Clean Water

Excerpt from our platform

Water is essential to all forms of life. The Green Party calls for an international declaration that water belongs to the Earth and all of its species. Water is a basic human right! The U.S. Government must lead the way in declaring water a fundamental human right and prevent efforts to privatize, export, and sell for profit a substance that is essential to all life.

We face a worldwide water crisis. According to the United Nations, more than one billion people lack access to safe drinking water. If current trends persist, by 2025 as much as two-thirds of the world's population will be living with a serious scarcity of water. Multinational corporations recognize these trends and are moving fast to monopolize water supplies around the world. They argue that privatizing water is the best way to allocate this valuable resource, and they are scheming to have water declared a human need so that it can be commodified and sold on the open market ensuring that the allocation of water will be based on principles of scarcity and profit maximization.

We do not agree. With water sold to the highest bidder, the rich will have plenty while the poor will be left with little but polluted water. Short-term profits will preclude any concern for long term sustainability. We must stop this privatization before the infrastructures become so established that it will be impossible to avoid a disaster of epic proportions.

Jesse Johnson, Mountain Party of West Virginia 2010 Gubernatorial Candidate


On Wednesday, August 16th, the Kaper-Dale for Governor campaign announced that Milltown and Newark, two New Jersey cities, has equal to or higher water lead toxicity levels than Flint, Michigan. The event where this announcement was made was held at the NJ Department of Environmental Protection in Trenton, New Jersey. Workers and passersby stopped to witness and join the rally. Workers also sympathized with the protest, but cited their lack of resources as a reason for the problems.

"There is another kind of violence these first weeks of August than what we saw in Charlottesville. The violence of silence. Silence regarding a public health crisis in Newark and Milltown that also threatens all of us," said Seth Kaper-Dale in his speech.


When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary to act on global warming and dissolve our dependence on fossil fuels, a decent respect to the opinions of others requires that we should declare the causes which impel us to the dissolution.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that the burning of fossil fuels is a leading contributor to climate change. As a result of our addiction to fossil fuels, extreme weather, melting ice caps and glaciers, global sea level rise, diminishing food and water supplies, forced migration, and damage to public health threaten the world’s populations.


RICHMOND, VAThe Green Party of Virginia leadership strongly condemns the decision made by President Trump, and announced June 1.

Having charted a new course in the global climate effort, this international agreement brings all nations into a common cause to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects.


According to Food and Water Action Fund's (FWAF) recently released assessment, it demonstrates that New Jersey Green Party gubernatorial candidate Seth Kaper-Dale has the most environmentally friendly platform out of those candidates who chose to answer the survey.

According to FWAF, only one of the candidates from the two dominant parties scored as well as Kaper-Dale. "Despite several requests, presumed Democratic frontrunner Phil Murphy did not complete the survey, leaving open questions about his positions on several key issues. The survey was not returned by any of the Republican candidates, including leading contenders Kim Guadagno and Jack Ciattarelli.", their website stated.


Part of the cure to the materialism and greed that rules our country and state is nurturing the gifts of nature with which we are blessed. I don’t envy the expensive properties owned and extravagant galas held by Goldman Sachs oligarchs and corrupt political bosses. I pity them for dismissing what our beautiful world has to offer. They ignore the Earth’s needs, and they desecrate its abundance.


Just a last minute reminder about Our Water, Our Land, Our Elections Lobby Day at the Capitol in Austin on Friday March 24.

You can come anytime between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm to Room E2.002 to pick up materials and visit with your legislators. Note cell service is iffy in the Capitol Extension, but you can try to reach kat at 210-471-1791 (txt best) if you get lost.

St Louis – Standing Rock remains an ongoing threat to clean water and indigenous rights.

Yet, it is only one of many pipelines. The self-proclaimed "pipeline crossroads of the world" at Cushing OK is the starting-point for the Diamond Pipeline. It is a disaster in the making, with hundreds of earthquakes every week.


FLINT, Mich. – Green Party members from Genesee and Shiawassee Counties gathered last Saturday for the inaugural meeting of Vehicle City Greens. This new local chapter of the Green Party of Michigan covers both Genesee and Shiawasee Counties. 24 people attended the meeting, which was held at the Flint Public Library on Kearsley St at 11:00 am.


The Green Party of New Jersey stands in strong opposition to the new gas pipeline project proposed by South Jersey Gas.

This pipeline would run 22 miles through protected areas of the Pinelands National Reserve, in sensitive forest areas in Cumberland, Atlantic, and Cape May Counties. The risk the pipeline poses to the environment and human water supplies greatly outweighs any benefit that may come from its construction.