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June 9, 2022 – The Green Party of New York gubernatorial ticket decried today the objections filed by Democrats against their independent nominating petition.

“We are not surprised that the objections were filed by Nassau County minions of the chair of the Nassau County and State Democratic committees, Jay Jacobs. Jacobs has been on a crusade to wipe the Green Party off of New York ballots. I don’t want to hear anymore hypocritical crocodile tears from anti-democratic Democrats like Jacobs about Republican attacks on voting rights. Party suppression is a form of voter suppression. It’s what authoritarian governments do. It is what Jacobs and the Democratic Party are doing,” said Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor.

  • North Carolina Will Have A Voice For Working People This November

Grassroots petitioners, volunteers, and staff of the North Carolina Green Party and the Matthew Hoh for Senate campaign have made history by collecting almost 22,000 signatures in 96 counties to qualify the Green Party for the ballot – the first time since its founding that the North Carolina Green Party qualified for the ballot through running a successful petition drive. 

On April 19, members of the Green Party of New York began soliciting the 45,000 voters’ signatures they need to gather in 42 days by May 31 to place the party’s gubernatorial ticket of Howie Hawkins for governor and Gloria Mattera for lieutenant governor on the ballot. Thanks to Democratic legislators who tripled the signature and vote requirements for ballot access at the urging of then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo as part of the state budget package in April 2020, New York now has one of the most difficult independent nominating petition systems in the nation and the world.

ALBANY, NY – Have you seen the news? Howie Hawkins and Gloria Mattera, the team that won us our ballot line in 2010, are back!

They’re running as a ticket for Governor and Lieutenant Governor on a Green Ecosocialist Platform - and they need your help!

Quentin Rhoades, an attorney for the Montana Green Party, argues in a 2018 court hearing in Helena over whether the party's candidates should remain on the ballot. Photo by 

A federal judge in Helena has ruled that the Green Party will be on Montana ballots in 2022, following an appeals court ruling in November that nixed a portion of the state’s law setting out qualifications for minor parties.

Matt Hoh, who hopes to get on the November ballot as the North Carolina Green Party’s candidate for U.S. Senate, canvased Elizabeth City on Saturday for signatures from registered voters. Hoh needs 14,000 signatures by May 17 to get on the ballot. Robert Kelly-Goss photo

A former U.S. Marine and State Department diplomat who served in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars is hoping to get on the November ballot in North Carolina as a Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate.

To make the ballot, however, Matt Hoh first needs to get the signatures of 14,000 registered state voters.

In 38 years, there have been only eight successful attempts by minor parties or independent candidates to collect the tens of thousands of signatures required by Indiana law to guarantee a spot in state elections, according to a new lawsuit by the Indiana Green Party and Libertarian Party.

The lawsuit, which was filed Thursday in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, says minor parties and independents face "substantial or severe burdens" because of Indiana's "unconstitutional" rules governing how they can qualify for state races.

  • Making Missouri Green Again!

The Missouri Green Party is hard at work "Making Missouri Green Again!" to regain ballot access for the Green Party in Missouri.

Check out our Ballot Access Petitioning Guide, then download the PDF Petition Form to start collecting signatures in your community!

Questions? Contact us here.

LAWRENCE, KS – The Kansas Green Party bill to reduce the number of signatures required for official party recognition has been introduced in the House Elections Committee as House Bill 2578! The next step for us to get our bill passed is to get a hearing on the bill and convince the committee to vote to pass the bill out of committee!

Passage of our Ballot Access Reform Bill will be a game-changer for the Kansas Green Party! After a successful petition drive, it will allow Kansas voters to register as Green and it will allow us to nominate our own candidates if we petition under the new law. We need your help to get our hearing and a favorable vote from the committee!

We all know that Maine is peculiar in all sorts of ways, so it should be no surprise that we are out on an island in terms of the way we allow access by political parties to our ballots:

“Maine’s statutory scheme is almost entirely unique in the nation,” says Oliver Hall, legal counsel for the Center for Competitive Democracy, “in that the only way to become a ballot-qualified party is to have enough enrolled members.” 

Specifically, you need to launch your political party and get to 10,000 members within two elections. Before recent legal revisions, it was even worse: You had to have 10,000 enrollees actually vote in that election! 

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