Hands Off Venezuela
Twitter Feed:
Dec 30, 2021

I hope you have been able to spend at least some of this holiday season resting and reconnecting with your family, friends and community, even as we face renewed threats from the pandemic. As difficult as this pandemic has been for us, can you imagine enduring it under the suffocating weight of economic sanctions enforced by U.S. imperialism?
Nov 22, 2021
Report from Green Party of the United States National Co-Chair Ahmed Eltouny as the Green Party’s onsite observer at the November 21 Venezuelan elections
Feb 14, 2020

Judge Howell ruled that defendants could not:
argue that their First Amendment political rights were violated;
argue the Trump administration violated the Geneva Convention by failing to protect the embassy and lawful ambassador;
argue that Juan Gaudio is not president of Venezuela;
argue that the Embassy Protectors were prepared to leave the embassy voluntarily once a protecting power agreement was reached between the US and Venezuela.
WASHINGTON, DC – The Green Party expresses relief and gratitude for the jurors who held out and refused to level a guilty verdict in the trial of the Embassy Protectors’ Collective. The federal district court trial began on February 11, and resulted three days later in a hung jury and mistrial. The court will reconvene on February 28 (Update: negotiations are ongoing. Next hearing scheduled for March 6), when the prosecution will state how it wishes to proceed. The Embassy Protectors could have faced up to a year in prison and a $100,000 fine each.
Jan 14, 2020

Defend Democratic Rights!
FT. LAUDERDALE, Fl. – Last spring, the Trump administration — in violation of the Vienna Convention — collaborated with violent right-wing Venezuelans in an attempt to take over the Embassy of Venezuela in Washington, DC.
Dec 09, 2019

Popular Resistance
By Margaret Flowers & Kevin Zeese
December 7, 2019
Clearing the FOG hosts Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese interviewed William Camacaro, a Venezuelan activist living in New York City who is active with the Solidarity Committee with Venezuela NYC and organizes food sovereignty tours to Venezuela, on the eve of the December 3 Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (TIAR) meeting in Colombia. This meeting is the next step in the escalation of aggression towards Venezuela by the United States and its lackey governments in South America. Camacaro explains why this step is being taken, how it relates to current events in Latin America and what people in the United States need to be doing. You can listen to the entire program on Clearing the FOG.
Aug 21, 2019

The newly formed Embassy Protectors Defense Committee created in response to the arrest and bogus charges leveled by the Trump Administration against the last four remaining activists of the Embassy Protective Collective that occupied the Venezuela Embassy for 37 days, has launched an international campaign to demand that the Trump administration drop all Federal charges against the protectors.
Jun 14, 2019

This question has deep relevance.
In my first BLOG after returning from the Alliance for Global Justice "End Venezuela Sanctions" delegation, my goal was to provide the most fundamental information possible about what we can do as a government and as citizens of the United States. Most people in Venezuela and the U.S. can agree on these three basics:
- no war,
- end sanctions (which are a form of deadly warfare), and
- respect the sovereignty of other nations.
The U.S. is not the boss of the world, and recent "help" from the U.S. has not helped the people of the world.
May 16, 2019

The Green Party strongly protests the arrests today of individuals inside the Venezuelan Embassy. Members of the organization Embassy Protection Collective had been staying inside the embassy since April 10, 2019, with permission of the embassy. Their objective was to help prevent a U.S. administration-aided effort by the Venezuelan opposition to take over the embassy. Several members of the Green Party were part of the organization.
May 16, 2019

No Coup! No War! U.S.Hands off Venezuela!
Protests today at Offices of Senators Booker and Menendez in Newark
1 Gateway Center, Newark, NJ 07102
From the NJ Antiwar Agenda:
Join us this afternoon and please distribute announcement widely!
May 16, 2019

At 9:30 this morning, one of the four remaining Embassy Protectors emailed "police have broken in to arrest us".
Venezuela Analysis interviewed Kevin Zeese, one of the Protectors, yesterday and posted it very early this morning, prior to the arrests.