"The Green New Deal is a four part program for moving America quickly out of crisis into a secure, sustainable future. Inspired by the New Deal programs that helped us out of the Great Depression of the 1930s, the Green New Deal will provide similar relief and create an economy that makes our communities sustainable, healthy and just."
The older material is included for archival purposes to illustrate how the Green Party has been promoting the Green New Deal in the past.
Jul 08, 2024

Green Party demands immediate enactment of the Green New Deal, citing unprecedented Category 5 Beryl and more catastrophic hurricanes on the way in 2024
Apr 12, 2024

“Now that I have your attention,” said Christina Khalil, Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate in New Jersey, “let me tell you why we should all be worried about the climate crisis and why the climate crisis is real.”
The day after a 4.8 earthquake and its multiple aftershocks hit New Jersey, many extreme right-wing skeptics took issue with Christina’s Khalil’s statement that “The climate crisis is real.” Christina also wondered out loud why there appeared to be more earthquakes in New Jersey than in the past.
Jan 26, 2024

The Green Party of the United States urged President Biden to move beyond pausing the approval of LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) facilities such as Calcasieu Pass 2 (CP2) to enact a permanent halt to all new fossil fuel infrastructure and a rapid phaseout of existing fossil fuel uses. Earlier today the Biden Administration announced it will pause approval on new liquefied natural gas exports while it reassesses the climate and economic impacts of these projects.
May 01, 2023

The Green Party of the United States (GP) leaders said that the re-introduction of the Green New Deal (GND) resolution by Rep. Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Markey was unfortunately yet another step away from the initial vision of the Green Party, whose candidates were the first ones to campaign nationally for a GND in 2010.
The GP proposal is for 100% clean energy and zero emissions on a ten-year timeline (initially by 2020, now by within a decade) while the AOC-Markey resolution delays until 2050.
Aug 07, 2022

A Green Perspective by Mark Dunlea, Co-Chair of the EcoAction Committee of the Green Party of the United States
While the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 drafted by Senators Machin and Schumer may represent the largest U.S investment to date on climate, it falls far short of the Green New Deal (GND) first called for by the Green Party in the U.S. in 2010 and fails to cut emissions fast enough to keep global warming below the 1.5 degree Celsius target.
Aug 05, 2022

Michael Oretade vows to uphold, support, and bolster Green New Deal legislation. May it go on the record that he will not take any contributions from fossil fuel industries, executives, lobbyists, or PACs. He is ready to dedicate his life to the betterment of our communities, as well as the safety and preservation of our planet.
Aug 03, 2022
WASHINGTON, DC – The Green Party of the United States warned today that the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act allows corporations to capitalize on a world in crisis by expanding massive new oil and gas leasing in disproportionately impacted Indigenous, Black and People of Color communities. We need bold action targeted at a just transition, environmental justice, and to immediately halt fossil fuel projects to address the climate emergency by 2030.
Jul 26, 2022
Jul 06, 2022
WASHINGTON, DC — The Green Party of the United States today denounced the U.S. Supreme Court’s West Virginia v. EPA 6-3 decision, siding with coal and other polluters against the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions.
Jun 27, 2022

On the weekend of June 11-13, the PA Climate Convergence demonstrated outside the PA Capitol in Harrisburg. Representatives of 77 organizations called for urgent legislative and administrative action on climate. They wanted a path to climate justice which includes the phase out of greenhouse gas production and a just transition to clean, renewable energy for those most affected by the exploitative fossil fuel and petrochemical economy.
On Monday, June 13, demonstrators presented the PA Governor and General Assembly with a petition signed by 6,000 citizens demanding that the government