"COVID-19 has exposed how poorly prepared the U.S. healthcare system is to handle an epidemic,” said Green Party National Co-Chair Margaret Flowers, who also serves on the Board of Advisors to Physicians for a National Health Program. “We've missed the window for containing the virus through screening, testing and monitoring infected people and their contacts — as they did in China, South Korea and other countries. And so we can expect millions of cases.” Flowers also warned that “getting ill in the United States carries the extra burden of potential financial ruin. We need to move to a National Improved Medicare for All health system and paid medical leave as rapidly as possible."
The Green Party stands for Medicare for All | Green Party platform plank on Health Care
Oct 27, 2020

The Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings do not support the so-called “Lesser Evil” argument. In fact the sham of a SCOTUS confirmation absolutely underscores the necessity for us to build a mass party independent of Wall Street power which can actually organize and lead millions to fight back. The party of labor and ecology that we need would be calling upon and organizing workers and unions to strike, protest and truly resist the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett. This is the kind of mass party that we desperately need today. Instead, we have two ruling parties that do the opposite – they both organize in meeting rooms to put down labor resistance and militant protests.
Oct 07, 2020

After all these months and 210,000 deaths, you’d think I’d be used to it all, but I’m not. It doesn’t seem even a little normal yet. I’m still full of absences, missing so much I used to take for granted: hugs and handshakes, rooms crowded for funerals and weddings, potluck dinners and house parties. I miss browsing the stacks at the library and the racks at the thrift shop. I miss going to our Unitarian Universalist congregation and the robust community connection we enjoyed every Sunday.
Oct 07, 2020

Trump should just resign. He should get out of the way of the public health officials who are telling us how to slow the spread of COVID-19, the health care providers who are trying to heal the sick, and the military and business managers who could quickly put together a plan under the Defense Production Act to produce and distribute needed medical resources to where they are urgently needed.
Trump had reports in January from the intelligence community and public health officials that the pandemic was coming. He told the American people that it was a Chinese problem, that it was another impeachment hoax, that it will disappear like a miracle. His late, deceitful, and misdirected response amounts to negligent homicide.
Sep 23, 2020

On the first day of virtual school, only a handful of Franca Muller Paz's students logged into her Spanish class. Many just didn't have a way to get online as they isolated at home, the coronavirus pandemic unplugging them from their educations.
As a public school teacher, Muller Paz had an unvarnished view of Baltimore's inequities long before COVID-19 hit. Even when she could teach students in person before the pandemic struck last spring, her classrooms didn't always have functional heat.
Sep 21, 2020

PHILADELPHIA – With a 5-2 Democratic majority, the PA Supreme Court ruled on 9/17 that Green Party Presidential Candidate Howie Hawkins, would be taken off the PA ballot for the General Election. This overturned a previous ruling by the PA Commonwealth Court.
In response to this loss, by the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA), Co-chair Alan Smith (Chester) lamented, "All the hard work we did, being forced to petition during a pandemic, risking our lives and the lives of others, over 30 volunteers painstakingly reviewing our petitions line by line, thousands of dollars spent in lawyers fees, and the courts still manage to kick two of our candidates off the ballot, one of them a queer, working class Black woman".
Sep 17, 2020

Saying 2020 has been an unusually challenging year is an understatement as the onslaught of environmental, social and health crises fill our daily lives.
California's recent lightning-sparked wildfires have brought the 2020 tally to well over 2 million acres of land burned and have forced tens of thousands of residents from their homes amidst a pandemic in full swing. We must acknowledge that this is the result of decades of destructive environmental policies dictated by the fossil fuel industry and a deep disregard for the Indigenous Nation's ancestral fire management practices for sustainable land stewardship. For centuries, Native nations of California have naturally managed small "good" fires in order to prevent devastating ones like the SCU Lightning Complex Fire and the currently raging Mendocino National Forest fire.
Sep 07, 2020

Workers in 2020 have a unique opportunity to vote to put two fellow workers in the White House. Howie is a recently retired Teamster and Angela is a dump truck driver. We know the economic realities that working people face in the United States. This Labor Day we call for a better class of people in the White House than the corporate crooks and flunkies that have been occupying it.
The COVID pandemic and economic collapse have highlighted the race and class inequalities in our society. With more than 35 million jobs lost, millions have lost their employer-connected health insurance in the middle of a pandemic. COVID-19 deaths are disproportionately afflicting working-class people, particularly Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people. The case for universal healthcare through a publicly-funded Medicare for All has never been stronger.
Sep 03, 2020

Como candidata a vicepresidenta del Partido Verde quiero expresar mi solidaridad con la comunidad latina que está siendo afectada de una forma especialmente dura por la pandemia del COVID-19.
Es necesario exigir al gobierno de Donald Trump poner en práctica medidas urgentes para apoyar a las minorías del país
Como candidata a vicepresidenta del Partido Verde quiero expresar mi solidaridad con la comunidad latina que está siendo afectada de una forma especialmente dura por la pandemia del COVID-19. Es necesario exigir al gobierno de Donald Trump poner en práctica medidas urgentes para apoyar a las minorías del país.
Sep 03, 2020

MARSHALL, Mi – The South Central Michigan Greens local will celebrate Labor Day in Marshall with a Labor History Walk starting across from the VFW Hall on East Michigan Avenue at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 12.
Local co-founder John Anthony La Pietra of Marshall will lead the walk between two American Labor Landmarks. The route also links several other sites of special significance in this election year thrown into chaos by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Aug 18, 2020

SYRACUSE, NY – Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for President, said today that Democratic Party efforts to prevent him and VP nominee Angela Walker from being on the ballot was voter suppression that rivaled the more well-known efforts of Trump and the Republicans to undermine democracy .
The Greens cited Democratic Party efforts seeking to block Green opposition from the ballot this year in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Montana. The Greens have sued over ballot access in several states. Five third parties have sued Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York state over recent laws seeking to eliminate them. Most states have rejected calls to reduce ballot access requirements this year despite the pandemic making it extremely dangerous and unsafe to collect petition signatures in person.