Greenline — January 25, 2022
Tonight at 9pm ET! GreenWave Livestream With Elected GreensBe the Change! Run for Office! Get Inspired!Join the Green Party Live tonight, January 25 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern to hear from Green officeholders as they discuss their campaigns and what they're accomplishing as elected officials. Featuring:
Moderator: Dave Ochmanowicz, Jr, former school board member, Quakertown, PA Join us at on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. And mark your calendar for a follow-up webinar February 22nd where we'll cover the nuts and bolts of how to run for office. —Michael O'Neil, GreenLine Editor and Green Party Communications Manager |
Green Party Celebrates #RCVDay With Teach-in on the Fight For DemocracyDid you know Ranked Choice Voting has its own holiday?? It's January 23rd (1/23 for "1, 2, 3" — get it? 😁) and we marked the occasion with an amazing panel of experts from the front lines of the fight to democratize elections through RCV and Proportional Representation. With: Howie Hawkins –2020 Green Party US Nominee for President ![]() ![]() Green Party In The News: Poll Says "Democracy is in Danger of Collapse"Following news of a poll reporting that "53% of Americans expect political divisions in U.S. to become worse over time" and that a majority believe "democracy is in danger of collapse", PressTV invited Green Party US Communications Manager to discuss these tensions. Michael shared analysis of how our broken election system silences alternative views, how the parties of war and Wall Street benefit, and how we can democratize our elections with measures like Ranked Choice Voting and Proportional Representation. Acclaimed Anti-War Organizer Matthew Hoh Launches Campaign for US Senate in North CarolinaThe North Carolina Green Party is proud to announce their first-ever candidate for nomination for the US Senate, Matthew Hoh. A Wake Forest, NC resident, Matthew is a dues-paying member of the NCGP and has been enthusiastically endorsed by the party membership by consensus. In 2009, Matthew resigned in protest from his post in Afghanistan with the State Department over the American escalation of the war. In 2010, Matthew was named the Ridenhour Prize Recipient for Truth Telling. Matthew’s writings have appeared in online and print periodicals such as the Atlanta Journal Constitution, CounterPunch, Defense News, the Guardian, the Huffington Post, Mother Jones, the Raleigh News & Observer, Charlotte Observer, USA Today, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. Read more...![]() ![]() Protecting Waters of the Earth: 02/02 Webinar With the Green Party of St. Louis and Universal African Peoples OrganizationJoin the Green Party of St. Louis and the Universal African Peoples Organization for the program “Protecting Waters of the Earth” Panelists and topics will include:Silvia Secchi, Water Quality and Agricultural Production February 02, 2022 at 7:00pm – 9pm Learn more...![]() Updates From The Green Party of California
Find out more...![]() Mountain Party Condemns Bipartisan Anti-Abortion ResolutionCHARLESTON, WV – The West Virginia Mountain Party condemns the anti-abortion resolution introduced in the State Senate by Democratic Minority Leader Stephen Baldwin and Republican Senators Patricia Rucker and Randy Smith. Senate Resolution 12 is a resolution being pushed by the Virginia-based anti-choice organization Day of Tears. It aims to designate January 22 as a day of mourning; on this day in 1973, the Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade that abortion is a constitutional right. Day of Tears resolutions have been passed in Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi and similar resolutions will be introduced in a half-dozen more states this year. ![]() ![]() Green Party of the United States
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