A Green New Deal for workers
Workers in 2020 have a unique opportunity to vote to put two fellow workers in the White House. Howie is a recently retired Teamster and Angela is a dump truck driver. We know the economic realities that working people face in the United States. This Labor Day we call for a better class of people in the White House than the corporate crooks and flunkies that have been occupying it.
The COVID pandemic and economic collapse have highlighted the race and class inequalities in our society. With more than 35 million jobs lost, millions have lost their employer-connected health insurance in the middle of a pandemic. COVID-19 deaths are disproportionately afflicting working-class people, particularly Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people. The case for universal healthcare through a publicly-funded Medicare for All has never been stronger.
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Hawkins/Walker announce Green Party on the ballot in Minnesota
Candidates will appear on the ballot as independents in Ohio
Yesterday, the Minnesota Secretary of State confirmed that the Green Party will be on the ballot in 2020. In addition, the Ohio Secretary of State confirmed in an email to Andrea Merida, the campaign manager, that "Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker will appear on the November 3, 2020 General Election Ballot as independent candidates for the offices of President and Vice President of the United States."
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Hawkins releases 12 years of tax returns and asks, where are Trump's?
SYRACUSE, NY – Green Party presidential candidate Howie Hawkins released the last 12 years of his tax returns today."It's easy, Donald Trump. What are you hiding?," Hawkins said.
Hawkins also asked why the Democratic Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, Richard Neal (D-MA), refuses to take advantage of a law passed by New York a year ago that enables Congress to access Trump's New York State tax returns, which closely follow the federal income tax forms in what they report.
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Hyper-partisan Democrats block our ballot access in WI
We wanted to check in and keep you up to date with our latest ballot access developments, because there's a role for you to play!
First, the good news. With your help, we turned in a large excess of signatures over the last few weeks in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota. Since turning in petitions in Iowa on August 15, we have since learned that we're certified for the ballot.
Isn't that great news?
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Wisconsin Democrats knock Hawkins/Walker off ballot, Campaign will go to court
SYRACUSE, NY – The ongoing struggle to give voters more choices continues. Yesterday, the Wisconsin Elections Commission in a partisan 3-3 vote refused to put the Green Party presidential ticket of Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker on the ballot.
The Hawkins/Walker campaign promised to file suit to give voters a choice. "Thousands of voters in Wisconsin signed petitions to put us on the ballot. The Democratic Commission members have committed a crime against democracy by suppressing voter choice. If there is any justice left in Wisconsin, the judge will put us on the ballot," said Howie Hawkins, the Green Party presidential nominee.
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Angela Walker on the election
Our candidate for Vice President @AngelaNWalker breaks down WHAT'S AT STAKE in this election. What are voters asking for in 2020? What is being asked of voters, in this time of crisis? #GreenEnter @HowieHawkins pic.twitter.com/xErr8rdmUT— Green Party US 🌻 (@GreenPartyUS) August 20, 2020
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Hawkins calls for Biden to stand up to the fossil fuel industry
Charges That The Democrats Have Weakened His Initial Green New Deal Proposal
SYRACUSE, NY – Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for President, said today that America needed a true Green New Deal, not the watered-down version that the Democrats have used for branding and from which they are increasingly running away from.
Hawkins, who initiated the call in the U.S. for a Green New Deal in his 2010 campaign for Governor of New York, co-authored an op ed that outlines the history of the proposal. Whatever Happened to the Green New Deal?
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Democrats’ efforts to deny ballot lines to Green Party is voter suppression
SYRACUSE, NY – Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for President, said today that Democratic Party efforts to prevent him and VP nominee Angela Walker from being on the ballot was voter suppression that rivaled the more well-known efforts of Trump and the Republicans to undermine democracy .
The Greens cited Democratic Party efforts seeking to block Green opposition from the ballot this year in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Montana. The Greens have sued over ballot access in several states. Five third parties have sued Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York state over recent laws seeking to eliminate them. Most states have rejected calls to reduce ballot access requirements this year despite the pandemic making it extremely dangerous and unsafe to collect petition signatures in person.
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Hawkins/Walker highlight voter suppression and election theft
Green Campaign Pledges to Ensure All Can Vote and All Votes Are Counted
SYRACUSE, NY: In a statement released today, "Fight for the Right To Vote and To Have All Votes Counted," Green Party candidates, Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker highlighted the suppression of voters that has become part of US politics and pledged to work to ensure that everyone can vote and all votes are accurately counted.
Their statement warns that President Trump is trying to sabotage the election in order to cling to power."
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'A big victory would be 5%': Green party's Howie Hawkins eyes progress
The 'original Green New Dealer' has a message that could attract disaffected Democrats
More than 6 million Americans voted for someone other than Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton in 2016's presidential race, but from the media coverage of the election you would never know it.
In 2020, however, the candidates who are neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump are hoping to change that, and win more of the vote than ever before – and get some hard-earned recognition for it.
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