Dec 12, 2023

Your Northwest Indiana Greens (NWI) worked hard in the lead up to the November elections last month. When the results came in that night we were disappointed. However, we are proud that the Northwest Indiana Green Party was able to field two professional and impactful campaigns in Lake and Porter counties. The dedication and commitment that was put in for well over a year by our candidates and their volunteers increased the recognition and clout of Greens in the politics of the region. As a small grassroots environmental and justice focused movement we were shapers of conversations in debates, forums and the press.
Dec 07, 2023

Help the Illinois Greens with Ranked-Choice Voting
The Illinois Green Party calls for a true government of, by and for the people. This is only possible through easy access to voting by all people; proportional representation rather than the present winner take-all approach; accurate, untampered counting of every vote; and easy access of all people to the information they need to make informed decisions on who and what to vote for. The government should protect people and the planet from the excesses of moneyed interests.
Click Here to Learn More or Attend a RCV Volunteer Meeting!
Dec 05, 2023

Greens March for Palestine in Worcester on Black Friday
Hundreds marched past Worcester's City Hall Friday afternoon to support Palestinians in the face of Israel's murderous assault on Gaza and, more recently, its attacks on the West Bank. Many marchers from the Central MASS Green-Rainbow Party carried signs and led chants, including "Israel bombs, USA pays, how many kids did you kill today?”
Dec 04, 2023

December 2023 News from the Green Party of Tennessee
Tennessee has already broken ground on a (militarized) police training facility akin to the Cop City facility in Atlanta. If you are not familiar with modern-day fascism associated with Georgia’s Cop City, playing out right in front of the “asleep at the wheel” Biden Administration, then please watch this excellent report from Democracy Now.
Dec 04, 2023

The Green Party of Texas will be having a state meeting in 1 week! Saturday, Dec. 9th at 10am. Head to now to register. We'll be discussing bylaw & platform amendments, resolutions, & selecting members for the State Executive Committee (SEC). If you'd like to help and have been part of an affiliated group for at least nine months, let us know ASAP! If you have an amendment for the bylaws or platform, please send them to [email protected] before Friday, December 8.
Nov 16, 2023

Thank you for Joining the Green Party of California General Assembly!
Thank you to all our state-wide delegates who joined us at the October 21 General Assembly to participate in discussions and decisions on behalf of GPCA!
We are grateful and proud to have committed Delegates who shared their perspectives, knowledge, experiences, talents, and ideas to make our discussions richer and our decisions more informed.
Nov 13, 2023

Please read the Wisconsin Green Party newsletter for important updates, including information about our Fall Gathering, WIGP elections, bylaws proposals, and other critical info that members should know in the runup to the Fall Gathering membership meeting on Saturday November 18.
Don't forget to join us for the Fall Gathering on November 18!
Nov 03, 2023

Empowering Greens
The Pakachoag Center in Auburn, MA resonated on Saturday, October 14th with songs and strategies for empowering people and fighting for justice.
Nov 03, 2023

Growing Ethical, Accountable Government from the Grassroots
GREEN STAR contributor Patrick O. McNally posed several questions to Alex Noyle, Green Party candidate for Auditor of East Norriton Township, Montgomery County.
GS, Please give us an idea of what went into your decision to run for elected office.
Oct 10, 2023

Volume 1, Issue 2, Fall 2023
The next Green Party of New York (GPNY) State Committee Meeting will be held via Zoom on October 21, 2023. All registered Greens are welcome to attend and observe, though only State Committee members will be allowed to vote. If you plan to attend, please fill out the RSVP form here.
New Volunteers: GPNY will host an orientation meeting for new volunteers via Zoom on October 12, 2023, beginning at 8:00 pm. To participate in this meeting, please fill out this Google sign up form: