2017 Candidates to watch

MINNEAPOLIS – The treatment of the Haitian immigrants at the Texas border is racist. The Chair of the Minnesota Green Party (MNGP) Trahern Crews sat down with members of the Haitian Green Party to discuss Joe Biden's racist immigration policies and the crisis in Haiti. Read the interview with the Green Party of Haiti here.

  • San José City Hall Rotunda, Sunday, September 19, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

SAN JOSÉ, CA – Join Santa Clara Greens and our partners, the San Jose Peace & Justice Centerand the Santa Clara County Single Payer Health Care Coalition, at the Viva Calle San José event on Sunday Sept 19, 10 am – 3 pm and enjoy a day of cycling, fun and community.

SOUTH DEERFIELD, MA – In a world in crisis which leads to isolation, fragmentation, and conflict, there is a time and place to come together to build support and address the greater needs. That time and place is the annual Green-Rainbow Party Convention, September 25, 2021. We will meet virtually to participate in:

  • Working toward a future where people and planet are valued, and our government represents all of us.

PA Green Reflects on Summer Travel  

by GPPA Co-chair Beth Scroggin

As we progress into August, I find myself reflecting on how this summer has brought awareness of political issues we face, and how the Green Party has always been on the right side of history. Nearly every summer of my adult life, I have traveled to a different place in the U.S. or Canada and have sought to experience all that nature has to offer. My travels have all reinforced my sense of urgency when it comes to protecting our environment, and have highlighted the importance of one of the Green Party’s four pillars: Ecological Wisdom.

HOUSTON – Join Green Party of Texas (GPTX) candidate for Governor, Delilah Barrios, on Saturday July 24th between 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., at the Medicare 4 All March in Austin at 1100 Congress Ave. Help us tell lawmakers that we will not rest until we have a universal, single-payer healthcare system!

As 2022 approaches, GPTX is calling for candidates for ALL ballot positions. We will hold a Prospective Candidate Information event on August 28, so please attend to have your questions answered.

INDIANAPOLISThe Indiana Green Party (INGP) hopes you are as excited about this month's June newsletter as we are. Each event revolves around our focus as a people-powered party. We hope to see you at a few! Attend and learn more about your local Indiana Greens!!

Please join us for these upcoming events

  • Medicare for All Now!

WARRENVILLE, IL – Greens support a Medicare-for-all, single-payer health-care system. This would not only fulfill a basic government obligation to meet the essential needs of its people; it would also be a boom to our economy, as both businesses and consumers would be relieved of the crippling burden of paying for overpriced, wasteful private health insurance.

Nationwide Medicare for All March

  • Illinois Greens will continue with the fight for Equal Ballot Access and Ranked Choice Voting!

CHICAGO – Equal Ballot Access House Bill 2398 would have reduced the petition requirements for new parties. Ranked Choice Voting HB2416/SB1785 would have eliminated the so called “spoiler effect” when there are more than two political parties’ and independent candidates running in a general election.

Donate to Support RCV

Working toward a future where people and planet are valued, and our government represents all of us.

PA Green Party Denounces Israeli Violence

by GPPA Co-chair Tina Olson

In response to the Israeli killing spree in the Gaza Strip, many Green Party activists came forward to stand with Palestinians in their continued struggle for the right to exist. Members of the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA, www.gpofpa.org) joined in pro-Palestinian rallies that were held throughout the state on May 15. The Green Party joined other activist organizations such as Black Lives Matter; Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Coalition; Drexel Students for Justice in Palestine; New Afrikan Independence Party; Pittsburgh Anti-Imperialist League; and Jewish Voice for Peace, in solidarity to end the suffering of the Palestinian people . . . 

SAN FRANCISCO – Today, May 15, is the 73rd anniversary of the Nakba, the day that changed the Palestinian people's history forever. The Nakbah (al-Nakbah; "catastrophe") marks the forced expulsion, dispossession, and displacement of the majority of indigenous Christians and Muslims, over 750,000 people from Palestine during the 1948 war. In reality, the Nakba has since solidified into an Israeli campaign of terror, ethnic segregation, land confiscations, and destruction of villages for Jewish settlement leading to a vanishing Palestine with over 7 million Palestinians living as refugees today.