Green Party of Michigan State Membership Meeting
Please join us for the State Membership Meeting of the Green Party of Michigan on October 7 in Marquette!
Saturday, October 7, 20178:00 AM – 9:00 PM EDT
Marquette Township Community Center1000 Commerce DrMarquette, MI 49855
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Michigan Greens Oppose Push for Hunting of Sandhill Cranes
The Green Party of Michigan has come out in opposition to Michigan State House Resolution 154, which urges the opening of a recreational hunting season on sandhill cranes.
GPMI's consensus decision matches its opposition to a similar proposal for hunting mourning doves, which voters rejected by over 2-1 in a 2006 referendum.
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Green Party of New York Calls for Single Payer Health Care; Climate Action; A Ban on Plastic Bags; and Mass Transit Funding
The Green Party of New York State announced its four top state legislative priorities for 2018: enact a statewide single payer universal health care program; enact a Green New Deal to promote full employment and accelerate the transition to 100% clean energy; provide $40 billion or more in funding for mass transit in NYC and statewide; and enact a statewide ban on plastic bags.
The Party will continue to support a broader legislative agenda, including pushing for campaign finance and political reform, criminal justice reform, immigration (DREAM Act) and equal rights, local government revenue sharing, and affordable housing.
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Running Black: 21st Century Politics in America featuring Ajamu Baraka
Our keynote speaker for the Green Party of Minnesota launch of the Black and Brown caucus and panel on Running as a Black candidate in todays current political culture will be former Green Party Vice Presidential Ajamu Baraka with our very own Samantha Lee Pree-Stinson as our host!
We are so excited to start launching a Green Party Black and Brown Caucus, come learn more!
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Latinx Caucus is seeking new members
The Latinx Caucus of the Green Party of the United States is seeking all interested Latinx Greens to join our national group so that we can solidify our mission, build a meaningful Green Latinx movement and identify allies.
At our annual meeting we elected a steering committee but currently have openings for additional steering committee members. In addition we have established an email list and a Facebook page.
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Green Party of Virginia State Meeting
The Green Party of Virginia will hold a state meeting on May 13 in Afton, Virginia. The meeting begins at 1:00 pm and ends at 5:00 pm. It will take place n the Rockfish Community Center in the George Washington and Jefferson National Forest. The street is address is 190 Rockfish School Lane, Afton VA 22920.
For those wishing to attend remotely, we will be using an online video conferencing service with full two-way audio and video. Information on how to join the meeting remotely will be provided before the meeting. You will need access to broadband internet, a computer, speakers or headphones/earbuds, and a microphone to participate remotely.
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Green Party of Tampa will march against Monsanto
Do you wonder sometimes if you eat a paprika or strawberry because it taste the same. You buy a tomato plant and cannot grow a new plant from its seeds. Most likely it is a modified organism from Monsanto or Bayer who want you and farmers to buy every year new seeds from them.
This is a crime on nature. Bring them to court
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Arizona General Membership Meeting
The Arizona Green Party (AZGP) invites all registered Green Party voters & guests to attend our next General Membership meeting
Lunch will be provided. Please register/RSVP using the Eventbrite link:
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Green Party of Virginia Summit Summary
We had a very productive and agreeable meeting on Sunday, and I wanted to give you a quick summary of what was achieved.
First, many people requested a link to the video that we began with, on wealth inequality in America. This can be found here:
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September news from Brooklyn
First, the Green Party of Brooklyn wants to congratulate Jabari Brisport for winning the contested Green primary for City Council District 35. Check out our press release from Friday!
And now for some great Green Party of Brooklyn events
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