Maryland Green Party Legislative Action Update
The Annapolis legislative session is about half over. There are a number of bills that we are supporting that will promote justice, democracy and the environment. Here is a summary of where they stand in the legislature. Please consider taking action to support these bills.
The Maryland Pretrial Justice Reform Act of 2017 - HB1390/SB880
The cash bail system in Maryland is broken and unjust. It imposes jail time on those who have not yet been tried. Cash bail has a disproportionate impact on black communities and communities of people living in poverty. HB 1390 and SB 880 have the most potential to truly ameliorate the implications of Maryland’s unjust cash bail system, while creating community based alternatives and institutions which provide an alternative to incarceration.
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Maine Greens 2017 Convention
SAVE THE DATE! Our 2017 MGIP Annual Convention that will be held on Sunday, May 21st at Viles Arboretum, 153 Hospital Street, Augusta.
Registration will begin at 9:00AM and we will say farewell at 5:00 PM. A $20 registration fee is recommended, but no one will be turned away. We'll be sharing a potluck lunch, so please bring your favorite salads, appetizers or desserts!
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Issues Confronting St. Louis in 2017
What is meant by "community building" and what does it have to do with crime?
Host Don Fitz and guest Johnathan McFarland, who is the Green Party Candidate for Mayor of St. Louis, discuss causes of crime, including the criminalization of drugs like marijuana and heroin, along with use of body cameras by police and gun control. They explore economic issues such as the use of Tax Increment Financing (TIFs) by the City, a $15 per hour minimum wage, loan accessibility for first time home buyers and jobs and unions. They look at what schools could do to reflect the African American experience and how City policy could reflect needs of people who live in the City.
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February News from Oregon
February 2017 Special Elections Newsletter
Fellow Greens, as this year of 2017 gets underway, I want to say how thankful I am to be entering such a time of opportunity to do good work for our communities, our families, and our common public benefit. Times of challenge galvanize us to be better, and to show Oregon and the nation what "better" really looks like when it goes to work, and with the Pacific Green Party I welcome and thank you for stepping into this vital moment alongside me.
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Utah Greens to meet on Saturday
Join the Green Party of Utah for our monthly meeting this Saturday, February 25th, from 5:00 –7:00 pm at Mestizo Coffeehouse, located at 631 West North Temple in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. We will be meeting in the private boardroom.
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Utah Greens begin ballot access petition drive
The Green Party of Utah petition is available for download! Please join our forum to download the pages. We are circulating this petition in an effort to make the Green Party of Utah a qualified political party in the state of Utah. We must collect 2,000 valid signatures. Typically about 65-70% of signatures are valid, so we will need closer to 3,000 signatures. The deadline for turning in petitions is November 15th.
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Barkenhagen to run for Glens Falls councilman at-large
GLENS FALLS, NY — Downtown retail shop owner and musician Robin Barkenhagen on Friday announced his candidacy for Glens Falls councilman at-large on the Green Party line.
"Being a member of the Green Party, I believe that I can bring a fresh perspective to the issues that we face in the city, while not losing sight of the fact that I need to represent the best interests of our citizens," Barkenhagen said in a press release.
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Sunflower Seed January 2017
Minneapolis, MN – Welcome to the January 2017 issue of the Sunflower Seed! In this issue you will find all of the announced 2017 Green endorsement seeking candidates, meet new staff, and see how Green officeholders around the world are resisting Trump! Enjoy!
We need YOU to become a sustaining donor!
We need your help to maintain our office administrator through the year and beyond! If just 40 people on this email donated $10 a month we would meet our goal!
Sign up here: Become a Sustaining Donor for the Green Party of Minnesota
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Knox County Newsletter
Why We March
On January 21, 2017, just one day after the polemic spewing Donald Trump was inaugurated President, millions of women across the globe came together to send a message. For the past year and a half, the world has watched horrified while he pushed the boundaries of what a person hoping to gain public trust can say aloud. As his racist, sexist, xenophobic, islamophobic hateful rhetoric stepped up, we were appalled. Worse yet was the fact that he seemed to be gaining support. It was this fact that scared us the most. His supporters, emboldened by their numbers, who felt it appropriate to brought us to doubt humanity.
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CCC Webinar: Women Running for Office
This webinar, scheduled for February 28th, is designed for women candidates, and those considering a run for office, to learn more about the challenges and considerations that running as a woman entails. This particular session will feature two Green women who are current and former candidates: Karen Kubby and Cheri Honkala.
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