DC Statehood Green Party: Ward 2 DC Councilmember Evans must resign
Washington, DC -- The DC Statehood Green Party is urging Washington, DC Ward 2 Council Member Jack Evans to resign from his seat immediately. Party members said that, over the course of his tenure, Evans has abused the prestige of the office for personal gain and has a sordid history of engaging in questionable activities that warrant scrutiny.
While Council Members can hold additional jobs, the Rules of Organization and Procedure for the Council of the District of Columbia, R. 202(a) states that "Council members and staff shall maintain a high level of ethical conduct in connection with the performance of their official duties and shall refrain from taking, ordering, or participating in any official action that would adversely affect the confidence of the public and the integrity of the District government."
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PA Green Party Statement in Response to Terror and Violence in Christchurch
The following statement by Green Party of Pennsylvania Co-chair Alan Smith concerns the senseless hate crime committed in Christchurch, NZ, on March 15.Asalaam Alaikum. Peace be unto you.
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Greens oppose Central Maine Power corridor
Augusta, ME -- The Green Independent Party has taken a position opposing a Central Maine Power (CMP) proposal to create a 145-mile transmission line corridor that would deliver electricity from Canada to Massachusetts.
Central Maine Power, which would distribute power provided by Hydro-Québec, has failed to provide evidence that the proposal would reduce climate-changing emissions and has admitted that it does not know what the sources of energy will be.
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Green Party Slams Healthcare and Marijuana Omissions In One-House Budget Resolutions
NEW YORK — Green Party officials said today that while there were some positives in the Assembly and Senate one-house budget resolutions, they did not move far enough or fast enough on critical issues such as healthcare, ending the drug war, and wealth inequality. Party officers said the Legislature needed to ensure it passed crucial legislation this session outside of the budget process, and that the party and its members would continue to press their agenda.
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Green Party Agrees it is Time to Get Rid of Electoral Fusion
Albany - The Green Party of New York agrees with Monday’s decision by the Democratic Party State Committee to ban electoral fusion, though for fundamentally different reasons. Fusion, often presented as a tool to expand democratic choice, is in reality ballot lines-for-hire used to entrench the two-party system and provide political cover for the Democratic and Republican parties. It enables patronage machines that masquerade as small parties and shifts power from rank and file party members to candidates and campaign donors. And it contributes to an electoral arena where it is all but impossible for legitimate, independent third-parties like the Greens to compete. Fusion breeds confusion.
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Green Party of New Jersey Participates in Worldwide Mobilization to Say "No War on Venezuela!"
As part of International Day of Solidarity with Venezuela, a protest will take place at 1 Gateway Center in Newark, outside the Newark Senate offices of Bob Menendez and Cory Booker. The offices are diagonally across from Newark's Penn Station.
The rally will also serve as a send off rally for some of the participants who will be traveling to NYC to participate in the March on Wall Street.
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Green Party Promotes Strong Democracy in PA
PA Governor Tom Wolf (Democrat) and PA Senator Mike Folmer (Republican) have announced proposals to reform Pennsylvania’s antiquated, expensive, and daunting election system. The Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) reviewed these proposals and found that both include some excellent changes which would eliminate obstructions and make voting easier and more accessible. However, both proposals also have some concerning issues and are missing some key elements of a fair and inclusive system.
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Green Party's Working Group on Reparations stands with family of child arrested for not standing for Pledge of Allegiance
On February 4, a black 6th grader in Lakeland, Florida, was arrested in school for not standing for the Pledge of Allegiance.
"The Green Party of the United States Working Group on Reparations stands in solidarity with the demands of Dhakira Talbot, the child's mother, that the charges against her son should be dropped and that the school district issues her and her son a public apology," said Robin Harris, member of the Working Group.
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Green Party members testify at State Senate hearings on climate crisis
New York – Members of the Green Party of New York (GPNY) came out in full force to demand immediate and comprehensive action to address the planetary emergency of climate change at New York State Senate hearings held the week of February 10, 2019. Greens called for the elimination of new fossil fuel infrastructure, particularly the building of new gas pipelines and gas-fired power plants, and moving to a carbon-neutral, 100% clean, renewable energy economy by 2030. They emphasized the need for a just transition for workers and frontline communities most affected by climate change.
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Fukushima, Eleven Years After
Philadelphia, PA – On January 23, two members of the Green Party of United States (GPUS) delivered an open letter and three other documents to Ambassador Inga Rhonda King, president of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNESC). This open letter had been adopted by the GPUS National Committee, and it asked UNESC to listen to and talk with three speakers called by GPUS. At this audience, UNESC could have speakers with views opposing those of GPUS.
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