Green Party of New York, former presidential candidates Ralph Nader, Howie Hawkins call on Stefanik to resign
The Green Party of New York and about 125 upstate New Yorkers have signed onto a letter demanding Rep. Elise M. Stefanik resign from her seat representing the 21st Congressional District because of her support of Israel in the violence in Gaza.
It's got the support of Ralph Nader, 89, a repeat third-party, then independent presidential candidate from nearly 30 years ago, and his Washington-based group, the Center for Study of Responsive Law.
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Libertarian and Green Parties Both Use Stand-Ins on Ohio Presidential Petitions
Both the Libertarian Party and the Green Party are circulating independent presidential petitions in Ohio. Because neither party has yet chosen national nominees, each is using stand-ins on the petitions. Ohio law explicitly allows stand-ins, who will resign from the ticket when the actual nominees are known.
The Libertarian petition now carries the names of Tricia Sprankle for president and Ken Moellman for vice-president.
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Utahns will see an additional political party on their ballots in 2024
The Green Party of Utah will appear on the ballot in 2024 and 2026
When Utahns receive their ballots for the 2024 and 2026 elections, they’ll see an additional party on there: The Green Party.
The Green Party of Utah announced in a press release that the party received notification from the Utah Lieutenant Governor’s Office that it achieved ballot access. To achieve ballot access, 2,000 registered voter signatures were required.
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Longmont Green Party to host ‘Break The System’ candidate forum Jan. 5
The Longmont Colorado Green Party is scheduled to host a “Break The System” forum for various congressional candidates on Jan. 5. The free, virtual event will occur from 5-6 p.m. online and may be viewed via Zoom.
Those interested in watching can register ahead of time by visiting
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Arizona Green Party makes a comeback
The Arizona Green Party will be able to run candidates on the ballot once again for the 2024 and 2026 election cycles.
Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes announced last week that the party met the signature requirement to qualify after losing their party status in 2019.
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Arizona Green Party Submits 63,000 Signatures on Party Petition
On November 28, 2023, the Arizona Green Party submitted its petition for party status. It had approximately 63,000 signatures. The requirement is 34,116. Assuming the petition is valid, the party will be on the Arizona ballot for 2024 and 2026. In Arizona, when a party submits a petition, it gets the next two elections.
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South Dakota Greens gain accreditation with national Green Party
The South Dakota Green Party announced in a press release on Thursday that it had secured its official accreditation with the National Green Party of the United States.
In the release published on the Green Party of the United States website, Shaun Little Horn, Chair of the South Dakota Green Party, broke the news and expressed his enthusiasm for the new organization, saying that it is "not just a party; it's a promise."
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Missouri Green Party fights for space on state’s 2024 ballot. Will it find favor?
COLUMBIA, Mo. — Outside the bustle of the Columbia Farmers Market, Les Hahn was busy selling registered voters on an alternative political party’s quest to make the Missouri ballot in 2024.
The Missouri Green Party, with none of its statewide candidates winning at least 2% of the vote in 2018 and 2020, failed to make Missouri’s ballot last year.
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SCOTUS Declines to hear Libertarian and Green Parties’ case
May Threaten Third Party Ballot Access in New York State
Libertarian and Green Parties contend that a two-thirds supermajority in New York legislature and no ballot access for third parties makes it a one-party state.
The U.S. Supreme Court has issued a decision to deny the writ of certiorari petition for an appeal brought forth by the Libertarian Party of New York and the Green Party of New York, concluding their legal battle over New York State’s ballot access thresholds. The petition, which was filed on March 13, 2023, sought to challenge the increase in ballot access requirements implemented in 2020.
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Arizona Greens push to regain party recognition and get on 2024 ballot
PHOENIX — The Arizona Green Party is collecting signatures to register as a new party after losing party recognition in the state in 2019. If the party is successful, it will be ballot eligible for the 2024 elections.
Parties looking to qualify for recognition must submit at least 34,127 valid signatures to the Secretary of State’s office by Nov. 30. In order to ensure enough signatures are valid, the Green Party is aiming to collect 70,000 signatures by that date and had collected 41,601 as of Sept. 30.
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