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Sunday, August 18
State of the Party
11:00 - 12:15
Elections Database
Presented by Mike Feinstein
What is the GPUS Elections Database, what are its purposes, how does it serve the Green Party?
Green Party election trends, reports and analysis
Next steps for state parties and the National Committee
Participants: The Elections Database session on Sunday will include a Q & A. We are asking people to please forward any questions for the Q & A to Mike Feinstein at [email protected] ahead of Sunday's session.
A Report to the National Committee of the Green Party of the United States
Presented by Mike Feinstein, Elections Database Manager, Green Party of the US
Sunday, August 18
Mike Feinstein is a co-founder of the Green Party of California, a former co-chair of the Green Party US (GPUS) and a former Green Mayor and City Council member in Santa Monica, California.
Since 1994 Feinstein has tracked and maintained the list of Greens running for public office across the United States. Today he does that work as Manager of the GPUS Elections Data Base and an advisor to the GPUS Coordinated Campaign Committee.
(1) What is the GPUS Elections Database, what are its purposes, how does it serve the Green Party?
– Job Description, Elections Database Manager
– History of the Elections Database
– What has been accomplished
– What remains to be done
(2) Green Party election trends, reports and analysis
VIDEO: Green Party Election Trends. By Mike Feinstein. Green Party Election Night Livestream. November 2023
Green Party Elections History – Total Number of Candidates By Year, 1985-present
Comparing both even-numbered years and comparing odd-numbered years to each other
Greens elected in the United States, 1985 to present
Green candidates and officeholders per state, 1985 through Nov 1, 2023
Green candidate lists by state and territory
Green candidates by type of office sought
Green election reports, by year
Top Results – US House, two-way races
Greens in unopposed races
Green write-in candidates
(3) Next steps for state parties and the National Committee
Summary: Tasks for state parties to better compile and report their data – on their state party websites and social media and in reporting to the Elections Database and the Coordinated Campaign Committee. Indentifying registered Greens running for non-partisan office in registration-by-party states. Revitalizing the Green Officeholders Network.
– Report: Status of candidate and officeholder information displayed and reported by state parties
– What information is needed for the Database, see this form
Proposals to come to the National Committee
– Approve set of general expectations of information from state parties about their electoral activity, for their websites and social media, and in reporting to the GPUS Elections Database and Coordinated Campaign Committee.
– Develop program with funding for state parties to search for and identify registered Greens who run for local non-partisan office, in voter registration-by-party states. Pass proposal via Fiscal Policy to set up a Special Fund for this purpose . Train and hire Greens who will do searches in their own states and be working with their state parties in the process. Authorize fundraising outreach to former Green officeholders to seek initial seed money for this program.
– Revitalize the Green Officeholders Network. Amend original proposal #78 from “Membership of the Green Officeholders Network shall be open to all Greens holding elective office, as specified in the official Coordinated Campaign Committee list of Green Officeholders , and may extend up to one year past when an officeholder leaves office” to “Membership of the Green Officeholders Network shall be open to all Green Party members who have held elected office, present or past, as long as they remain Green Party members.” Authorize email blast to all former officeholders who are still Green, to join. Use existing email list for now (keep it simple). Connect Network to Platform Committee and Media Committee.
12:30 - 1:45
Ballot Access
Sponsored by the Ballot Access Committee
Presented by Andy Ellis, Tony Ndege and M.K. Hanson
2:00 – 5:00
Presidential Nominee Strategy Session (tentative)
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