Excerpt from our platform
Water is essential to all forms of life. The Green Party calls for an international declaration that water belongs to the Earth and all of its species. Water is a basic human right! The U.S. Government must lead the way in declaring water a fundamental human right and prevent efforts to privatize, export, and sell for profit a substance that is essential to all life.
We face a worldwide water crisis. According to the United Nations, more than one billion people lack access to safe drinking water. If current trends persist, by 2025 as much as two-thirds of the world's population will be living with a serious scarcity of water. Multinational corporations recognize these trends and are moving fast to monopolize water supplies around the world. They argue that privatizing water is the best way to allocate this valuable resource, and they are scheming to have water declared a human need so that it can be commodified and sold on the open market ensuring that the allocation of water will be based on principles of scarcity and profit maximization.
We do not agree. With water sold to the highest bidder, the rich will have plenty while the poor will be left with little but polluted water. Short-term profits will preclude any concern for long term sustainability. We must stop this privatization before the infrastructures become so established that it will be impossible to avoid a disaster of epic proportions.
Jesse Johnson, Mountain Party of West Virginia 2010 Gubernatorial Candidate
Dec 07, 2016
The North Star: How long have you been an activist?
Diane Moxley: In some ways I have been an activist my whole life, but got more involved when Occupy Wall Street started, in the fall of 2011.
Dec 05, 2016

Cannon Ball, North Dakota (Oceti Sakowin or Council of the Seven Fires Camp) – Today, the people won a major victory in the fight to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). The US Army Corps of Engineers sided with the Water Protectors and refused the final permit that would have allowed Energy Transfer Partners to drill under Lake Oahe. There will be battles ahead but this was another amazing people-powered victory. When people unite, we have power. This time people power defeated big oil and big finance.
Dec 01, 2016

The Jill Stein campaign has been very active in giving support to Standing Rock and Mississippi Stand. Mississippi Stand was the proactive group that were peacefully demonstrating at the site where Dakota Access was boring under the Mississippi River to install their rusty leaking oil pipeline.
Nov 27, 2016

November 26, 2016 – It was a sorrow-filled so-called "Thanksgiving" at Standing Rock as the Indigenous peoples and Water Protectors kept their vigil against the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) in spite of unspeakable police violence. There were unrelenting assaults against the human rights of these peaceful demonstrators.
And frankly, there was nothing to be thankful for except the courage of the Earth and Water Protectors as well as others engaged in peaceful protest.
Nov 16, 2016

Statement from the Winona County Green Party at Today’s Standing Rock Solidarity Rally
The Winona County Green Party stands in solidarity with the Water Protectors at Standing Rock, and we are honored that the Winona-Dakota Unity Alliance has given us the opportunity to speak today. Together, we give voice to the voiceless - the water and air that sustains us. We are here to defend the rights of nature - the rights of water and air to remain clean and pure.
Nov 09, 2016
Lena Buggs elected to the Soil and Water Conservation District in Ramsey County
Sharon LeMay elected to the Soil and Water Conservation District in Anoka County
Nov 06, 2016

The indigenous water protectors and land defenders at Standing Rock are on the front line of the #NoDAPL struggle. They have issued a call for solidarity, support, and supplies, and the Stein/Baraka campaign and the Green Party of the United States has answered the call. Green Party co-chair and Stein/Baraka staffer Andrea Mérida Cuellar and Dawn Neptune Adams, an indigenous woman from the Penobscot tribe and member of the Maine Independent Green Party executive committee, and several members of the Colorado Green Party arrived in Standing Rock on Friday, November 4, to support the encampment and direct actions of the water protectors.
"Colorado Greens gathered crucial supplies to support the front line water defenders, from pepper spray remedies to food to warm winter clothing," said Cuellar. "Among us is a union teacher, Peggy Robertson of United Opt Out and a Green, who with her son Sam is rebuilding and restocking the camp school and will teach, in the style of Oaxacan teachers. We are all standing at the ready to serve and take full direction from the Indigenous leaders on the ground," she added.
Nov 03, 2016

Join the Green Party of New Jersey from 7 PM until the election is called on November 8, 2016 for an evening of celebration and planning at 290 Chestnut St, Newark, NJ. We will eat, drink and cheer the enormous inroads the Green Party is making to establish a viable third party, one that will shatter the duopoly of the Republican and Democratic parties--two sides of the same battered coin.
For the first time, Jill Stein is on the ballot in 45 states, with write in status in another three, for voter access in 48 states. Jill is a fearless but reasoned voice for economic fairness, climate change mitigation, equitable treatment for all and a foreign policy based on waging peace, not war. Her ideas resonate with many not counted in polls--who will make their voices heard on November 8.
Oct 29, 2016
Photos: Cindy Trinh / Activists of New York
The Stein/Baraka campaign and the Green Party of Brooklyn are organizing a march to show solidarity for our indigenous brothers and sisters fighting for their lives at Sacred Stone Camp. Join our march to Hillary Clinton's HQ in Brooklyn to rebuke her deafening silence about the violence and repression happening in North Dakota.
We are meeting at 494 Fulton St, Brooklyn, NY 11201 (Albee Square, at the corner of Bond and Fulton) at 11am and will march up Fulton St to Clinton's campaign office at 300 Cadman Plaza W, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Oct 10, 2016
Indigenous Peoples' Day arrives at a crucial moment this electoral season, as the inspiring indigenous-led movement at Standing Rock continues to draw attention to how the U.S. government systematically violates the rights of Native Americans. Unlike the Clinton and Trump campaigns, we are committed to respecting treaties with Native peoples and transforming the nature of this colonial relationship.