Excerpt from our platform
Water is essential to all forms of life. The Green Party calls for an international declaration that water belongs to the Earth and all of its species. Water is a basic human right! The U.S. Government must lead the way in declaring water a fundamental human right and prevent efforts to privatize, export, and sell for profit a substance that is essential to all life.
We face a worldwide water crisis. According to the United Nations, more than one billion people lack access to safe drinking water. If current trends persist, by 2025 as much as two-thirds of the world's population will be living with a serious scarcity of water. Multinational corporations recognize these trends and are moving fast to monopolize water supplies around the world. They argue that privatizing water is the best way to allocate this valuable resource, and they are scheming to have water declared a human need so that it can be commodified and sold on the open market ensuring that the allocation of water will be based on principles of scarcity and profit maximization.
We do not agree. With water sold to the highest bidder, the rich will have plenty while the poor will be left with little but polluted water. Short-term profits will preclude any concern for long term sustainability. We must stop this privatization before the infrastructures become so established that it will be impossible to avoid a disaster of epic proportions.
Jesse Johnson, Mountain Party of West Virginia 2010 Gubernatorial Candidate
Mar 29, 2018

The Green Party of Colorado (GPCO) expresses its opposition to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) proposals of federal oil and gas lease sales on Sept. 6, 2018 of approximately 22,175 acres of land in Huerfano, Kiowa, Lincoln, Washington, Weld and Baca Counties, Colorado. Green Party key values of ecological wisdom, future focus and sustainability inform our recognition that these proposals are shortsighted and misguided.
"The BLM is couching this leasing in terms of "the Administration's priority to make America safe through energy independence," and supporting jobs, but in reality this is an attempt to create short term capital at the long term expense of the climate and local environment," said Andy Hamilton, chair of the Mesa County Green Party in Grand Junction. "A transition to renewable energy sources would better address the real needs of the working class."
Feb 15, 2018

Today, Governor Rick Snyder announced his budget for FY2019. The Governor has yet again neglected to mention that the city of Flint still does not have access to clean, safe drinking water while proposing an additional investment of $25.9M to Flint for service line replacements. He neglected to mention that Michigan is currently giving 130 million gallons of our groundwater to Nestle while only charging them $200/year when they make over $300 million/year from our public resource.
We could certainly fix the water mains in Flint much faster if Nestle was charged an equitable fee for their water withdrawal. He has yet again neglected to include the full costs of fixing Flint in the 2019 budget, allowing for this crisis to continue and be passed on to his successor. While he may be leaving the state with a projected "rainy day" fund of $922 million, he is also leaving our state with our own version of Katrina with a cost to fix of $1.2 - $4 billion.
Feb 13, 2018

Phoenix, AZ — At their recent state meeting (Saturday, January 27, 2018), members of the Arizona Green Party (AZGP) endorsed five of their candidates for the 2018 Election. The candidates are:
Dec 11, 2017

December 11, 2017 – The final day to file objections to candidate ballot access petitions has passed, and the Illinois Green Party slate for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Board of Commissioners went unchallenged. Your Illinois Greens will be on the ballot in the March 20, 2018 primary election!
The slate of candidates representing the Illinois Green Party will be:
Nov 21, 2017
Chicago is famous for its "machine" system: elected or appointed officials control massive, taxpayer-funded administrations full of jobs and contracts, which are handed out to keep supporters loyal come election time. Whether those jobs and contracts actually benefit the taxpayers, or address critical civic issues...that's not really the machine's concern.
It's a terrible way to run a city -- and Greens are fighting to change that. We're running a hard-hitting, issues-focused campaign against Chicago's famously corrupt sanitary district Board of Commissioners.
Nov 07, 2017

MARQUETTE, MI -- The Green Party of Michigan has renewed its support for a moratorium on metallic sulfide mining in the state.
At a recent membership meeting in Marquette, the party agreed the proposed Back Forty Mine in Menominee County would poison the region’s waters. In April the Department of Environmental Quality issued Aquila Resources a water discharge permit for the 83-acre, open-pit mine.
Nov 06, 2017
The proposed Back 40 Mine will poison Menominee County waters, Greens agreed at a recent State Membership Meeting for the Green Party of Michigan (GPMI) held in Marquette.
"The Back 40 Mine would involve sulfide ore mining only 60 to 100 feet from the Menominee River and would create an 83-acre open pit mine over 750 feet deep as well as 152 acres of tailings," says Aimee Cree Dunn, a GPMI officer from the Upper Peninsula. "It will impact not only the land and waters of the U.P., but also those of bordering Wisconsin."
Nov 01, 2017
Sep 05, 2017
Wayne County activists launch bids for office
(FLINT, LANSING, DETROIT) 08/29/2017 - Anita Belle and Jennifer V. Kurland will tour the state on Wednesday, seeking the nomination of the Green Party of Michigan in a pair of statewide contests. The pair will hold press conferences in Flint, Lansing and Detroit, where Belle will announce her candidacy for U.S. Senate and Kurland will announce a run for Governor of the State of Michigan.
Aug 16, 2017

Here's Why to Vote for Jules
The campaign to elect Jules Mermelstein to the Pennsylvania Superior Court is thrilled to announce that thanks to the efforts of volunteers across 44 counties, he will be on the ballot for the November 7, Pennsylvania General Election.
More than 4,300 Pennsylvania voters submitted their signatures for the campaign to nominate Jules for Judge. On Friday, July 28, nearly double the signatures needed to place Jules Mermelstein on the ballot were submitted. None were challenged over the following days.