If you have news / photos / videos about local Green activity, please contact [email protected]

Confronting Islamophobia

The Green Party's Coordinated Campaign Committee has released a briefing paper titled "Islamophobia: Another Social Construction of Racism". The paper is intended to be a guide for use by Green candidates and activists. Join the authors of this paper to learn more about Islamophobia and how Green Party candidates and activists can combat it through policy, advocacy, and community-building. The briefing paper recently published by the Coordinated Campaign Committee on Islamophobia is the result of a collaboration between Hugh Esco and George Friday, and synthesizes months of research on the subject. Continue reading

We need your help TODAY to re-elect a local Green

We need to tell you about Rebecca Rotzler, who currently serves as Deputy Mayor of the Village of New Paltz, NY and is seeking reelection tomorrow on May 2nd. In her first term, Rebecca started an Affordable Housing Committee, which drafted a much more fair Affordable Housing Law for the community; Rebecca also instituted a procurement policy where textile purchases made by the Village government must be union and American made. Continue reading

2017 New Jersey State Green Party Convention

Join the Green Party of New Jersey for our annual statewide convention! Breakfast & Lunch will be provided both days (gluten-free, vegan options). The convention will take place at Mara's Continental Cuisine located at 3602 RT-35, South Amboy. Continue reading

Stand for immigrant and workers' rights

I am writing to invite you to join me – and global citizens across the planet – in standing for immigrant and workers' rights this May 1st, International Workers Day. I encourage you to find and join an action in your community to help show the world that people everywhere are uniting for people, planet and peace over profit! Continue reading

May Day Statement from the Illinois Green Party

May Day is a hugely important holiday where working people celebrate how far we have come and reflect on what labor rights we still have yet to get recognized. In addition to going to a march or rally today, please consider donating $40 to the Illinois Green Party in honor of the 40 hour work week that was won by working class troublemakers like us a century ago! Continue reading

Join fellow Greens at Saturday's March in DC

Green Party members will be marching in the People's Climate Movement March for Jobs, Justice and the Climate march in Washington, DC on Saturday, April 29th. Greens from the District of Columbia, Virginia and Maryland have designated the National Building Museum (401 F Street NW) as the gathering point and then line-up in the "Builders of Democracy" between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. The march will begin at 12:30 p.m. and will take us by the Capitol building and White House before ending at the Washington Monument. Continue reading

Media & Social Media Webinar

We can't compete unless we know how to use news media & social media to promote the Green Party, Green candidates, and Green ideas.All those interested in developing a media presence for their state or local Green Party or for a Green candidate should tune in to the April 25 Media Webinar. Continue reading

Help Us Reach 100 Members for Accreditation!

The Disability Caucus is aiming to achieve full accreditation by the Green Party in time for the 2017 Annual Meeting in July. Part of the accreditation process is demonstrating that we have at least 100 members from over 15 states. In our efforts to try to reach that 100/15 threshold, please fill out this form if you self-identify as a person with disability and intend to become a member of the GPUS Disability Caucus. Continue reading

Green Party Supports Climate March

The Green Party of the United States' (GPUS) Eco-Action Committee strongly supports the Climate Marches scheduled around the United States on 29 April, 2017. Our members will be marching in support all around the country, especially in Washington, DC itself. We encourage everyone to march on behalf of sound science and our shared climate, which is in crisis. Continue reading

Great News from the Illinois Green Party

As the Illinois Green Party gears up for the People's Climate March and May Day in just two short weeks, we have a very important announcement: A generous Green is matching donations up to $2,500! Whether or not you will be in the streets protesting, demonstrate your commitment to Green Party values by donating today. Your donation goes twice as far when you use this link to donate in the next few weeks during this matching campaign. Checks and money orders mailed to the address at the bottom of this message will also be matched. Continue reading