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Jul 08, 2017
Happy Independence Day to you all. We Greens are big fans of our government being independent from corporate influence, so by principle we do not accept donations from Lobbyists, superPACS and corporations. The Green Party of US is the only party on the ballot in 48 States that can make that claim. If you believe we will not have our democracy back until we eliminate the influence of money on our politicians and policies, then join us in standing for PEOPLE, PLANET, PEACE, OVER PROFIT.
This year our Green Party of Santa Clara Chapter was honored to be marching in the San Jose Rose, White and Blue Parade on July 4th. We celebrated this day by declaring our continued independence from corporate-run politics, while sharing our message of peace, love and justice with our community. Photos can be seen here.
Jul 08, 2017
Knox Greens March in Pride Parade
The Knox Greens show solidarity while having a great time at the Pride Parade. We have been participating in Knoxville Pride since its beginnings. Our first local Green Party candidate we met at Pride Norris Dryer. He was an inspiration to us all. He was the first openly gay candidate for Knoxville City Council.
Jun 16, 2017
The DC Statehood Green Party (DCSGP) is a progressive, grassroots organization dedicated to representing the interests of the citizens of the District of Columbia. We are the District’s second largest political party by vote total and we’ve had enough of corporate-dominated politics. The longer we wait for change, the harder it gets. Join us! Vote Green!
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Mayor Bowser's Budget:
Jun 12, 2017
Green Party of Tennessee Annual Meeting
Please join the Green Party of Tennessee at its Annual meeting this Saturday June 17, 2017 at McCabe Park Community Center 101 46th Avenue Nashville, TN. 37209. We will be discussing upcoming plans, electing officers, sharing ideas and resources. This is a great opportunity to meet up with Greens from all across Tennessee.
May 11, 2017
The Green Party stands in solidarity with indigenous nations fighting the Direct Access Pipeline (DAPL) at Standing Rock. We will consider a resolution to honor Greens from Colorado who have resisted DAPL and worked on-site at Standing Rock.
Upcoming Meeting
Saturday May 13th @ 3-5 p.m in the Flagstaff room, Main Branch Library, 1001 Arapahoe Avenue, Boulder, CO 80302
May 02, 2017
The Maryland Green Party continues to grow and work for a society that is sustainable and just. Please help us by making a donation to support our work. We take no corporate or PAC money; we rely on individual donors such as you. Please consider making a one time donation or a monthly pledge.
On March 30, Green Party member Reverend Annie Chambers won an election to the Resident Advisory Board (RAB) of the Baltimore Department of Housing The RAB was created in 1968 and designed so residents of public housing could participate in decision making for the management of housing projects. It became a model that is now used in hundreds of cities where thousands of residents of public housing participate.
Apr 17, 2017
April Newsletter - #txlege, Annual State Meeting & more
April is here and the #txLege session has just over a month to go (Sine Die May 26). A couple weeks later will be our Annual State Meeting in Corpus (June 10-11).
Apr 07, 2017
Green Party of New York Newsletter
With news of Trump's airstrikes in Syria continuing the destructive US policy of permanent war around the world, it is even more important for Greens to gather, learn from each other and get stronger. We have many opportunities to do just that in the coming months.
In This E-blast:
Mar 14, 2017
Meet Your Local Candidates!
It's looking like we will have an exciting slate of local candidates this year in Brooklyn! This Thursday there will be chances to meet a couple of them – stay tuned for more to come.
Feb 28, 2017
February 2017 Special Elections Newsletter
Fellow Greens, as this year of 2017 gets underway, I want to say how thankful I am to be entering such a time of opportunity to do good work for our communities, our families, and our common public benefit. Times of challenge galvanize us to be better, and to show Oregon and the nation what "better" really looks like when it goes to work, and with the Pacific Green Party I welcome and thank you for stepping into this vital moment alongside me.