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Welcome to the December 2016 issue of the Sunflower Seed! In this issue you will find several exciting updates on issues Greens have lobbied on, information on a new Green local, and hear about Greens in the national spotlight. Enjoy! We need YOU to become a sustaining donor!

It's never too late to become a monthly sustaining donor. Giving as little as $5 monthly, or as much as you can, will help us hire staff to coordinate the new influx of volunteer requests! Anything helps! Sign up here: Become a Sustaining Donor


On this shortest day and longest night of the year, the Green Party of Texas brings you Green Tidings.

Greens Abroad

Two weeks ago, after a new election was held in Austria following a challenge to the vote results in May, the first Green President in the world, Alexander Van der Bellen, was (re)elected. His win of both elections demonstrates Greens' ability to successfully impede the efforts of “far-right" forces re-emerging across the First World. But what about the integrity of the electoral process in our country?


As we approach this traditional Harvest Holiday, we contemplate the gratitude and love for our community that motivates us to work toward a world in which considerations for people, peace, and planet are placed above profit in our social priorities.

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