The Corporations Behind Hoyer
Quid pro Quo - Something for Something
So far during this election cycle Steny Hoyer’s campaign committee has raised $3.1 million and his Political Action Committee has raised $2.9 million. Of course, Rep. Hoyer doesn’t have to spend this money to get elected. He typically receives two out of every three votes cast. Instead, he’ll sprinkle the money throughout the party to candidates who are eager to serve the corporations mentioned below.
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Joe Manchik Sets the Record Straight
Columbus, Ohio – My position and that of the Green Party of the United States and the Ohio Green Party on MS-13 is nonviolence, which is one of our Ten Key Values.
International conflicts like MS-13, ISIS, Al-Qaeda and American funded Terror States like Saudi Arabia and Israel are the result of a failed American geopolitical policy, in regards towards human rights in a globalized corporate driven military power. The United States involvement in foreign countries is solely for corporate gain and at the expense of the native citizens of these countries.
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Our 4 inaugural Green candidates need your support!
Have you been following the news about our HISTORIC Green Party candidates? I'm checking again to make sure you know about the North Carolina Green Party's (NCGP) four amazing candidates who will be in November's general election. Keep reading to sign up to volunteer for our candidates, to donate to the NCGP's fundraising drive, and to learn about our candidates, including how to donate to them directly and where to follow them on social media.
This is a historic year for the North Carolina Green Party! Not only did we win ballot access for the first time, but we're also running our first Green Party candidates on our new GP ballot line. We are the only left-wing political party to be on the NC ballot since the 1980s!
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We need your help for a Green Pennsylvania!
Thanks to the fine efforts of more than 100 petition volunteers, I have filed to appear on the November 6 ballot and step into the debates with other candidates.
As the Green Party of Pennsylvania candidate for Governor, I will raise big issues on the big stage – debating corporate party candidates about fracking, mass incarceration, green jobs, organic agriculture (including marijuana), expanding healthcare to everyone, funding education that inspires a love of learning, and more. Greens offer specific policy proposals that restore grassroots control of land, law, and money to benefit ecology and justice. Here are some of my proposals.
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PFAs Across Michigan - A Growing Crisis
A growing crisis across Michigan is the growing number of communities affected by these toxic chemicals. When Jennifer Kurland first started doing research on where these chemicals were showing up statewide, there were 8 counties affected and from her recent research this number is now up to 28.
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Meet & Greet Paula Overby in Manchester, NH
Meet & Greet Paula Overby, Minnesota Green Party endorsed candidate for US Senate!
Paula Overby, the Minnesota Green Party endorsed candidate for US Senate, and native of New Hampshire, will make public appearances, and be available for interviews, in Manchester, New Hampshire on Sunday, August 12, and in Portsmouth and Rochester, New Hampshire on Monday, August 13.
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NY-21: Green Party congressional candidate shares her Farm Bill fix
MALONE — Green Party candidate for Congress Lynn Kahn says if farmers do not get more help from the government, many will not survive. She is offering a detailed plan to improve the state of farming not only in the North Country, but across the country.
“The 2018 Farm Bill is a weapon aimed at family farming and especially dairy farms,” Kahn said during a visit to the Franklin County Fair in Malone Tuesday.
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Vote No on MO Proposition A
Make sure you go out to vote in the August 7th primary election in Missouri. Conon Gillis explains why you should join him and Vote No on MO Proposition A. See you all at the polls!
Conon Gillis for Missouri State Senate, District 32
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Latinx Caucus endorses Angel Torres
On August 5th the Steering Committee of Latinx Caucus of the Green Party of the US approved the endorsement of Angel Torres for Governor of Arizona.
Angel is one of the founders of the Latinx Caucus and a long time labor and Green Party activist. He has worked tirelessly for nearly two decades to build the Arizona GP and has served in several leadership roles including as co-chair of the state party.
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