Green Party Candidates Speak Out Against SCOTUS Rulings
Michigan Green Party gubernatorial candidate, Jennifer V. Kurland (Redford, MI), expressed dismay Wednesday over several key rulings handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States. Kurland said the decisions are among the worst ever made by the Court and reflect the opinions of the conservative ideologues who make up the majority.
"By ruling that anti-abortion health clinics have no obligation to fully inform women of their legal healthcare options, the majority on the Court have placed so-called free speech of the clinics over a woman's right to know," Kurland said. "Healthcare for women, most notably women of color, in our country is woefully insufficient and the maternal death rate in our country is already one of the highest among first world countries."
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"Abolish ICE"
Hawkins Denounces Supreme Court decision upholding Muslim Ban
Will Join the NYC Protest on June 30 To Support Immigration, Reunification of Families
Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, denounced Tuesday’s 5-4 Supreme Court decision upholding the so-called Muslim Ban “as yet another action of a rogue Supreme Court that puts reactionary political beliefs ahead of the facts and fundamental constitutional rights.”
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Anthony Beckford stands on the frontlines against Trump's Family Separation Policy
State Assembly Candidate Anthony Beckford's Statement on the Inhumane and Racist Immigration Policy of Separating Children from their families by the Trump Administration.
(Monday, Brooklyn, NY) Let me start of by stating first, my sincerest apologies to the families and to the children for them having to go through this traumatic experience.
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Greens on the Public Service Commission
Hawkins Calls for a Green to be Appointed to the New York Public Service Commission
Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, said today that a Green Party member should be appointed to fill the vacancy in the Public Service Commission (PSC).
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Oregon Needs Green Leadership
It is time for radical change in Oregon. Our current leadership has ensured a standard of living for Oregonians that is good, but it isn’t enough.
Oregonians are seeing the game being played. The two corporate-controlled parties have divided the state in half, with a strong libertarian and conservative Republican base in the East and a socially progressive Democratic monopoly through the Willamette Valley and I-5 corridor. Greens seek common ground as a starting point to broker peace and unity to protect our ecosystems.
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Howie Hawkins Live Press Conference at 11:30 AM
I'm on the road to Buffalo with Howie and GPNY Comptroller Candidate Mark Dunlea as I write this, and wanted to let you know we'll be livestreaming our 11:30 am news conference there on Facebook Live. We're going to talk about the flagrant corruption behind Cuomo's "Buffalo Billion" that is finally coming to light in the courts, and then we're going to visit community groups across the city to ask if they have seen any evidence that the Buffalo Billion has met its promises to benefit the region.
Also, did you see that our Lt. Governor Candidate is featured in an amazing Indypendent article on the fight to save and equitably fund public schools? Definitely a must-read:
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Why I'm Running
James Robert Deal is the Green Party of Washington candidate for U.S. Senate.
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Support GREEN TEAM 45!
Baltimore, MD – As the Democratic primary nears, more and more people, including our elected officials, will start acting like this election is almost over. Not true! Green Team 45 will carry this campaign all the way through to the general election in November and we want to make sure everyone knows it, because people deserve to know they have a meaningful choice beyond whoever wins this primary.
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Help Hawkins fight the media greenout
I need your help to bust through the media "greenout." Please take a few minutes to write a letter to the editor of your newspaper or to the producer of a news or public affairs broadcast you watch urging them to cover the Green campaign.
You can pick a policy you like that I am advocating and say Howie Hawkins deserves coverage for it. See my platform for policies.
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Anthony Beckford for State Assembly
Congratulations to Anthony Beckford for securing the Green Party of Brooklyn endorsement for Assembly District 42!
Anthony's endorsement was approved by the GPBK Membership at our recent membership meeting, per GPBK's new endorsement process. Congrats Anthony on all your work so far, and we're looking forward to helping you get out your message! Anthony will appear on the ballot in November as the Green Party candidate.
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