Green Party of Colorado Unveils 2025 Colorado Workers Agenda
Denver – The Green Party of Colorado (GPCO) in the lead up to the upcoming legislative session has announced its 2025 Colorado Workers Agenda, a comprehensive plan aimed at improving the wellbeing and livelihoods of Colorado residents.
Our agenda calls on the state legislature and governor to implement five key policies:
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Green Party of Colorado statement on the 2024 election and beyond
The Green Party of Colorado is pleased to see the growing support for the Green Party both nationally and among the voters of Colorado. Nationally, Jill Stein was the top finisher among the minor parties, getting as much as 18% support in some cities. In Colorado, Jill Stein is currently in 3rd place among Denver County voters and support for the Green Party’s nominee across the state grew by nearly 50% over 2020 results with more ballots left to report. We believe these results show the rising appeal of our peace and climate focused platform, which prioritizes people over profits.
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Pennsylvania Green Party candidates: "It's worth the effort"
GREEN STAR, the monthly publication of the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA), asked two state-wide Green Party candidates for their thoughts on the 2024 election.
Leila Hazou was the Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate. She owns a small business in Pike County. Hazou’s primary issue was a call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. She campaigned for equal rights for all working people, especially women and LGBTQ, and an end to racism.
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Transgender Day of Remembrance 2024
Each year, on November 20th, the Green Party of the United States joins in honoring and recognizing Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR). TDOR is a worldwide event with the goal to raise awareness about discrimination and violence directed against transgender, intersex, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming people.
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Is Illinois Undermining Our Democracy?
That's a question that deserves a good answer. We deserve a party that truly represents the will of the people. When citizens overwhelmingly want a ceasefire, an arms embargo, universal health care, a living wage and so much more, why doesn't it happen?
The answer shouldn't surprise you. The Democrats and Republicans drastically tilt the playing field. They've effectively closed the door and refused to give voters a real choice!
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Maryland Green Party Thanks its 2024 Candidates
The Maryland Green Party is proud of the performance of its 2024 candidates and thanks the candidates and all their volunteers for their hard work and positive campaigns. In partisan races, Renaud Brown won nearly 10% of the vote in his campaign for Baltimore City Council District 14. Nancy Wallace won nearly 2.5% of the vote in her campaign for U.S. House of Representatives, District 8.
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What's Next for the Green Party
No one on this email list is happy with the election results. But there's no time to mourn - there's a lot of work to do. There are still multiple genocides happening around the world, no one with any power is taking climate change seriously, and meanwhile, at home we still have kids in our own community hungry and homeless. No. Our job is not nearly over.
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2024 Post-Election Assembly: Sunday Nov. 17
THANK YOU to everyone in Texas who voted, donated, posted on social media, and/or volunteered for our Green Party of Texas candidates.
We did not get the election results we wanted for the Stein/Ware campaign, but we achieved over 2% in Texas, extending our ballot access and giving us the opportunity to build toward 2028 and beyond! Thank you to Eddie Espinoza, our Railroad Commissioner candidate who got 2.75% in his statewide race, and thanks also to GPTX Cochair Aly Schmidt, Eddie's campaign manager & strategist, who put in many long hours all over the lone star state.
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How do we truly honor our veterans?
We will see ads everywhere touting big savings on Veterans Day. Phrases like "thank you for your service" and "freedom isn't free" will blanket social media. But what about the actual people that served? Why are so many veterans homeless and unwell? Suicides are incredibly high in the veteran community. Have you ever asked yourself why? Why has our country given lip service to vets and not actually cared for them? We owe them much more than words and the once a year free meal at a local restaurant.
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Green Party Challenges Hochul and Democrats to Stand up to Trump
Urge Hochul To Immediately Sign Climate Superfund, Protect Immigrants
The Green Party of New York called upon Governor Hochul to begin delivering on her promise to stand up for New Yorkers after Donald Trump’s election by signing key climate legislation including the Climate Superfund bill and restarting congestion pricing.
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