Green Party calls for a cutoff of aid to Saudi Arabia, citing carnage inflicted on Yemen with U.S. arms

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party is calling for an immediate cutoff of aid to Saudi Arabia and for intense diplomatic pressure to halt the Saudis' war in Yemen. "Saudi Arabia is using weapons purchased from the U.S. in a campaign of indiscriminate killing in Yemen, with mass civilian casualties, including children, and attacks on medical facilities," said Robin Laverne Wilson, New York Green candidate for the U.S. Senate. "The Green Party demands a halt in aid to Saudi Arabia until the war on Yemen ceases and the Saudis stop arming violent movements in the Middle East and observe human rights in their own country." Continue reading

Wrap-up of the 2016 Green National Convention

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- At approximately 3:30 p.m. CT on Aug. 6 during the Green Party's 2016 national convention, Greens chose Jill Stein and running mate Ajamu Baraka to be the party's presidential and vice-presidential nominees. Dr. Stein was nominated after receiving a majority of votes in the first round of voting. She received 239.5 out of 293 total votes (81.7%) cast by Green delegates from across the U.S. Continue reading

Final schedule of events for media at the Green convention in Houston, Aug. 4-7

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party will livestream the 2016 Green presidential nomination (Aug. 6) and other events at the Green Presidential Nominating Convention, set for August 4 to 7 in Houston, Texas. A final schedule of events open to media is appended below.Viewers can watch the livestream broadcasts on the Green Party's YouTube page. Portions of the convention, including the nomination, will also be aired on the Green Party's Facebook page. Continue reading

Updated schedule of events for media at the Green convention in Houston, Aug. 4-7

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Dr. Cornel West and YahNe Ndgo will be among the keynote speakers at the Green Party's Presidential Nominating Convention, set for Aug. 4 to 7 in Houston, Texas.Ms. Ndgo and Dr. West, former supporters of Bernie Sanders, will speak on Saturday, Aug. 6, before the nomination takes place. An updated schedule of convention events for media, including the nomination and several press conferences, is appended below. Continue reading

Greens welcome former Bernie Sanders supporters after his endorsement of Hillary Clinton

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party is calling on voters concerned about the environment and the dire threat posed by climate change to "Go Green in 2016."The invitation is published in an open letter written by Margaret Flowers and James Lane, Honorary Co-chairs of the 2016 Green Party Presidential Nominating Convention. Continue reading

Green Party joins lawsuit for inclusion in the presidential debates

Contact for the "Level the Playing Field" lawsuit: Alexandra Shapiro, 212-257-4881, [email protected] Green Party 2015 Annual National Meeting in St. Louis, Mo., July 23-26 WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party of the United States has joined in a lawsuit filed in a federal district court in Washington, D.C. on Monday alleging that third-party and independent candidates have been illegally excluded from the televised presidential debates in general elections. Continue reading

Information for media covering the Green Party's 2008 National Nominating Convention in Chicago, July 10-13

WASHINGTON, DC -- Organizers of the Green Party's 2008 National Nominating Convention are encouraging journalists who intend to cover the event to register at the Media Credentialing web page. The convention, titled "Live Green, Vote Green," will take place July 10-13 in Chicago Continue reading

Victories for McKinney, Nader in four Green primaries on Super Tuesday

Results by state for Green primaries in Arkansas, California, and Illinois; Massachusetts results forthcoming Widespread voting irregularities hinder Greens in Illinois WASHINGTON, DC -- Results from the four states where Green Parties participated in the February 5 Super Tuesday primaries show a landslide for Ralph Nader in California (61%) and a lead among candidates for Cynthia McKinney in Arkansas and Illinois. The office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, responding to an inquiry, said that his state doesn't post unofficial results, and will not announce the numbers until absentee and overseas ballots are counted. Some early returns from Boston and a few other cities show a near tie for Mr. Nader and Ms. McKinney, with Mr. Nader slightly ahead by a few votes, but too inconclusive to call. Continue reading

Greens: Tactical retreat by pro-Democrat fake antiwar lobbies is setting back the peace movement

Substituting goal of electing Democrats for goal of immediate US troop withdrawal will lead to more war, say Greens WASHINGTON, DC -- Green Party leaders called on Americans who oppose the Iraq War to rebuff an agreement among pro-Democratic 'antiwar' lobbies to scale back pressure to end the war. ", Americans Against Escalation in Iraq, and other groups have decided that passing legislation in Congress that does nothing to end the war makes their favorite Democratic candidates look better than demanding action to end the war quickly," said Jason Wallace, Green candidate for the US House in Illinois' 11th District and active member of Iraq Veterans Against the War. "The big myth of the 2008 election is that Democrats are the antiwar candidates. In reality, a vote for a Democrat is a vote for a longer occupation in Iraq and possibly a war with Iran." Continue reading

Greens back Indian Trust lawsuit against Interior Department over billions in broken obligations, mismanaged funds, and appropriated natural resources

WASHINGTON, DC -- Green Party leaders and candidates expressed support for an ongoing class-action lawsuit to force the US Interior Department to account for billions of dollars owed to Native Americans since the late 19th century. "Since the 1880s, the US government has failed to make good on its promise to provide Native Americans payment for mining, oil and gas extraction, timber, and grazing on their homelands. It's time for the US to reverse hundreds of years of broken treaties and stolen resources, account for the breach of Indian Trust obligations, and restore honesty," said Rodger Jennings, Green candidate for Congress in Illinois (12th District) <>. Continue reading