the crowds in July and marched in the Portage and the Hobart July 4th parades. Through the rain on Saturday in Portage and the extreme heat on Tuesday in Hobart, our dedicated walkers clocked in the miles for our Green Values. Now that we have recuperated from all the exercise we are turning our focus to even more action right here in the region. From our wave of Green we are getting excited for our movement that is growing environmental and social justice. And above that we have two active political campaigns that are pushing towards the November general elections.

  • Latest news from the Pacific Green Party of Oregon

In this newsletter

  • Convention update - deadline Aug 16 to become a supporting member
  • Development of a Strategic Plan
  • Campaign Finance Reform Petition drive update - Hawthorne Fair
  • Oregon Peace Network - forming

The Green Response
DNC Continues Its Failed Experiment

July 31, 2023  —  By Denise Binion, Mountain Party Chair

DNC Chair, Jaime Harrison, recently attempted to undermine Dr. Cornel West’s “third party” run for President, stating that “this is not the time in order to experiment.” Harrison, head of one of the oldest political parties in the world, conveniently ignores the ongoing 235 year experiment of the American political system. This is the two-party system, which is arguably the greatest failure the United States has still yet to resolve.

2024's elections are right around the corner.  The time to organize is now!  The Green Party of Texas wants you organized & informed before the conventions.

If your area doesn't have an active Green Party group & you'd like to connect, please reach out!  If you already have, you'll hear from us soon.

Our First In-Person State Committee Meeting was held June 10, 2023. The future of the Green Party of New York was discussed and an Eco-Action Committee was approved. The GPNY Eco-Action Committee will complement national work on climate and take action around state-level legislation and campaigns. Mark Dunlea is spearheading this committee. To learn more, contact him at [email protected]. During the afternoon session of the meeting, Marco DaCosta gave a talk and slideshow about Greens in Power in Brazil, and presented some ideas that could be used by Greens in the U.S.

This is an exciting time to be Green in Northwest Indiana! From our focus on grassroots action right here in the region, our local group of passionate environmentalists and justice advocates are working hard to make a difference. We will be out again this year at several festivals and parades to share what we have been doing for our communities and the visions we have for improving the quality of our natural environment and the quality of our local communities. Consider joining us as we plan our summer activities to engage and improve Northwest Indiana.