NOTE: The views and policy positions expressed by the candidates may not be shared by other Greens nor do they necessarily reflect the views expressed in the Green Party Platform. The national Platform is formulated and ratified every four years at the Green Party National Convention.
David Cobb | Paul Glover | Kent Mesplay | Carol Miller | Lorna Salzman | Peter Camejo | Sheila Bilyeau | Ralph Nader
David Cobb
[email protected]
722 Ninth St. Apt #1
Eureka, Ca 95501
707-269-0984 (home/office)
713-444-6592 (cell)
State party affiliation: previously TEXAS (recently relocated to CALIFORNIA)
(biography provided by the candidate)
David Cobb serves as the General Counsel for the Green Party of the United States (GP-US) and helped to found the Green Party of Texas (GPTX) in 1999. He was the GPTX candidate for Attorney General in 2002 and is seeking the Green Party nomination for President in 2004. David had a successful law practice until early 2000, when Ralph Nader asked him to manage the Green Party effort in Texas. He coordinated the ballot access drive in Texas, helping to collect over 76,000 signature in 75 days! When he ran for Attorney General in 2002 there were only 4 local chapters of the GPTX. At the conclusion of David's campaign, there were 26 chapters. David proposes that the Green Party run a presidential campaign in 2004 that is dedicated to helping to build the state parties. He serves on the Steering Committee of Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County ( ) and as Campaigns Director for Reclaim which are both citizen's groups dedicated to contesting and challenging the illegitimate corporate usurpation of our Constitution and our government. David lectures and facilitates "Rethinking Corporations/ Rethinking Democracy" seminars and workshops across the country, which explore the social, legal and historical context of how corporations have become the dominant institution of our times. These seminars focus on how corporations have become unelected governing institutions, and how we can provoke (and win) a nonviolent democratic revolution in response.
Liaison for purposes of primary:
Lynne Serpe
Phone: 646.284.2759
Email: [email protected]
Address: 210 First Avenue #7 New York NY 10009
Box 365, Ithaca, NY 14851
(607) 2727-4330
[email protected]
State party affiliation: NEW YORK (biography provided by the candidate)
Paul Glover is prime founder of Ithaca HOURS,, a local currency, the Ithaca Health Fund,, Whole Ithaca Stock Exchange (WISE),, the Ithaca Trolley Authority,, Citizen Planners of Los Angeles, and other groups. He is author of Hometown Money,, Ithaca Power (fuel system), http://www. He is publisher of Ithaca Community News,, and is employed by the Ithaca Health Fund. He was declared "Ithaca's Hero" by the Ithaca Times Readers' Polls of 1995 and 2000, and its "Best Mayoral Candidate" 2003. He received an award from the Tompkins County Human Rights Commission in 1996 and received a Cornell Civic Leaders Fellowship in 2001. During 1978 he walked across the United States, entirely on foot, from Boston to San Diego. He is 56 years old. He holds degrees in Marketing and in City Management. Here is his resume:
[email protected]
8556 Lynx Rd, San Diego, CA 92126
State party affiliation: CALIFORNIA
(biography excerpted from one provided by candidate)
Kent Mesplay, 41, is the fourth-generation descendant of a Blackfoot/Irish couple. A natural-born U.S. citizen he grew up among indigenous people in the eastern highlands of Papua New Guinea, speaking one language and culture outside the house and another inside. He was home-schooled during his first eight years of life and then attended boarding school for two years before returning with his family to his father's home state of Colorado. Kent values education, having earned a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering (biomechanics; prosthetic science) from Northwestern University. A long-time California resident (since 1977), Kent first became active with the Greens in 1995, serving as appointed Treasurer to the San Diego Green Party County Council and, as co-chair of their Communications Committee, he put on a press conference for Ralph Nader at the Hotel del Coronado. Kent helped place Ralph Nader on the California ballot, voting his support at a Green Party State Meeting in Berkeley in 1996. Currently, he works as an Air Quality Inspector with the San Diego Air Pollution Control District, acting to enforce and ensure business compliance with Federal, State and Local air quality standards in a manner tailored to balance economic and environmental concerns.
[email protected]
Ph. 505-660-5988 (day), 505-689-2361 (evening)
State party affiliation: NEW MEXICO
(biography excerpted from at
Carol Miller, a public health administrator, first rose to prominence in the Green Party in 1997 as a Congressional nominee in a special election. In that race, she captured an astounding 17% of the vote (one of the highest percentages in GPUS history) . . . . She ran again in 1998, but her numbers fell (3rd place - 4%) . . . . Since then, Miller has remained active within the Green Party and in the 2000 Nader for President campaign. She briefly was a Green candidate for State Treasurer in 2002, but withdrew from the race. Miller was a commissioned officer in the US Public Health Service in the 1980s and in 1993 served on the White House Health Care Task Force. She also served two terms as President of the New Mexico Public Health Association and served six terms on the Governing Council of the American Public Health Association. An advocate for rural communities, she founded the Frontier Education Center -- a group for which she now serves as Executive Director. Miller has expressed an interest in the 2004 Presidential race and has recently started speaking to Green gatherings around the nation. In addition to health care reform, Miller has also focused much of her activism on environmental and peace issues.
