Green Candidates to Call for Social Ownership of Economy, Democratic Socialism
The Green Party candidates for Governor and State Comptroller, Howie Hawkins and Mark Dunlea, will hold a news conference in Albany on Friday, July 13 to call for a variety of democratic-ownership initiatives, including a public bank, public ownership of the energy system, public broadband utility and worker cooperatives.
Howie Hawkins, a long-time member of the Socialist Party as well as the Greens, will discuss the upsurge in support among political candidates for democratic socialism.
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Please Help NY's True Progressive
New York is primed for a true progressive. But to lift off, we need to get the word out about Howie Hawkins. And for that, we need your help. Now.
Please contribute a donation today – of $50, $100, $250 – whatever you can afford. Please help Howie get to his goal of raising $25,000 by July 12.
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Kurland and Davenport Renew Commitment to Literacy Education After Judge’s Ruling
Michigan Green Party candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Jennifer V. Kurland and Charin H. Davenport, renewed their campaign’s promise to provide all students in Michigan with the tools to succeed in a state economy that is diverse and complex. Fair and equitable funding of Michigan’s public schools is a cornerstone of their “Green New Deal for Michigan” that will ensure classroom teachers in high poverty districts will be equipped and empowered to give their students the same opportunities that exist in other districts.
Over the course of several decades, researchers have consistently reported that students are better able to learn in classrooms with new textbooks, up-to-date technology, a safe learning environment, and a lowered student-to-teacher ratio.
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#FamiliesBelongTogether #AbolishICE No Ban On Stolen Land
Come out 1:00 pm on Saturday July 14th to protest against Trump and his racist ignorant immigration policies. We'll be at the corner of Flatbush and Church Avenue in Brooklyn, NY.
Trump and his administration have been committing gross acts of violence against our Immigrant communities and against asylum seekers. He has called Caribbean Islands such as Haiti and others a shit hole, as well as various African nations. He has ICE harass and violate the rights of those who live in our communities and have separated many from their families.
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Ian Schlakman Calls for Abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Ian Schlakman - Green Party nominee for Governor of Maryland - calls for the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and for an end to detention and deportation proceedings by all federal agencies.
"The separation of families from their children and the detention of thousands of migrant children is only the latest example of abuse committed by federal policy," said Schlakman.
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Brian White withdraws
It is with great sadness that I announce that I am permanently suspending my campaign for State Senate. My responsibilities in fighting for the rights of people with disabilities to live in the most independent setting possible has not allowed me to put forth the effort needed to sustain a campaign that is worthy of the voters of the 55th District.
Voting is important as part of an overall strategy to achieve things we all deserve: universal health care, reversing climate change, dismantling systemic racism, and more. Please keep this in mind this November. Vote for the candidate you feel will best fight for these things. If there isn’t a candidate you feel will do this, please write-in a name to show that you choose “none of the above”.
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Madelyn Hoffman and Diane Moxley Campaign Launch Fundraiser
Please join us on Saturday July 7 at 3:00 pm at Crossroads Bar And Grill, 78 North Avenue in Garwood New Jersey for an evening of Green Party speakers and the official launch of our Green Party candidates, Madelyn Hoffman for U.S. Senate and Diane Moxley for Congress.
Madelyn Hoffman has been one of the state's leading voices for peace. She served as the Executive Director for New Jersey Peace Action for 18 years.Madelyn is also a strong advocate for the environment. She is running against machine candidates who continue to fuel the United States imperialist policies. Find out more about Madelyn.
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Howie Needs $7k in 7 days
Syracuse, NY – We need your help to raise an additional $7,000 in the next 7 days – or $1,000 a day.. We have to file our first financial report with the State Board of Elections based on how much we have raised by July 12.
This would bring Howie Hawkins’s fundraising total to $25,000 – behind where we were 4 years ago, but a respectable number for a third party candidate, especially in light of the media "Green Out" he has been facing. Fundraising is the prime thing that most of the media covers. They use it to justify the coverage they give – or don’t give - to the various candidates.
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July 4: Green Party Says it is Time to Declare Independence from Fossil Fuels
As New York suffers through a prolonged heat wave this July 4, the Green Party candidates for Governor and State Comptroller reminded New Yorkers of the need to declare independence from fossil fuel companies.
The Greens said that New York should become the second state after Rhode Island to file suit against the oil and gas companies for the damage they are causing by driving global warming. New York City has already filed suit. They added that New York should become the first state to commit to halt all new fossil fuel infrastructure and commit to transitioning to 100% clean energy and net zero carbon emissions by 2030.
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Connecticut Greens Endorse Candidates in 2nd Congressional District
MANSFIELD, CT — At a special meeting held on June 30 at the Mansfield Public Library, Green Party members residing in Connecticut's 2nd Congressional District nominated Michelle Louise Bicking of Tolland to run against incumbent Representative Joe Courtney in the November elections.
Ms. Bicking is a first-generation West Indian American who heads Hidden Acres Farm, a nonprofit organization which provides workshops on food and environmental justice, supports women of color in agriculture, and promotes industrial hemp as a viable agricultural product. She is a licensed clinical social worker and also holds a Master's degree in Public Administration.
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