March news from Pennsylvania
The Courage that Came Before
by GPPA Co-chair Sheri Miller
I read a comment in Facebook recently that was a lament about all the protesting that’s been going on. The woman who wrote it felt that these public displays in the streets were disturbing and not the best way to change things. You can imagine the firestorm of comments that followed. I was actually glad this was posted, because the discussion that was generated prompted me to revisit my history as a woman and I developed a renewed gratitude for the courage and sacrifices of those historical women who brought about the freedoms I have today.
The women’s suffragists in the early 20th Century were the first to use the protest march (parade) down the streets of Washington as an effective tool of change. It wasn’t the only tool – civil disobedience in the form of sit-ins, strikes, and defiance of unjust laws were all used to gain public support and pressure those with power to give up some of their control and do the right thing.
Change never comes easily or quickly. It took 100 years after the first meetings for women to achieve the right to vote in 1920. It took another 100 years to overturn some of the worst of the restrictive rules and laws that were used to maintain control over us: like women could not own land, or serve on juries, or keep their own names, or even wear something other than dresses to work or school. Some of these wins were fairly recent. (I can still remember not being allowed to wear pants to public school.) These freedoms (which should have been self-evident) were not just given to us; they were fought for, over the past 200 years.
Women today need to connect to their pasts for understanding and inspiration to find that same courage. Our freedom is precious. We need to be willing to fight to hold on to what has been gained, even if it means carrying a sign in the street. And, although we have won much, we have a long way to go. We need to fight for the future; against inequality, the acceptance and normality of violence against women, and the lack of representation in all aspects of life that affect us – government offices, board rooms, courtrooms. We need to move forward toward a world where women are truly free to make their own decisions for their own lives.
GPPA News Highlights
edited by Jim Beggs and Sheri Miller.
Register Now! GPPA Convention, 3/24 - 3/25
by Tim Runkle
Join us in Pittsburgh for the March 23-24 Convention and business meeting of the GPPA state committee. Greens and supporters across the state come together for this weekend event to be held at the Pittsburgh Mennonite Church in Swissvale, 2018 S Braddock Ave, Pittsburgh, PA You can reserve your seat by registering at We plan to strengthen our activism and electoral campaigns by focusing on bringing a Green New Deal to Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania.
We are excited to include the voices of local community leaders in our workshops touching on the issues of fracking, nuclear energy, demilitarization and oversight of police, good governance, and anti-corruption. To kickoff the event, we will be joined by three voices of the Green Party of the U.S. who will discuss the vision and needs of the Green Party as we approach the 2020 election, Presidential candidates Dario Hunter and Ian Schlakman and three-time NY gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins.
Saturday requires registration and a $40 fee for participation. For those that may not be able to provide a full fee please send us an email at [email protected] for sponsorship by one of our Members. Sunday will include the business meeting for GPPA delegates, and it will be open to the public at no charge. Activities will be held between 10 am and 5 pm, with additional events in the evening.
Green Party of Allegheny County Fundraiser
The Green Party of Allegheny County is having a fundraiser to help support local activities, including their goal to field at least five electoral candidates.
Members of the Allegheny County local are active on many different issues including PNC’s divestment from war, curbing economic dependence on petrochemicals, and developing a platform for a Green New Deal that puts people above profits.
Funds donated will be matched 1:1 by another donor and benefit the Green Party of Allegheny County.
Additional details are available here.
PA Greens call H.R. 1, "Onerous and Deceptive"
"The Green Party of Pennsylvania opposes any provisions in U.S. House Resolution 1 (H.R.1) that would work to vilify or weaken progressive voices, and we are against the proposed changes for the federal matching funds program."
"H.R.1 is a deceptive bill. A quietly tucked-away provision of H.R.1 will make it nearly impossible for anyone outside of the two-party system to run for president. Making it easier for people to vote will NOT improve democracy if the only choices on the ballot are the rich or the chosen!".
Wolf's Plan Won't Restore Pennsylvania by Tim Runkle
In February, the Green Party of Pennsylvania released an in-depth policy statement of why Tom Wolf's Restore Pennsylvania plan won't achieve the goal of restoring the Commonwealth's environment. Key points include:
1) Underfunding and understaffing of the Department of Environmental Protection during the Wolf administration.
2) The state becomes dependent upon a severance tax on shale gas extraction for revenue.
3) An increased approval rate for gas wells and pipelines is not the path for Pennsylvania's sustainable future.
Green Party Gadfly
Beginning in 2008, Mort Malkin, a member of GPPA has been writing "Gadfly," a political satire blog. "Gadfly" pokes fun at those in public life who deserve it. It is free for the reading and the passing on to others. As Mort says, "Laughter is the best political medicine for society."
