Single Payer


The Health Care section of the Platform of the Green Party opens with the following statement.

The Green Party supports single-payer universal health care and preventive care for all. We believe that health care is a right, not a privilege.

Our current health care system lets tens of thousands of people die each year by excluding them from adequate care, while its exorbitant costs are crippling our economy. The United States is the only industrialized nation in the world without a national health care system.

Below are articles and press releases detailing support for single payer from the national, state & local parties, and our candidates.



For those of you who have followed my decision to run for governor and wondered about my journey from pastor to politics, I invite you to check out the video below produced by Corin Lea Pankow.

Some are concerned that a person who has held a leadership position in any religious community is somehow dangerous for politics. I appreciate the concern but I hope I can persuade said people to see that an ideology of liberation, justice & communalism is what grows out of my faith tradition. These things are key to a political revolution--and a revolution is what is needed in New Jersey and in this country.


Corporate Parties Unable to Address the Crisis

Richmond, VA –  The Green Party of Virginia calls for a Medicare type healthcare system for all Americans. At a time when our legislators from the two corporate led parties have demonstrated the inability to adequately address the crisis before us, we call for a federally administered single-payer health care program. Universal single-payer health care means comprehensive coverage for all Americans as a right of citizenship.


Green Party of New York Newsletter

With news of Trump's airstrikes in Syria continuing the destructive US policy of permanent war around the world, it is even more important for Greens to gather, learn from each other and get stronger. We have many opportunities to do just that in the coming months.

In This E-blast:


With the country once again debating the future of health care, activists rallied Tuesday in Albany, NY in support of a bill that would create a universal, publicly-financed health-insurance plan for all New Yorkers.

Dan-Platt-announcement.jpgRallygoer and Green Party candidate for Albany Mayor Dan Plaat believes having a state single-payer plan in place would have a positive impact on local economics. "It reminds me a lot of the anti-fracking movement. Each year the rally gets a little bit bigger. More partners are made and more people catch on to the necessity and the importance of this issue in getting this law passed, this piece of policy done."

The New York Health Act has passed twice in the Assembly, which expects to pass it again for the third year in a row. Assembly Health Committee Chair and bill sponsor Democrat Dick Gottfried says support for universal health care is growing with the public and in the state Senate, where it is co-sponsored by nearly half of all senators.


Instead of tweaks for Obamacare, Greens urge big push for Medicare For All: Everybody in, nobody out, pay less, live longer

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Green Party leaders called on Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.-Ind.) to introduce a bill in the U.S. Senate for Single-Payer national health care (Medicare For All) and to drop the idea of legislation for a public option to be incorporated into the Affordable Care Act (ACA).


Cleveland OH: The Green Party of Ohio has observed with interest the false "debate" that has occurred in Washington DC and in statehouses around the country.

We realize that the "Affordable Care Act", better known as Obamacare, is a flawed law that has never lived up to the promises the Democratic Party talked about during its passage.


HAWAII ISLAND, 15 February – One of the 10 Key Values of the Green Party of Hawai'i is single payer or universal healthcare for all. It is also uniformly supported by international Green Party organizations. The Green Party of Hawai'i gives its enthusiastic support and endorsement of SB1269 and HB129 as currently before the Hawai'i State Senate and House. In addition, the Green Party of Hawai'i is joining with other persons and groups seeking to promote state-based universal health care in Hawai'i and protect Hawai'i's independent healthcare planning agency, the Hawaii Health Authority, which the Ige administration and powerful legislators are trying to abolish.


Albany – The Upper Hudson Green Party (UHGP) stands in solidarity with the workers of IUE-CWA Local 81359 on strike at the Momentive Performance Materials (MPM) plant in Waterford, NY. Noting the absolute greed of Leon Black, billionaire chair of Apollo Global Management – which controls MPM – in refusing to negotiate in good faith and instead hiring inexperienced scab workers who have presided over deadly chemical spills every 2.6 days, the UHGP called for a fair contract for the IUE-CWA workers. UHGP officers also noted the power of collective action and class struggle by workers and community members fighting against the corrosive effects of inequality and environmental assaults in late capitalist society, and the need to pass pro-labor legislation and radically transform society.