Rolling Results
Following the rolling results on TV makes for great drama, but NO results should be released until the polls close in Hawaii.
Follow Vermont results here
Follow the Presidential vote totals from Vermont here. As of 7:28 pm, 4,064 votes have been counted.
from Arn Menconi ...
I'm be live streaming the elections tonight for @MintPressNews Facebook page . Check it out. The only place for the Trillest Livestream.
Arn Menconi is the Green Senatorial Candidate form Colorado.
and so it begins ...
CNN has begun reporting results from Kentucky with 1% of the vote.
Considering that there are NO returns listed on the web site for the Kentucky State Board of Elections, just how accurate is their report?
US Election Day Special Coverage from RT
Guests line up (all time ET):
16:00 Gary Johnson 16:30 Panel: Ajamu Baraka, Arvin Vohra 17:00 Ron Paul 17:30 Panel: David Cobb , Larry Sharpe 17:30 Ralph Nader18:00 Panel: Marshall Auerback, Chris Versace 18:35 Richard Wolff 18:45 Panel: Randa Fahmy, Bernard Whitman 19:30 Panel with Peter Schiff, Edward Harrison 19:45 Thom Hartmann 20:30 Lena Taylor 21:00 Jane Kleeb 21:30 Alan Grayson 22:15 Brad Bauman 22:15 Heidi Harris 22:30 Jane Kleeb 23:00 Lena Taylor
Why Blacks Must Abandon The Democratic Party and Vote Green
With just one day, literally away from one of the most portentous presidential elections since 1964, the similarities eerie, African-Americans must be willing to take a leap of faith and shift from the Democratic Party to the Green Party and vote for presidential candidate Jill Stein and her running mate Ajamu Baraka. We have been in this abusive relationship far too long, that has taken our votes for granted, has not benefitted us and continues to posture itself as our one and only savior from the scary alternative—the right wing Republican Party. Yet, after all of these years, policy-wise, it has failed miserably.
In 1964 when President Lyndon Johnson was facing Republican Barry Goldwater, an open racist and repugnant, much like Trump, Malcolm forewarned Blacks, who like many in the Black community today, to not be fooled by the fear mongering. He stated “The shrewd capitalists, the shrewd imperialists, knew that the only way people would run towards the fox [Johnson] would be if you showed them the wolf [Goldwater].” Do we not find ourselves facing this very same dillema today? Before I go any further, because I can already imagine the looks on your faces and what you must be thinking. Is she advocating that Black people vote for Donald Trump? Absolutely, emphatically NOT!
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November 2016 Endorsements from the San Francisco Green Party
We are handing out the bookmark shown to the right (propositions are on the back). If you can help distribute bookmarks, please email [email protected]. We will also mail our endorsements to all our members. If you can donate to help cover our printing and mailing costs, please use the "donate" link to the left! A complete Green Voter Guide is now posted. Click "read more" to see full explanations of the reasons behind our endorsements.
Presidential Race Shows Fallacy Of California's Top Two Primary System
If this year's presidential race has demonstrated anything, it's that large numbers of voters want a choice other than that offered by the Democratic and Republican parties. In our American democracy, do we deserve such choice? Or is it too 'dangerous' to leave choice up to the voters, so that we need to be 'protected' from it, like Top Two elections do here in California?
Despite receiving billions of dollars of free media, presidential candidates Hillary Clinton (D) and Donald Trump (R) together barely cracked 80% in many four-way polls taken in late summer and early fall — polls that also included Green Party nominee Jill Stein and Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson. Even that 80% was soft, as many supporting either Clinton or Trump are doing so primarily to oppose the other.
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Help get 1st Green onto Baltimore City Council
Baltimore has never elected a Green Party candidate before. But that’s going to change on Tuesday. With your help we have been taking our message directly to the voters and are now in a position to WIN.
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Wake Up Texas & #VoteGreen2016!
Oftentimes, when we are outraged, we will exclaim "I wish people would just WAKE UP!" But what do we really mean by that? Wake up and do what? Do we really think just changing our mental state will be sufficient to bring about the world we want? Certainly, changing our worldview is necessary, but how will we translate that into our collective reality?
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