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Green Party Candidates Speak Out Against Prevailing Wage Repeal

Green Party candidate for Michigan Governor, Jennifer V. Kurland, said today that eliminating the prevailing wage in Michigan places skilled trade workers in jeopardy at a time when they are needed most. The ramifications, she added, will be long term and negative. "For a party who touts fiscal responsibility as a key value, Republican lawmakers in Lansing certainly didn't make a fiscally responsible decision for our state on Wednesday," Kurland said. Continue reading


Thank you to The Jimmy Dore Show for having me on your show today! It was great talking about our historic election here in the Los Angeles' 34th Congressional District and how we have a very winnable race especially if we make it to the General Election in November as one of the FIRST Greens in LA! In District 34 of Los Angeles, 1 out of every 5 families are living below the poverty line and don't have health insurance. Families are working 50, 60 hours trying to survive so that they can decide whether they can put food on the table, a roof over their children's head, or if their child can go to school. Students cannot afford to go to college or they leave college without jobs and end up in tens of thousands of dollars in student debt. Continue reading

Time for a Change!

As you know, Tuesday, June 5th is election day. If you have already voted, THANK YOU! Taking back our government, starts by making sure that all of our voices are heard on election day. If you haven’t voted yet, I’d like to tell you about myself and why I am running to represent the 29th Congressional District. I was born and raised in Sun Valley by Mexican immigrant parents, attended LAUSD schools, earned a BA in Political Science-Public Administration, and obtained an MA in Organizational Leadership. I am a Board Member on the Sun Valley Neighborhood Council, where I faithfully served two terms as President, one term as 2nd Vice President, and one term as 1st Vice President. Continue reading

It isn't easy being a Green Party candidate in a Democratic Party town

On the Muppets show in the 1970s, Kermit the Frog sang, "It's not easy being green." It isn't easy being a Green Party candidate. There are advantages and disadvantages. I was a Democrat until 2001, at age 50, I registered to vote with the Green Party. Greens value people, planet and peace over profit. Leaders in the Democratic Party do not. Continue reading

Radio interview with Green congressional candidate

Green Party of New York Congressional Candidate Steve Greenfield will be a guest this afternoon on the Jimmy Buff Show. Greenfield will be laying out the major themes of the campaign, making it clear why he believes this will be the most intellectually honest Congressional campaign. Continue reading

Crime Fighter Enters Race for Pennsylvania Governor

"Jobs fight crime better than jails do," said Paul Glover, the Green Party candidate for Governor of PA. "We can fully employ the next ten generations of Pennsylvanians by rebuilding our cities in balance with nature." Glover said, when he is elected Governor, he will establish a Green Labor Administration (GLAD) and a PA State bank, which will invests tax revenue and pension funds to accelerate this job-creation process.The Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) has nominated Paul Glover to be its 2018 candidate for Governor. The Green Party Platform calls for a "transition to 100 percent renewable energy by 2050, with at least 80 percent achieved by 2030, using wind, solar, ocean, small-scale hydro, and geothermal power." The Green Party will "create an inclusive program to train workers for the new, clean energy economy, focusing on both the environment and social justice, and prioritize the creation of green jobs in communities of color and low-income communities." Continue reading

Green Party Family Court Activist Seeking Ballot Access For State Representative

Glastonbury, CT – May 8, 2018 – Green Party of Connecticut member and Glastonbury resident Monica Szymonik will be collecting signatures in her district to attain ballot access for this year’s November 6 election in her run for Connecticut State Representative, District 31. Mother, wife, author, dedicated family court reformer and health freedom activist, Monica has united with parents to isolate and remedy the systemic problems plaguing the justice system’s dysfunctional approach to the custody of children in divorce cases and the resultant socio/psychological fallout they can face as they grow--as a nutritionist/health coach and proponent of the afflicted’s right to pursue alternative remedies that work for them over the insurance-sponsored pharmaceutical model, this is an issue of which she is acutely aware. Continue reading

State Senate Candidate Brian White Posts Opponent's Finance Reports to Highlight Calls for Election Reform

(Rochester, NY) -- To go along with his recently released platform plank on electoral reform, candidate for State Senate, Brain White posted the last 2 years of campaign finance reports filed by the incumbent in the 55th district, Rich Funke. The links for both the platform plank and Funke's finance reports can be found below. Continue reading

Sussman To Seek Green Party Nomination For New York State Attorney General

Michael H. Sussman, an attorney from Orange County, proudly announces that he is seeking the Green Party nomination for New York State Attorney General. Sussman is a 1978 Honors Graduate of Harvard Law School and has been one of the Hudson Valley's most prominent civil rights and trial lawyers since the 1980's when, as lead counsel for the Yonkers Branch of the NAACP, he helped end racial segregation in the City of Yonkers public schools. Continue reading

Hat, Meet Ring.

"What I've been telling kids for some time now is, first, register to vote, and second, as soon as you're old enough, RUN FOR SOMETHING." — Frank Zappa, 1986 I am seeking the nomination of the Pacific Green Party for Oregon's 3rd Congressional District. I'm running not because one of my favorite musicians said so; rather, in the four years I have lived in Portland, I have come to love this city and this state. However, I have also seen failures, major shortcomings, and straight-up hypocrisies from our (largely) Democratic leadership. Continue reading