Team Updates
Communications Report by Chris Robinson
Communications TeamWe hope that you approve of the March GREEN STAR. The Communication Team is still looking for a few good people who want to learn:
- How to post content to;
- How to layout the GREEN STAR on NationBuilder;
- How to post emails to our NationBuilder list;
- How to host our ZOOM meetings.
If you would like to join the Communication Team, please contact me at chrisrecon-at-netzero-dot-net or at 215-843-4256, or sign up here.
Finance Report by Tim Runkle
Finance TeamFinance Team is seeking volunteers who have a drive to connect Greens across the state. The Finance Team has developed a phone-banking plan with the intent that we reach out to every Green in Pennsylvania. Our volunteers will introduce Greens to our statewide organization and help them find their local chapters. We want to offer them a path to participate in the Green Party Membership Program. If you can help, please message us at [email protected] or sign up here.
GreenWave Report by Jenny Isaacs
GreenWaveThe 2019 campaign season is now underway, and the Green Party of PA is actively seeking potential candidates for municipal offices such as township board of supervisors, borough council, or school board and county positions such as commissioner, clerk of courts, and sheriff. An overview of available offices can be found on our Green Wave Website. Please reach out to your nearest coordinator or email Green Wave with questions!
YOU CAN HELP by sharing this call for candidates with anyone you feel represents our Four Pillars and Ten Key Values. If you are considering approaching activists you know about running Green, please begin the conversation with them as soon as possible. Candidates who want to run as Greens must be registered as Greens 30 days before the primary.
Green candidates may start collecting voter signatures for general election ballot access on March 13 this year, and may file their nomination papers any time before August 1. Many municipal offices only require a dozen or so signatures, and on-the-ground conversations about issues important in your community are one of the best ways to grow the Green Party.
With Greens holding 19 elected positions in PA, we rank second in the country (behind only California)! And we have an ambitious goal of running 35 candidates this year. Please help us grow the party and the movement by stepping up to run for local office yourself, or by bringing us a candidate from your community. Our phone calls are the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. It takes hundreds of Greens just like you to make the Green Party work. We are a people-powered party!
National Green News
edited by Dave Ochmanowicz
Greens vs. Greed: The Greens go to Washington!
Greens from all over the USA will join together April 1-5, 2019 in Washington to lobby their congresspeople by asking them to take the the "Public Funding Only Pledge". Additionally, they will be asked to sponsor or co-sponsor a bill in Congress to free our elections from any sort of bribery cash: special interest PAC, corporate or dark money donations. Instead, qualified candidates from every party would get an equal chance in TV, radio and printed ads, debates and appearances. This would allow other voices to be heard and the American voters to be aware of all of their choices.
New London Green Places High 2nd in Race for CT House of Representatives
A Special Election was held on Tuesday, February 26, to fill the 39th district seat, Connecticut House of Representatives, that was vacated by Chris Soto, who has joined Gov. Lamont's administration as Legislative Affairs Director.
The election results were as follows:
Anthony Nolan (Democrat): 963 votes (51.33%)
Mirna Martinez (Green): 535 votes (28.52%)
Goulart (Republican/Independent): 276 votes (14.71%)
Jason Catala (Petitioning): 102 votes (5.44%) (show all)
Forget Red vs. Blue: The Paradigm for the 21st Century is Orange, Purple, and Green
by Scott McLarty, former media director of the Green Party of the United States
"By now, most of us have noticed a paradigm shift that has made traditional political labels obsolete. Red versus Blue (Republican conservative right-wing versus Democrat liberal left-wing) seemed to work for the last century, but it's not working for the mess we're in now."
Continued Climate Chaos: The True Cost of Reliance on Fossil Fuels
Help us stop H.R. 1, the "Voting Rights" bill that restricts voter choice!
Green Party members testify at NY hearing on climate crisis
Global Green News
edited by Sheri Miller
Browsing the international Green news can be very uplifting. Greens are fighting for a brighter future throughout the world and have had many successes around the globe!
Canadian Greens nominate George Orr for 2019 federal election
Mr. Orr, a well-known Canadian journalist, believes he will win. "I'm going to be the Bernie Sanders of the Canadian Green Party," he said. "I am that guy."
The Netherlands is paying people to cycle to work
shared by the Asia Pacific Young Greens Network
GPPA Coming Events
edited by Chris Robinson
(To submit a proposal for your county to organize an in-person state meeting or another local, state-sponsored event, fill out the Event Hosting Application Form.)
