The Latinx Caucus of the Green Party of Colorado expresses solidarity with all young immigrants of every stripe who are now the target of the Trump administration’s decision to cancel the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which was an executive action implemented by the administration of Barack Obama in June 2012.
The United States bears responsibility for the turmoil created in the birth countries of DACA recipients, through policies enacted during both Democratic and Republican administrations, like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), initiated during the George H.W. Bush administration and signed by Bill Clinton in December 1993, before the birth of many current DACA recipients. This policy alone caused intense economic upheaval for Mexico, by flooding Mexico with heavily-subsidized American-grown corn and putting millions out of work. Then, because NAFTA incentivized maquiladoras (factories) along the border that paid less-than-poverty wages and the export of good-paying jobs from American factories, Mexicans were caught in this economic disaster.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Green Party leaders said today that threats of preemptive strikes and military intervention are placing the U.S. in the role of aggressor nation and undermining any chance of maintaining peace and international security.
North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela have been the targets of recent belligerent threats from the Trump administration. Greens also strongly opposed sanctions against Russia, North Korea, and Iran and bipartisan efforts to ignite a new Cold War, calling such policies an invitation for World War III.