2017 Candidates to watch

  • The Mountain Party of West Virginia’s latest news and views

2022 Inflation Reduction Act Capitalizes On A World In Crisis

Edited Excerpt from August 2, 2022 Green Party of the United States Press Release 

We need bold action targeted at a just transition, environmental justice, and an immediate halt to fossil fuel projects to address the climate emergency by 2030.

  • Working toward a future where people and planet are valued, and our government represents all of us.

PA Nonviolent Direct Action to Stop Climate Change 

  • Working toward a future where people and planet are valued, and our government represents all of us

A guide to the PA Green Party ticket and some of each candidates’ top issues

By Harrison Cann, City & State PA, May 9, 2022

While most election talks are focused on red versus blue, there’s another color looking to get on the ticket in the Commonwealth: green.

  • The Mountain Party of West Virginia’s latest news and views.

  • Increased Membership: A Growing Trend For the Mountain Party

CHARLESTON, WV — May 31, 2022:  Mountain Party membership continues to grow according to the West Virginia Secretary of State.

Despite a series of voter purges and the state’s population in decline over the past several years, Mountain Party membership totals are up.

Some Takeaways from the June 2022 CA Primary

The recent June 7 California primary was an important one for the Green Party of California. We were in danger of losing our ballot status if we didn’t get a 2% or greater share in at least one statewide race. Fortunately we were successful in crossing this threshold in several races. Here are some of the lessons we learned.

  • Working toward a future where people and planet are valued, and our government represents all of us.

  • Download our petition

“Right now, gathering signatures on the Green Party petitions to nominate state-wide candidates is a great opportunity for new activists,” said GPPA Steering Committee Member Beth Schongar (Allegheny County). “First, it will give them a great opening to talk to people about the Green Party and progressive politics,” said Schongar. “Volunteers will be asking voters to help us get candidates on the ballot and increase everyone’s choices on Election Day. Most voters are glad to help and interested to find out that the Green Party is real and active. It can lead to interesting conversations and recruit new members.”

  • Save the Date: October 1, 2022, for GRP Annual State Convention on Zoom

Each year, the Green-Rainbow Party sets its most important goals for the coming year at its Annual State Convention. (Not to be confused with the equally vital Annual National Convention on July 28th and 29th.)

As the GRP Convention Planning Committee refines our theme and schedules inspiring presenters, we Greens are urged to save the date of Saturday, October First. We are all hoping that this will be the last ZOOM State Convention and that in 2023 we will be face to face once again. 

  • Volume Two, June 2022

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Welcome to EARTHFLOWER, the official newsletter of the Green Party of Michigan! Find out what Greens are doing all across the state and in your community! Here's your chance to participate! National, State and Local meetings and events, press releases and official statements on relevant issues, fun games, Green Party trivia and more! Look for this informative newsletter on the first day of each month!

From solid policies like the Green New Deal and single-payer improved Medicare for All, if you're reading this, you probably realize that the GOP and the Democratic Party are either unwilling or unable to bring about the positive change necessary to turn things around in our communities. Either way, when they win, we continue to lose.

  • News from the Green Party of Santa Clara County

Want change? VOTE Left Unity Slate!

There is a lot that we need to change about how our society, economy, and government have been structured, or shall we say, we've allowed to be structured! We not only WANT change but we NEED change. Our families and communities are being devastated by the corporate two-party system that sold us out long ago.

  • The Earthflower The Official Green Party Of Michigan Newsletter!: Volume One

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Welcome to EARTHFLOWER, the official newsletter of the Green Party of Michigan! Find out what Greens are doing all across the state and in your community! Local meetings and events, state meetings and events, press releases, official statements on relevant issues, fun games, Green Party trivia and more!