We are grateful to Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker for carrying the Green Party in 2020 as our nominees for President and Vice-President

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"This debate is a fraud”

COLUMBUS, Oh –  As the League of Women Voters noted in past presidential debates, when the two corporate parties demand control of the process and have a contract with each other rather than allowing for free and open debate, the debates become a “hoodwinking of the American public.” Of tonight’s debate between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden, Green Party presidential candidate Howie Hawkins said, “I consider this debate a fraud. This debate isn’t sponsored by an independent organization, the Democrats and Republicans have a contract with each other. They have veto power over moderators. This isn’t a debate, it’s a farce.” Continue reading

Howie Hawkins to campaign in Ohio on Tuesday, September 29

Livestream Response to the Trump/Biden Presidential Debate at 11:00 p.m. Columbus News Conference11:00 a.m., Capitol Square outside the Ohio State House, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus Cleveland Protests of Presidential DebatesProtest for Black Lives and Climate Justice, 5 pm to 8 pm, Wade Oval, 10820 East Blvd., ClevelandProtest of Debate Exclusion, 5 pm to 8 pm, outside Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Continue reading

Hawkins on voter suppression

Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins blasts Dems for voter suppression The Green Party is under attack by the Democrats in multiple states. Green Party Presidential Candidate Howie Hawkins sits down for a deep dive interview with Clayton Morris on Morning Invest. Continue reading

Hawkins says Supreme Court nomination should wait until after the election

Wants to overhaul the anti-democratic nature of the court Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for President, said that while the nomination of the new Supreme Court Justice should wait until the next presidential term, it was also important to reign in the powers of the court, which he described as "an unaccountable, unelected super-legislative council of lifers." Continue reading

Hawkins to hold news conference on Wall Street to call for stock transfer tax

Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for President, will speak in favor of a federal Stock Transfer Tax in front of the New York Stock Exchange, 11 Wall Street, at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, September 18.Hawkins, a three-time gubernatorial nominee for the Greens, has long advocated that New York stop rebating the century-old state stock transfer tax to Wall Street speculators and use the funds to invest in domestic needs, such as saving local governments, climate mitigation, workers, small businesses, school and hospitals. Hawkins will march over to City Hall at noon to speak about the state’s fiscal crisis, with Cuomo imposing a 20% cut in aid to local governments and schools. Hawkins will call on de Blasio to support the Stock Transfer Tax and urge Cuomo to do so too. Continue reading

Greens denounce Wisconsin Supreme Court decision

(SYRACUSE, NY - September 14, 2020) Green Party nominees for President and Vice President, Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker, rejected the decision handed down earlier today by the Wisconsin Supreme Court, to deny placing them on the November 2020 ballot. The Green Party has been on the ballot in Wisconsin for every presidential election since 1996. Several years ago, the workers of Wisconsin occupied the state capitol building with shouts of "this is what democracy looks like." Angela Walker mobilized her Milwaukee transit workers local union into that defense of workers' rights. Unfortunately, today, the state Supreme Court demonstrated something completely different from what most people consider to be democracy: a choice on their ballot. Continue reading

Greens demand ballot decision today

(SYRACUSE, NY - September 14, 2020) The Green Party candidates for president and vice-president are demanding that the Wisconsin Supreme Court put them on the ballot today. "The court should have made a decision by now. We want a decision today to put us on the ballot. We want the absentee ballot process to proceed without further delay," said Howie Hawkins, the Green presidential candidate. Continue reading

What the Dems aren't telling you about Wisconsin

Well, we finally made the mainstream media, but while 2016 was all about slandering Stein/Baraka as Russian assets, this year it's that Howie and Angela are tools of the Republican Party that are denying people in Wisconsin their absentee ballots. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Green Party's track record as being the party of election integrity is clear. We are the ones regularly pressing for integrity from elections authorities around the country. We are the ones pushing to replace bad voting machines with auditable paper ballots and ending voter suppression via racist voter ID laws and party suppression. Continue reading

Hawkins campaign blasts Democrats' manufactured crisis in Wisconsin

SYRACUSE, NY – Today the Wisconsin Supreme Court ordered that absentee ballots should not be mailed until it decides whether to place Green Party candidates Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker on the ballot. The Court will review the actions taken by the Democrats on the Wisconsin Election Commission in keeping the Green candidates off the ballot. The Court is seeking additional facts to make a decision in this critically important case involving voter choice. "The courts are right to be skeptical of this manufactured delay caused by the Democrats," said campaign manager Andrea Mérida, "Had the Democrats on the Elections Commission avoided violating basic due process at the hearing, we would not be in this position. Instead, the hyper-partisan Democrats on the commission denied our campaign the right to present evidence and should have dismissed the challenge from the beginning because our campaign followed the commission staff's instructions to the letter regarding Angela Walker's address change." Continue reading

Hawkins press secretary and activist, Kevin Zeese, has passed away

The Hawkins/Walker campaign is very sad to report that our Press Secretary, comrade-in-arms and brother, Kevin Zeese, passed away last night. He was 64 years old. “I lost a friend. All of us lost a prolific, tireless, and principled advocate and activist for peace and justice. My condolences go out to his partner, Margaret Flowers, also a committed activist, his family, and the many people whose lives were enriched by Kevin and his work,” Howie Hawkins said. Continue reading