If you have news / photos / videos about local Green activity, please contact [email protected]

Green Star News and Events from the Green Party of Pennsylvania

15 Elected Greens in PA Office! We had great results for election year 2017. We're gearing up for 2018, including several special elections. If you want to get involved and work with us directly on these efforts, consider volunteering or joining a committee. Continue reading

Green Party of Brooklyn February meeting

The Green Party of Brooklyn is looking forward to a lively discussion of what is important to you as a Green Party member, and how we can organize and engage around those important issues. Nominations and vote for GPBK State Committee representative. Our county delegation has a vacancy due to one of our representatives moving away from Brooklyn. Nominations for the empty seat will be taken at the meeting. If you are interested in being nominated or nominating someone else, please contact [email protected]. You must be registered Green Party in Brooklyn to be eligible. Continue reading

Strategic Planning & Challenging Corporate Rule meetings in New Orleans

Join us on Tuesday, January 30 at 2018's first meeting of the Green Party of New Orleans. Our focus will be on strategic planning. The meeting will start at 6:00 PM at the Mid-City Branch Library in New Orleans (4140 Canal Street). The prospective agenda for the meeting below can be found below. Continue reading

Resisting Militarism, McCarthyism, Deportations

Please join me in Boston this Sunday January 28 at Building Power in Boston & Beyond: Resisting Militarism, McCarthyism, Austerity, Deportations & more. The American empire is teetering at the brink, abroad and at home, where nearly half of Americans are in or near poverty, and 75% are living paycheck to paycheck, struggling in the face of austerity created by a military budget that knows no bounds. Decades of US military and economic domination have generated failed states, worse terrorist threats, and waves of mass migration. Continue reading

Illinois Greens Fundraising for Takeover Attempt in Cook County

The Green Party doesn't often get a chance to run for majority control of an elected body in a single electoral cycle—but that's exactly how the Illinois Green Party is positioned for the November 2018 election in Cook County. With five of the nine seats on Cook County's Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Board of Commissioners on the ballot in November, majority control of the billion-dollar, taxpayer-funded agency is suddenly in play. And as the only opposition party with five candidates filed for those five seats, the Green Party has a compelling case that voters tired of decades-long one-party rule by the Democrats should rally behind the Green flag in November. Continue reading

ICE wants to deport man days after winning award

Just days after winning the Martin Luther King Jr. Humanitarian Award from the Highland Park, New Jersey Human Relations Commission, ICE agents showed up at the home of Harry Pangemanan. He won the award for helping restore 209 houses damaged during Super Storm Sandy. See below for a 2016 report about Pangemanan's volunteer work. Rev. Seth Kaper-Dale, the former Green Gubernatorial candidate, was on hand to document ICE agents knocking on Pangemanan's front door. Continue reading

The Passing of Annie Young

It is with a heavy heart that we have learned of the passing of former Green Minneapolis Park Board Commissioner Annie Young. Annie had always been a pioneering and visionary activist in all the fields she endeavored to enter. Politics was certainly no exception. Annie was one of the very first Green Party elected officials in the state of Minnesota. She had recently retired as one of the longest-serving Green Party elected officials in the entire country. Continue reading

Progress has always come from the streets

Remarks by Illinois Green Party Secretary Geoffrey Cubbage at the March to Shut Down Racism, War & Bigotry, January 21, 2018 "We are here today because we are a party that believes social progress has never come from the halls of power. Progress has always come from the streets. The people who need change most are the people who make change. Continue reading

Philly Greens host a Winter Party!

Come out to Green Party of Philadelphia Winter Party to meet local Greens and celebrate the wins we had in 2017! Hear more about what we’ve been up to and see how you can get more involved. Speakers will include some of our newly elected Greens. Continue reading

Wintergreen Dance Party

Hey Maine-Green Independents, and Anyone that wants to dance and have fun. We are having a fundraising event in Lewiston. Lewiston has the second largest consolidation of Green Independents in the State of Maine. We hope you can come and join us at the Franco Center for our Wintergreen Dance Party and fundraiser ... Fun for all ... If you can make it you will get to show of your stuff on the dance floor, and meet candidates, and other like minded Greens from around the state of Maine. Continue reading