Latest News from the Pacific Green Party of Oregon
Register Now for the Convention May 25th at
Critical news: We have until May 28 to put the Green Party on the ballot in New York - we need DONATONS AND VOLUNTEERS for this final push.
Jill Stein will join us live at the May 25 nominating convention, Jasmine Sherman and other candidates are likely to join live as well. Update on student and alumni organizing for Justice in Palestine. Meet candidates, nominate electors to the national convention August 16-18. Consider running for office - more info at
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Are you running for office as a GREEN?
We'd love to hear about your campaign!
The Green Party of California is proud of the many registered Greens who run for public office to serve their communities through our shared Green values. If you are a Green candidate please contact the GPCA Candidates Committee to let them know about your campaign. We also encourage you to connect with your county Green Party.
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Announcing the GPCA June 29, 2024 General Assembly!
SAVE-THE-DATE: the Green Party of California's General Assembly
Saturday, June 29, 2024 - online
All California Greens are invited to the Green Party of California's General Assembly on Saturday, June 29, 2024. Join us to meet and connect with Greens from across California, attend presentations, and participate in discussions and decisions for our Party.
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PA Greens Oppose Tree-cutting in Philadelphia Park
On May 5, the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) Steering Committee endorsed a public letter to Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker requesting that she end the slaughter of heritage trees in Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) Park. As chainsaw crews level acres of trees in the Park, regional and state organizations, along with environmental experts, convened at the site and delivered a message urging Mayor Cherelle Parker to intervene before the Fairmount Park Conservancy clear-cuts and fills a natural floodplain.
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North Carolina Green Party condemns protest repression
The North Carolina Green Party condemns in the strongest possible terms the violent repression of university protests across the nation, and especially at UNC-Chapel Hill. Students protesting at universities are exercising their right to public dissent from the foreign and domestic policies that oppress people both within and outside of the United States
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Support Wisconsin Green Candidates Petition for Ballot Access
May is an important month in political campaigns, it is the season where candidates and their supporters circulate petitions to get on the ballot. Wisconsin Green Party endorsed candidates Chester Todd and Jo'Nathan Kingfisher need your help. These two candidates need volunteers to help them share their petitions and message.
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Greens Take a Stand with #Ceasefire Movement
from the Illinois Green Party
The Green Party has long stood in solidarity with the struggle for justice and liberation in Palestine. While the arrest of 2024 Green Party Presidential contender Jill Stein has been national news, Greens across the country (including in Illinois) have been joining rallies, marches, teach-ins, and encampments calling for an immediate ceasefire and the end of the current assault on Gaza, which has killed tens of thousands.
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Latest News from the Illinois Greens
Encampments Continue, Illinois Green Ballot Access Team Gears Up!
SPRING 2024!
Here we are ... we made it to May! Can we have a second to appreciate this moment in history? A moment in history where there is alignment, where the power of the people IS being represented!
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Skip the Line at Saturday's Annual Convention
Join us at Green-Rainbow State Convention on May 11, 2024.
When you register by Monday, May 6th you'll be pre-registered. No wait. And we can order enough food!
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North Carolina Green Party Stands in Solidarity with Student Protestors
The North Carolina Green Party condemns in the strongest possible terms the violent repression of university protests across the nation, and especially at UNC-Chapel Hill. Students protesting at universities are exercising their right to public dissent from the foreign and domestic policies that oppress people both within and outside of the United States.
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