Green Party Webinars

A 30-minute YouTube video talk by Gary L. Francione entitled "The Philosophy of Animal Rights." Gary's address was recorded as a Plenary Session in 2019 at a convention of the European Federation of Animal Science. There he was introduced as being the first to introduce animal rights into the curriculum at a US university in the field of law, and as being very active in the field and the debate of climate change. 

All wars begin with lies, and the lies serve to conceal the real motives for war. Government motives for mass killing (war) include war machine profits, geopolitics, and plundering of resources. As the general population uncovers the real reasons for the war, government propaganda becomes less effective, which leads to growing dissent and repression of dissent. 

The Peace Action Committee of the Green Party held a webinar on Wednesday, August 9 on the legacy of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Green Wave hosted a webinar on June 13, 2023, presenting four inspiring Green Party candidates. The GPUS Coordinated Campaign Committee produces Green Wave livestreams to showcase inspiring Green Party candidates who are in active campaigns. The format is interviews followed by Q&A from the audience.

Want to design eye-catching campaign materials? Watch session to learn about creating quality logos and literature to communicate with potential voters and supporters. Get tips and best practices for choosing fonts, arranging information, and maximizing small budgets.

This 90-minute webinar is for candidates and campaign staff who are new to running for office and the functioning of a campaign. We covered the basics that will form the foundation for your current and future campaigns: setting goals, assessing your resources, budgeting, organizing people and planning events.

One of the most important and necessary roles in any campaign is the Campaign Treasurer. In most cases, without a Treasurer, a candidate cannot legally collect and spend money, which is pretty much the same thing as saying "no treasurer, no campaign."  Yet candidates struggle to find qualified and willing volunteers to serve in this critical role.  But it's not rocket science!  You too can learn to be a Campaign Treasurer and help enable someone else to run for office!

The EcoAction Committee of the Green Party of the United States held an online forum, Biodiversity and Rights of Nature, on Monday, February 13, 2023. The forum provided an overview of biodiversity and what future actions are needed. Presenters included Tierra Curry, Saving Life on Earth Campaign Director and Senior Scientist at Center for Biological Diversity; Natalia Greene, Global Coordinator and Co-founder of Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature and, Frederic Guarino of the Green Party of Canada and is a member of the Biodiversity Commission of the French Greens.

US gun violence has become unbearable. Claims regarding the second amendment affect how federal, state and local governments enact gun safety regulations. A culture of death permeates Missouri’s history of racial terror lynchings and modern-day application of the death penalty.

A model municipal program in Ward 22 of St. Louis encourages communities to police themselves and reduce violence by training participants how to use deescalation tactics when intervening in confrontations. The colonial mode of production forms a violent parasitic relationship between Europeans vs. African people and other oppressed masses. This is particularly true for resource extraction from colonized humanity.

What does the Ukraine War tell us about the challenges of humanity’s urgent need to reduce fossil fuel usage? How does the war reflect colonialism and racism? How well is President Zelensky coping with opposition political parties and the Azov Battalion?

Watch this discussion of Ukraine’s history, Joe Biden’s role in that history, the 2014 coup, the risk of nuclear weapons use and NATO's actions, as well as how the media affects our perceptions of the war. What is the key for bringing peace to Ukraine?