Green Party of Wyoming County annual meeting
Please contact Jay Sweeney
Green Party of Philadelphia meeting
For details, please contact [email protected]
March 5, 10:00 am
Neighbors Against the Gas Plants
Appeal hearing, Phila. License & Inspections, 1515 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA
March 5, 6:00 pm
Green Party of Allegheny County meeting
Panera Bread community room, 3401 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh, PA
[email protected]
March 7, 7:00 pm
Green Party of Delaware County meeting
Swarthmore Borough Hall, 2nd Floor Community Room, 121 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, PA; contact [email protected]
March 7, 2019
Chester County Green Party virtual meeting
Please contact Chair Beth Scroggin
March 11, 7:00 pm
Lackawanna County Green Party monthly meeting
2043 N Main Ave, Scranton, PA. Please contact Jen Bruno for details at [email protected]
March 13
Begin to Circulate Green Party Nomination Papers
Contact your local Green Party or GPPA Green Wave
March 16, noon
Hands Off Venezuela!
Lafayette Square, 1608 NW H Street, Washington, DC
March 18, 7:00 pm
Bucks County Green Party Meeting
Jules Pizza, 78 South Main Street, Doylestown, PA
March 18
Montgomery County Green Party Meeting
Michael's Diner, 501 South Easton Road, Wyncote, Pa
March 23 10:00 am through March 24, 5:00 pm
GPPA Convention
Convention and business meeting of the GPPA state committee
Pittsburgh Mennonite Church in Swissvale, 2018 S Braddock Ave, Pittsburgh, PA.
Details above in GPPA News. Reserve your place at
March 30, noon
Protest at Drone War Command
Brandywine Peace Community, Bucks County Green Party, Montgomery County Green Party,
Green Party of Philadelphia, [email protected]
Air Guard Station, Easton Road (#611) at County Line Road, Horsham, PA
March 30, 1:00 pm
No to NATO, War & Racism
Lafayette Square, 1608 NW H Street, Washington, DC
March 30, 6:00 pm
Beef & Beer Dance Party
Fundraiser for 12th Annual May Day USA Celebration,
Endorsed by Green Party of Philadelphia, [email protected]
SEIU Union Hall, 455 North 5th Street, Spring Garden, Philadelphia.
March 31, 1:00 pm
Concert for Peace and Ending War
Franklin Square, 1300 NW I Street, Washington, DC
April 1 thru 5
Green Party Lobby Days
Talk with your Representative about public funding for elections. Visit Washington, DC
April 3, noon
No to NATO, Yes to Peace, Festival
Saint Stephen's Church, 1525 NW Newton Street, Washington, DC
GPPA Meeting Dates for 2019:
March Convention: Saturday - Sunday, March 23-24
May Virtual Meeting/Spring Web Conference: Sunday, May 19th, 12pm-4pm
Summer Retreat: Saturday - Sunday, July 13-14
September Virtual Meeting/Fall Web Conference: Sunday, September 15th, 12pm-4pm
Fall Conference & Celebration: Saturday - Sunday, November 16-17 Web Conferences are online - RSVP to get connection information. The locations for in-person conferences are to be determined. In-person conferences can be hosted by counties, county groups or regions. These events are fundraisers. When hosted locally, the host group receives back half of the revenue after expenses. To apply for hosting, submit your info to our Application for Local Hosting of GPPA State Meetings or GPPA-Sponsored Events. We strive for geographic diversity in reviewing applications, however, all submissions are considered.
Green Party of Pennsylvania Communications Team & Media Committee
Issue Credits:
EDITORS: Sheri Miller, Chris Robinson, Dave Ochmanowicz Jr., & Jim Beggs
CONTRIBUTORS: Jay Ting Walker & Tim Runkle
GRAPHIC ARTS: Kevin Richardson
Everything we do is based on our Four Pillars and Ten Key Values. If you find that you share these ideals, come and join the movement.
You can support the Green Party in many ways; however, a monthly sustaining donation helps to fund a solid infrastructure to help local chapters coordinate candidates and provide resources to make their campaigns successful. As little as $3 per month can have a significant impact!
Sustaining Donation Single Donation Purchase Green Merchandise
Join us and help bring about a future where people and planet are valued over profits. We have a new, tiered membership structure that allows you to determine your level of commitment and support. And if you want to get more directly involved, consider joining an action team. Work with other committed progressives and activists in activities such as planning events, developing media content, or helping with campaigns. Let's join together to make 2018 the year of progressives!
The Green Star is an official publication of the Green Party of Pennsylvania Communications Team * 2019