Campaign website address:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 631-653-3387 / 718-522-0253;
Address: PO Box 775,
East Quogue, NY 11942 through 10/30/03...then:
29 Middagh St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
State party affiliation: NEW YORK (member, state committee until November)
(excerpted from biography provided by candidate)
A graduate of Cornell University, Lorna Salzman has been an environmental activist, writer, lecturer and organizer since the mid-1960s. She was hired by the late David Brower, founder and president of Friends of the Earth (FOE), as the regional representative of FOE and held that position for nearly ten years, concentrating on anti-nuclear work and on coastal zone and wetlands protection on eastern Long Island. In the mid-1980s she was an editor at American Birds magazine, published by the National Audubon Society, and soon after became Executive Director of Food & Water Inc., an anti-food irradiation group. From 1992 to 1995 she was a natural resources specialist in the Natural Resources Unit of the NYC Dept. of Environmental Protection. In 1985 she co-founded the New York Greens, later called the NY Green Party, and in the late 1990s she ran for Congress and the US Senate on the Peconic Greens and Green Choice parties respectively. In 2002, she was the Green Party candidate for the US House of Representatives in the 1st CD, Suffolk County, Long Island NY. She is a member of the State Committee of the Green Party of New York State. Her top priorities are: carbon taxes to start reducing fossil fuel consumption; universal single payer health care funded through the income tax; ending corporate subsidies and tax breaks; moving to full cost pricing of all goods; abolishing NAFTA and WTO and drastically reforming IMF and World Bank; reviving a nationalized rail and freight system; promoting maximum biodiversity; shutting down nuclear power plants; protecting women's rights globally; redefining national security as security in energy, transportation and public health. She is a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, and in 2000 she received the international Earth Day Award from the Earth Society Foundation for her committed environmental work.
Peter Camejo, Green Party of California's candidate in the recent gubernatorial recall election, has announced his intention to participate in the national Green Party primaries. Camejo has stated that he would prefer to see Ralph Nader as the Green nominee in 2004. It is unclear at this point whether Camejo would accept the party's nomination if he were to win it himself.
A draft Camejo campaign, urging Camejo to seek the nomination for himself, is based at: and
Liaison for purposes of primary:
Rachel Odes
Phone: 510-587-0800 (T,Th, F after 1pm PST)
Address: 520 3rd Street, Suite 201, Oakland, CA 94607
PO Box 220210
Chantilly, VA 20153
310-804-1414 (day)
[email protected]
Ralph Nader has formally withdrawn his candidacy. However, there is a movement to draft him as the nominee and he has collected delegate commitments in state primaries.
Draft Nader Committee
Nader 2004 Official Website
PO Box 190753
San Francisco, CA 94119-0753
Ph. 415-835-4778
Email: [email protected]
(biography excerpted from at
Famed consumer advocate, liberal activist and Harvard-educated attorney, Ralph Nader is likely to make a fourth Presidential run in 2004. [He] ran as a write-in candidate in the 1992 NH Democratic primary, and was the Green nominee for President in 1996 and 2000. Spending just over $5,000 (a self-imposed limit), . . . Nader was on the ballot in 22 states and carried over 700,000 votes (4th place - 0.8%) in 1996. In 2000, Nader raised millions of dollars, mobilized leftist activists and grabbed national headlines with his anti-corporate campaign message. . . . Nader was on the ballot in 44 states and finished third with 2,878,000 votes (2.7%) . . . . In mid-2003, Nader finally confirmed . . . that he was willing to run again in 2004. . . . [In] a 2003 news interview: If the Dems agree not to go negative on his Presidential campaign (so he has a shot at hitting the important 5% mark), Nader promises to encourage all the voters who show up to vote for him to also vote for Dems for Congress and all the other down-ballot offices to help them recapture majority status in those legislative bodies. Unlike most of the other Green candidates, Nader is not a registered member of the party -- he's a registered independent. Nader, who will be 70 in 2004, . . . a former Army reservist, and a multi-millionaire . . . . As in 2000, Nader vows that his campaign will again "emphasize the problems of, and remedies for, the excessive concentration of corporate power and wealth in our country, by highlighting the important tools of democracy needed for the American people as voters/citizens, workers, consumers, taxpayers, and small savers/investors."
Thanks and recognition to Rudy Perkins of Massachusetts for his work in compiling this information.